Thanks for showing an interest in the post of tutor and subject leader at Beatrice Tate School.

Whilst there is a range of information about the school on the website, I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with more specific information about the post and the type of teacher we are seeking to appoint.


  • In August 2013, following extensive planning, the school was relocated to a new site in Southern Grove with a capacity for 75 pupils.
  • The school has been open now for two years and the current number of pupils on roll is 80.
  • Pupils' abilities range from P1 to Level 1 National Curriculum.
  • The school has a clear focus on the continuous improvement of the quality of teaching and learning.
  • A positive ethos and supportive learning community enables pupils with even the most challenging learning difficulties and disabilities to thrive.
  • Pupils' excellent achievement at school enables them to be as independent as possible thus enabling them to make the most of their life after school.

Significant Features

  • Assessment, recording and reporting (ARR) of progress is excellent and has had a significant impact on pupil achievement.The school has developed and implemented a bespoke IT based ARR system with an external software development company.
  • Staff work collaboratively to set targets and record progress.
  • The achievement of pupils continues to be outstanding as the vast majority of pupils make more than expected progress in mathematics, English, science and ICT.
  • Pupil achievement is celebrated in a pupil-centred teaching and learning environment.
  • The curriculum is regularly reviewed to ensure it is relevant and appropriate to the learning needs of pupils.
  • Staff work effectively in age based phases and curriculum teams to ensure that individual learning needs and whole school improvement priorities are fully met.
  • There is evidence that multidisciplinary teamwork is effective in raising expectations of what pupils can achieve and how they can be met.
  • Professionals working at the school have a clear focus on individual pupil progress and evidence indicates that they are working collaboratively using the Individual Learning Focus as a shared resource.
  • The performance development of staff is a key priority and the school evaluates the impact of training on pupil achievement.
  • The school has the following awards: Investors in People, Artsmark Gold, Healthy School Status and Sportsmark.

Post Information

The current vacancy is for a class tutor working in the middle phase of the school with a teaching and learning responsibility for subject leadership. Please consider applying for the post if you are a mainstream teacher as many of the required skills are transferrable to special education. Unfortunately, this job is not suitable for a newly-qualified teacher.

Finally, for safeguarding purposes, one of your referees must be your current or most recent headteacher (or equivalent).


Alan Black
