The Minutes Of The Ordinary Council Meeting of Shipley Parish Council Held On Thursday 29th October, 2015 at The Andrew Hall, Shipley at 7:30pm
166/15Attendance and Apologies For Absence
Those Present:P Baxter, W Beckett,J Coad (Chair),J Emrich, T Hayes, L Lovett, N King-Tours (Vice Chair), S Roggendorff, P Sinton
Also Present:PCSO Julie Green, Lisa Boydell HDC Community Development & Engagement Officer, Cllr A Jupp, Cllr N Jupp, Cllr K Rowbottom andParish Clerk F McNeile.
Apologies: Cllr G De Zoete (Commitment), Cllr G Lindsay (Commitment)
Cllr Coad stated that ‘Due to the nature of matters to be discussed in item 184/15 (Employment Matters), press and public if present will be requested to leave the meeting’
167/15To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation.
168/15Approval Of The Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meetingheld on Monday 21st September 2015
The minutes having previously been circulated were taken as read. Cllr Coad proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a correct record, this was unanimously AGREED.
169/15Matters Arising from Item 168/15 (For information only)
156/15 The Clerk confirmed that after liaising with Debbie Cannons and the insurance company, distances were approved by AVIVA for the Bonfire & Firework Display fund raising event. Bonfire flyers have been distributed in the Parish and letters to local landowners with livestock have been issued as notification of the event. Debbie Cannons has fenced off an area at Coolham Playing Fields and wood is being left for the bonfire in this area. If anyone would like to add to the pile then please do so, but avoid any varnished wood or plastic. The Clerk has volunteered to assist with spectator stewardship and asked the Council to inform her or Debbie Cannons if they are able to help in anyway at the event. Cllr King-Tours volunteered to assist/attend and the Clerk also notified members that any raffle prizes would be gratefully received. The community group have raised £1980.25 through fund raising and donations (£500 is waiting to be cleared into the FOSP account via CAF). These funds are being held in the FOSP bank account. The Clerk has raised a FOSP cheque for £800 which will be used to fund the Bonfire & Firework Display event. Next week the Clerk and the Chairman will try to meet with Debbie Cannons to work through the risk assessment and safety checks for the event.
The Clerk has discussed the re-opening of the gateway along Coolham Playing Field with HDC Planning team who do not think it will present a need to apply for planning permission. However, they have advised further investigation first with WSCC Highways to ascertain their opinion. Planning would be subject to the outcome of that investigation. The Clerk asked Council if she should continue this investigation. Members decided that there was no need to open the gateway. Cllr A Jupp mentioned that bollards need to be sited along the roads to prevent parking.
As an update to funding applications for the Pavilion, the initial application for funding made to the Big Lottery Awards For All had been rejected but the Clerk has spoken to an advisor at Awards For All and has re-submitted the application with further information regarding disadvantaged groups within the community in respect of the Pavilion closure and emphasising the limited amenities in the Parish. The advisor was optimistic about this additional information and there may be notification on this application in time for the next meeting. The Big Society Members Application has been rejected by two members at WSCC as it is felt that the Pavilion is an asset that the Parish Council must precept for and as such does not meet the funding criteria set by WSCC. A peppercorn rental agreement was the suggested solution to this problem and the Clerk is investigating the technicalities of this idea, however, this does seem a complicated funding solution. The Clerk is also in the process of applying for funding from a Groundwork UK for Tesco initiative for community spaces.
157/15 The Clerk will be meeting Manny Singh at HDC on 12th November to attend the paperless planning meeting.
To date, the most popular date for the Away Morning for Councillors is 5th December. The Clerk requested that this be delayed until early January as there are other Council commitments in a relatively short space of time and also the Christmas period to consider. This was agreed by Council.
158/15 The Clerk has advertised the Parish Clean Up on 21st November on the Parish Council website, noticeboards, both parish school parents emails and Shipley Community Facebook page. So far 4 people are confirmed as volunteers and Darren Rolfe has been booked to assist with the Clean Up. The Clerk and Chairman are also working with members of McDonalds on Friday 20th November. Cllr King-Tours, Cllr Lovett (and Father-in-Law) and Cllr A Jupp also confirmed their help. Cllr Rowbottom will work within her road in her own time.
170/15Report from the Police
PCSO Julie Green reported that there were no major problems to in Shipley since her last update. There has been a number of incidents with scam callers posing as the Police or Microsoft or BT requesting transfers of money to accounts.
Operation Magpie is an awareness campaign of burglaries that take place at this time of year. Houses are watched just before dark and those that do not have any lights on are watched for a period of time and then targeted by burglars. There have been some in Horsham already and was a problem this time last year on a wider area.
The Clerk asked PCSO Green to explain to Council the implications of the new Resolution Centre that has been implemented. The Resolution Centre is a telephone and online based function that will provide transparent, accurate information and resolution at the earliest opportunity, increasing public confidence and managing expectations. It will replace the need for officers to attend prearranged appointments so they can focus on emergency calls.
