Minnesota Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association
2010 Annual Report
Mission: As a member driven and volunteer-led organization, the Minnesota Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) leads the membership in advocating for and securing the future of the profession of Physical Therapy.
Membership: On 12-31-2010 the Chapter had 1724 members and over 350 volunteers working on behalf of our profession. The majority of our chapter activities are planned and implemented by committees through workgroups.
Chapter Finances: 40% of our revenue came from dues and 60% came from non-dues activities including conferences, continuing education, Peer Reviews, Bear Tracks, silent auctions, Chapter Partners, and web/newsletter advertising.
Autonomous Practice
- Implemented a new volunteer and staffing structure to support professionalism, quality improvement and regulatory affairs in order to better advance the chapter’s strategic plan.
- Provided Chapter representation on state health care coalitions, councils, and committees
Direct Access
- Held our annual Legislative Day at the MN State Capital, with over 180 PTs, PTAs and PT/PTA Students attending
Evidence-based Practice
- Prepared evidence for legislative initiatives, including position papers and talking points on Manipulation, Athletic Trainers, and Massage Therapists
- Held platform session at the Spring Conference for discussion of student research projects and facilitated the presentation of research posters at both our Spring and Fall Conferences
- Supported quality improvement study groups that use evidence as their basis for discussions
- Held 14 professional development courses reaching over 400 registrants through CE and Reimbursement Committees; and through Peer Review; started specific CE programming for PTAs.
- Held Spring and Fall Conferences with 474 registrants; 104 exhibitors and 13 sponsors. The Fall Conference of 2010 had the highest number of registrants on record.
Practitioner of Choice
- Ran MN State Fair Booth with information aimed at back pain/care and The 5 L’s of lifting to help prevent back injuries, including instruction and practice time. 154 volunteers distributed 4,000 fans and pieces of educational literature and 4,000 pencils; received $15,000 from 25 sponsors.
- Held 10th Annual Bear Tracks run and gave free foot screenings & distributed literature
- Recruited toys for Toys for Tots program; received TV exposure for profession on KARE-11 TV
- Continued to dedicate efforts toward leadership development within the Chapter; trained board directors in the area of leadership
- Held courses on reimbursement for members and local payers
- Made changes to our peer review program to enhance our activities related to professionalism and quality practice within the profession