Welcome to Little Oaks Nursery Class

Welcome to Little Oaks Nursery, this is a very exciting journey for you and your child as they grow and learn. To embrace the early learning of all children, activities are planned around their needs and interests. We believe in following their lead whilst moving their learning forward.

Meet the Team

MrsTaylor – Foundation Stage Leader

Miss Chelsea Gibbons – Nursery Practitioner

Miss Brontie Graves –Nursery Practitioner


We try to keep to the same routine in Nursery each day as this gives the children a feeling of security.

Doors open 9am/12 / 10 minutes / 10 minutes / 50 minutes
Welcoming children
adult directed play / bean bag gym / timetable / Choosing time and key worker activities

Lunch Time – 12 – 12:15
Children who are staying all dayeat their lunch in the school hall with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Children can order a hot lunch or bring a packed lunch from home. If a hot lunch is required please ask at the main school office.

15 minutes / 15 minutes / 25 minutes / 25 minutes / 15 minutes / 12/3pm
Snack / Phonics / Maths and bike/trike time / Choosing time and key worker activities / Story time / Home

P.E – The children will be using the main hall to take part in different physical activities. Children will be required to remove shoes, socks and jumpers to take part. It is important you encourage your child at home to be as independent as possible when dressing.

Food and Drink – Children should bring a small healthy snack with them to eat at snack time. Please note we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL. Milk and water are provided throughout the day for children. Drinks bottles should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Uniform – Children are required to wear uniform as we feel this prepares the children for school and makes them look smart. This also saves us ruining their lovely clothes when we are getting messy! Uniform is available from Nursery however we have limited sizes, please ask a member of staff.

Policies – We have numerous policies relating to your child’s safety and education. The policies used for nursery are the same as the main school and these can be found on the website:

Website – Please keep a look out for important dates and information on our website. We send letters out to notify parents but if these are mislaid then please refer to our website, this may have the information you are looking for, if not then please speak to a member of staff.

Tapestry – Tapestry is an online learning journey where we record your child’s progress and what they have been doing at nursery. If you have not received your password for your child’s account please ask their key worker about this.

Toileting – If your child is still in nappies please provide nappies and wipes to enable us to change them. If your child is toilet training we are happy to support you with this, spare clothes are essential just in case they have an accident.

Outdoors–Our outdoor area is currently under construction and we are very thankful for the patience parents and carers have shown with the disruptions this is causing. We hope that we will be able to access this area soon!

We are still going out into the school grounds to learn and explore so please make sure your child have appropriate clothing for the weather and a pair of wellies in nursery at all times.

This term our topic is ‘All About Me’. We will be exploring the children’s lives, learning about their likes and dislikes, houses, families, pets and emotions. We will be making portraits using paper plates and the children will discuss similarities and differences in their facial features. To help us with this, feel free to bring in any photographs your children would like to talk about.