C. L. Kling

Spring 2008




Class meetings: TR 12:40-2:00 pm, 160 Heady Hall

Instructor: Dr. Catherine L. Kling

568D Heady Hall


office hours: W 9-10 a.m., Th 9-10 or by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Mr. Min Wang

180A Heady Hall, 294-6292


office hours: T 11-12 a.m., F 1-2 p.m.

Class Homepage: http://www.econ.iastate.edu/classes/econ380/kling/

Required Text: Kahn, James, The Economic Approach to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Third Edition, Thompson South-Western, 2005 http://kahn.swlearning.com

Grading: Three exams will be given in class and a final exam will be given during the normally scheduled final examination time. The best three of these four exams will be used to compute 85% of your grade. The final 15% will be based on occasional homeworks assigned during the semester. Grades will be based on 90-100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69D, and below 60% F. At the instructor’s discretion, a more lenient curve may be used. Homeworks must be turned in on the assigned date. I do not give make-up examinations.

Students with Disabilities: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss specific needs. Students with documented disabilities should contact the Disability Resources Office at 515-294-7220 in room 1076, Student Services Building to coordinate reasonable accommodations.

ECONOMICS 380: Tentative Course Schedule

Dates and Coverage subject to change


January 15 – February 5, Chapters 1-4

February 7, EXAM #1, Coverage includes material discussed since beginning of course

February 12 – March 6, Chapters 4-5, Chapters 7-9

March 11, EXAM #2, Coverage includes material discussed since second exam

March 17-21 Spring Break

March 13- April 24, Chapters 10-15

April 29, EXAM #3, Coverage includes material discussed since second exam

May 8, FINAL EXAM, 12:00-2:00 p.m., Comprehensive