The Resolution Centre will manage demand “differently” to the current methods. At present officers are sent to many incidents and a very large proportion of these could be resolved without deploying a unit. This is where a considerable decrease in demand on our front line will come from. It is anticipated that there will be a reduction of 50% of calls directly to PCSO’s which means that the PCSO’s can deal with the higher priority calls more efficiently.
Cllr Coad asked if there was an update regarding the speeding problems through Coolham. PCSO Green reported that the road from the cross roads at Coolham travelling towards Billingshurst meets the possible criteria for speeding investigations. A representative from Sussex Safer Roads is investigating the cross roads. PCSO Green is still following up the matter. Cllr A Jupp reinforced the concern and dangers of speeding along the road section at Coolham cross roads and asked for more Police support to the Parish Council.
171/15Report from the County Councillor
Cllr A Jupp is very concerned about the Coolham crossroads and the need for the 30mph speed limit to be enforced. The dangers of the A272 are another reason why it is important to have a neighbourhood plan in place. The Clerk asked Cllr A Jupp how the Parish Council could go about campaigning for a safer road programme. Cllr A Jupp suggested contacting a Highways Engineer and residents. Cllr A Jupp may also consult with the same member of Highways who dealt with a speeding signage problem along the Five Oaks Road to see if they can assist the Parish in anyway. The Clerk reported that the 30mph sign is covered by the hedge along the Billingshurst Road and suggested that she write to the landowner to ask that the hedge be cut back.
Cllr A Jupp understands that the Members Big Society Fund was unsuccessful but suggested that an application be made to CIF which would be approx. £2500. The Clerk will complete the application to the North Horsham Committee.
The Clerk asked Cllr A Jupp if any progress had been made with the path funding enquiries via Chris Lyons at Horsham District Council. Cllr A Jupp reported that all S106 have been frozen pending investigations and so it is not available for the path project. Cllr A Jupp will chase up.
Cllr A Jupp suggested that if the Parish Council approached The Andrew Hall regarding installing a projector screen and internet provision then this is something that The Andrew Hall committee would consider as there may be funding available.
Cllr A Jupp also reminded Council that the Footpath Ranger will be visiting the Parish next month. The Clerk confirmed that she had notified Council, had placed a notice on the Shipley Community Facebook page and also asked Bob Philips, David Meadows and Clive Charman if they know of any footpath problems. Feedback has been gained to give to PROW.
172/15Report from the District Councillors
Cllr Rowbottom confirmed the news regarding the Police that the 6 areas covered by the Police have been amalgamated into Horsham, Worthing and Adur. Cllr Rowbottom feels we are very fortunate that Chief Inspector Hodges has been chosen to lead the area due to his good knowledge of Horsham district.
The Horsham District Planning Framework has been signed off as ‘sound’ by the inspectorate and it will be coming to Council on 19th November. If anyone, would like to attend the meeting or speak about the framework then it is open to the public.
Nuthurst Parish Council have had their Neighbourhood Plan approved and Cllr Rowbottom will gain a copy for the Clerk.
Cllr Rowbottom attended the Heart Safe meeting in Horshamwhich heightened the need to have Defibrillators in the district. Cllr Rowbottom was shocked at the high numbers of teenage children who have been identified with heart problems.
Cllr Rowbottom mentioned contacts for winter maintenance plans and can assist the Clerk if grit ‘boxes’ require filling. The Clerk confirmed that the Parish does not have any grit ‘boxes’ at present.
Billingshurst and Pulborough Parish Council are working together and are applying for a pilot funding scheme for Wardens (PCSO replacements). Some Parish Councils are now planning to precept for the cost of Wardens. There are two working within Horsham District at present within Ashington. The pilot scheme will provide funding of 50% for the first year, 20% for the second year and then the Parish Council must find the full cost of the Wardens. There are 5 of these schemes in operation in Sussex. It is something that will need to be considered in future precepts by Council and perhaps ‘cluster’ with other Parish Councils to make Wardens viable.
173/15 Report from Representatives on Outside
Lisa Boydell, Community Engagement Manager from Horsham District Council presented information to the Parish Council regarding Youth Provision in Horsham District.
Lisa has been visiting all parish councils since she took up the post of Community Development and Engagement Manager at HDC in January. Lisa has a relatively small team who include Nick Jenkins, ArtsDevelopment Officer whose role is to work with vulnerable people or people with learning disabilities within an Arts and Creativity remit. Rachel Evans, is the Think Family & Neighbourhood Officer and works with entire families who have a range of complex issues that can be assisted by the ‘Think Family’ holistic approach to problems and finally Melanie Stowell who is the Funding and Grants Officer. Melanie deals with enquiries relating to Section 106 and ensures that communities access the money to which they are entitled. Lisa and Melanie also manage service level agreements with organisations such as Age UK, HMSVA and AIRS.
174/15 Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chairman).
