Woodhouse Players

Committee Agenda

Date: 30/07/15

Apologies received - none

Item 1 – Approving last minutes

Item 2 – Matters arising from last meeting

Item 3 – Feedback from The Tempest

Item 4 – Show update: Little Women

Item 5 – Treasurer’s Report

Item 6 – FOH photos (Closed item)


a) Proposed change to minutes procedure

b) Subs

Woodhouse Players

Committee Minutes

Date: 30/07/15

Present at meeting: Vicky Bettleheim, Steve Cahill-Hayes, Cathy Love, Sarah Fox, James Killeen, Kimber Wright, Andrew Harker, Gill Taylor

Apologies – None.

Item 1 – Approving last minutes

1 Small change made to last minutes.

Item 2 – Matters arising from last meeting

Actions reviewed and to be acted on.

JK to send Publicity doc to GT.

JK to nudge Salley Rear re: Play Reading Pub Nights

SCH to organise PAT testing

SF to create design doc

SCH to ask Conor to upload logos/maps to Google drive so that they are accessible.

Item 3 – Feedback from the Tempest

CL shared the ticket sales etc from the show. The Tempest made a profit

SF shared the written feedback from the cast/crew. Overall feedback was very positive and responses were up. Some re-occurring comments/themes were:

-Publicity needed to be earlier.

-The tech rehearsal was affected by the delivery of the new lights.

-It will be left up to the director as to whether to have a box on the audition form asking whether the person has performed Shakespeare before. – SP workshop? Director/assit director who has done sp?

-Andy reflected that he could have delegated more

-Clarification as to whether someone is an Assistant Director (creative input) or Assistant to the director (admin/etc input)

Item 4 – Show update: Little Women

GT shared her show update with the committee who are happy with the progress being made.

There has been a large donation of costumes to the group – storage of which may need to be negotiated.

Item 5 – Treasurer’s Report

Waiting to find out about ticket sales from Chamber Piece. Tempest made a profit. We may need to do some fundraising for the tracking depending on Chamber Piece profit.

Item 6 – Photos

The committee discussed ownership of the front of house photos and were keen to move away from relying on one person to do a job. It was decided that we will ask Rob not to take Front of House photos unless he is happy with all front of house photos belonging to the group and being accessible by all.

Item 7 – AOB

SF suggested that actions be approved before the next committee meeting. This was approved.

JM asked how long we should wait before not receiving subs before that person has their membership removed. The committee agreed that 3 months after an AGM is acceptable. This means no voting rights, and no bulletins.

For programmes for shows, it might be worth printing externally with a local shop, rather than rely on domestic printers. Large print programmes were a success with Chamber Piece – we should try and stock a few for each show.

SF is the committee liaison for 5 Women.