David W. Schodt

Department of Economics

St. Olaf College

Case Teaching Bibliography

Barnes, Louis B., C. Roland Christensen, Abby J. Hansen, Teaching and the Case Method: Text, Cases, and Readings Boston: Harvard Business School Press; 3rd edition, 1994

Barnes, Louis B., C. Roland Christensen, Abby J. Hansen, Teaching & the Case Method: Instructor's Guide, Harvard Business School Press; 3rd Edition, 1994

Bickerton, Laura, et. al., Cases for Teaching in the Secondary School, CaseWorks, c/o Rich Chambers or Paul Odermatt, Centennial Secondary School, 570 Poirier Street, Coquitlam, British Colombia, Canada, VJ3 6A8.

Boehrer, John. "On Teaching a Case" International Studies Notes, 1994, 19 (2): 14-20.

Boehrer, John, “How to Teach a Case”, Kennedy School of Government Case Program, Case No. N18-95-1285.0.

Boehrer, John and Marty Linsky, “Teaching with Cases: Learning to Question,” in M.D. Svinicki (ed.), The

Changing Face of College Teaching, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no. 42 (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1990), p. 42.

Carlson, John A. and David W. Schodt, "Beyond the Lecture: Case Teaching and the Learning of Economic Theory", Journal of Economic Education, (Winter 1995), pp. 17-28.

Case Research Journal, North American Case Research Association, http://nacra.net/crj/index.php5

Christensen, C. Roland, David A. Garvin, and Ann Sweet, Education for Judgment: The Artistry of Discussion Leadership, Boston: Harvard Business School, 1991.

Clawson, J.G. and S.C. Frey. “Mapping Case Pedagogy,” Organizational Behavior Teaching Review 11 (1986), pp. 1–8

Cusimano, Maryann K. “Why Do You Do What You Do the Way You Do It? Examining Teaching Goals and Teaching Methods," Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University

Desiraju, A. R. and W. Skinner. “Encouraging Participation in Case Discussions: A Comparison of the MICA and Harvard Case Methods.” Journal of Management Education, 25 (4) (August), pp. 394-408.

Dunne, David and Kim Brooks, Teaching with Cases, Green Guide No. 5, Halifax, NS: Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 2004.

Ellet, William, The Case Study Handbook: How to Read, Discuss, and Write Persuasively About Cases Harvard Business School Press 2007.

John Foran, The Case Method and the Interactive Classroom in Thought and Action (the journal of the National Education Association). 2001.(pp. 41-51)

Fratantuono, M. J., "Evaluating the Case Method", International Studies Notes, 1994, 19 (2):34-44.

Golich, Vicky, Mark Boyer, Patrice Franko, and Steve Lamy. The ABCs of Case Teaching. Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University,

Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A. and Joseph P. Kalt, Cases in Microeconomics, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1990.

Herreid, C. F. “What makes a Good Case” Journal of College Science Teaching, (Dec.-Jan. 1997), pp. 163-165.

Holsti, O. R., "Case Teaching: Transforming Foreign Policy Courses with Cases", International Studies Notes, 1994, 19 (2):7-13.

The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching (Volume 13, No. 2) 2002. (Special focus on issues in case method teaching.)

Lang, C., Case Method Teaching in the Community College: A Guide for Teaching and Faculty

Development. (Newton, MA: Education Development Center, Inc., 1986)

Lindenberg, Marc and Noel Ramirez, Managing Adjustment in Developing Countries, San Francisco: ICS Press, 1989.

Lynn, Laurence E. Jr., Teaching and Learning with Cases:A Guidebook, New York:Chatham House Publishers, 1999.

Mingst, K. "Cases and the Interactive Classroom", International Studies Notes, 1994, 19 (2):1-6.

Naumes, William, Art and Craft of Case Writing, Sharpe Reference; 2nd Edition (March 30, 2006)

Ortmayer, L. L. "Decisions and Dilemmas: Writing Case Studies in International Affairs", International Studies Notes, 1994, 19 (2): 28-33.

Rohdes, Carolyn, Pivotal Decisions: Selected Cases in Twentieth-Century International Politics, Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishers, 2000.

Robyn, D. "What Makes a Good Case?” Kennedy School of Government Case Program, 1986, N15-86-673.

Rukstad, M. G. Macroeconomic Decision-Making in the World Economy, Fort Worth, Texas: Dryden Press, 1992

Schodt, David W. “Using Cases to Teach Analytical Skills in International Development” in Lynn M. Kuzma, Jeffrey S. Lantis, and John Boehrer, eds., The New International Studies Classroom, Boulder: Lynne Reinner Publishers, 2000. (pp. 65-76)

Sykes, Gary, “Learning to Teach with Cases”, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 9, No. 2, 297-302 (1990)

Treverton, G. F. Making American Foreign Policy, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1994

Velenchik, Ann, "The Case Method as a Strategy for Teaching Policy Analysis to Undergraduates", Journal of Economic Education, 26 (1): 29-38.

Wassermann, Selma, Introduction to Case Method Teaching: A Guide to the Galaxy, New York, Teachers College Press, 1994.

Welty, W. M. “Discussion Method Teaching” Change, 1989, July/August, 40-49

Wheatley, J. “The Use of Case Studies in the Science Classroom”, Journal of College Science Teaching, 15, 428-431.

Wrage, S. D. "Best Case Analysis: What Makes a Good Case and Where to Find the One You Need" International Studies Notes, 1994, 19 (2): 21-27.

David Schodt

21 November 2008