175/15 Chairman’s Announcements
Horsham District Council have issued Parish Councils with a survey regarding improving working relationships and service from Horsham District Council. Cllr Coad requested any feedback from Council for the survey. Feedback to be given includes improvement of the planning website which crashes on a regular basis, faster response time to emails and simplifying the process to accessing funds such as S106.
Cllr Coadmade a polite request to both Council Members and the Public not to drop by the Clerk’s house without prior arrangement and in particular at the weekends during private family time. If anyone needs to meet with the Clerk or deliver to the Clerk’s house then please email or telephone her to arrange a mutually convenient time.
176/15Planning Applications
DC/15/1884Bridge Hill Farm, Thakeham Road, Coolham – Retention Of Mobile Home For Stables
After Consideration The Council Approved with the provision that the mobile home was tied to business and for livery staff only.
Votes 8Approved 1 Abstention
DC/15/1882 Bridge Hill Farm, Thakeham Road, Coolham – Use Of Premises As Commercial Stables
After Consideration The Council Approved
Votes9 Approved
DC/15/2191 Land North Of Little Brook House, Trout Lane, Brooks Green – Surgery To A Line Of Trees – Tree Preservation Order
After Consideration The Council Approved Providing Approval Is Gained From The HDC Tree Officer
Votes9 Approved
DC/15/2043 Land North Of Little Woodfords, Shipley Road, Southwater – New Vehicular Access For The Land North Of Little Woodfords
After Consideration The Council Objected
Votes 9 Objections
DC/15/2043 55 Rascals Close, Southwater – Tree Surgery – Tree Preservation Order
After Consideration The Council Approved Providing Approval Is Gained FromThe HDC Tree Officer
Votes 9 Approved
DC/15/2233 The Barn, Purveyors Farm, Coolham Road, Coolham – Part Conversion Of Barn To Provide Residential Annexe
After Consideration The Council Approved
Votes8Approved 1 Abstention
DC/15/2231 Hinkhurst, Emms Lane, Brooks Green – Room Above Existing Double Garage To Studio Annexe For Use By Family & Guests – Lawful Development Certificate
After Consideration The Council ApprovedWith The Provision That It Is Not An Ancillary Dwelling
DC/15/1631 Perrets, Smithers Hill Lane, Shipley, West Sussex – Planning Appeal Against Refusal Of Prior Approval Of Permitted Development Rights
After Consideration The Council Decided Not To Add Further Comments
DC/15/2293Malden Cottage, Shipley Road, Southwater – Erection Of Two Storey Side & Rear Extension With New Front Porch And Front Dormer Windows
After Consideration The Council Approved In Line With The Parish Design Statement
Votes 9Approved
177/15Planning Decisions
The Clerk issued an update of the latest planning application decisions from HDC for the Parish.
178/15 Coolham Playing Fields S106 Funded Goal Posts And Benches
The Clerk reminded Members of the £1761.50 awarded to the Parish Council in S106 monies for new goal posts and benches at Coolham Playing Fields. Members considered the quotations gained from internet providers and also Jim Hill Sports and it was decided that the trade price quotation from Jim Hill be accepted. The Clerk informed Members that the goal posts will need to be inspected and maintained correctly twice per year to avoid deterioration. The remainder of the monies (£500) to be used to purchase recycled heavy duty plastic benches.
179/15 Presentation Evening
Cllr A Jupp investigated whether all three past Parish Councillors could be considered for the County Award and following her enquiries Bob Phillips is the only one who qualifies for this with the support of 5 or 6 letters of support. Cllr Coad will be submit a letter to this end.
This leaves the Parish acknowledgement of David Meadows, Bob Phillips and Clive Charmans contributions to the Parish Council and the community and making them Honorary Freeman of the Parish. All are available on 3rd December (Thursday) and David Meadows expressed an interest in holding the ceremony at The Countryman. The date and venue was agreed by Members at 6:30pm and invitations to current Parish Councillors, District Councillors, County Councillor and the immediate family of awardees will be issued by the Clerk.
180/15 Conergy Community Benefit
The Clerk informed the Parish Council that the agreement proposed by Conergy had been forwarded to Horsham District Councils Legal team for perusal and advisory comment. No feedback had been received to date, despite chasing. The Clerk asked Council if they had any further comments regarding the proposal. Cllr Coad stated that the agreement needs to show that if the supplier of the energy changes then the agreement should move from supplier to supplier. Cllr Rowbottom volunteered to discuss the agreement with Paul Cummins at HDC Legal Team. Once the contract
181/15 Defibrillator
The Clerk confirmed that the cabinet for the defibrillator has been ordered and the equipment will be installed opposite The Andrew Hall imminently. On installation, the maintainer (the Clerk) has a responsibility to train as many people in the local vicinity on the use of the Defibrillator. The Clerk proposed training Council at the end of the meeting on 21st January. The Clerk will also advertise training for members of the public. The Clerk will also issue a press release once the defibrillator is installed to notify members of the community.
182/15 Roads, Footpaths, Bridleways & General Maintenance of the Parish