Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo
Diocesan Pastoral Plan
Frequently Asked Questions
Following are a list of Frequently Asked Questions gathered to assist in the understanding of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan introduced by Bishop Bradley. Implementation of the plan begins in February, 2016 and continues through the year. Visit updated information.
What is the purpose of the Collaborative Plan? What is the long-range vision that led us in this direction?
The Collaborative Plan has been developed to better distribute available priests to ensure that all parishes receive necessary pastoral and sacramental care. Over the past several years, the number of priests in the Diocese of Kalamazoo has decreased significantly, and if this trend were to continue without some change, it would result in lessened pastoral and sacramental care for the faithful. The obvious solution is an increase in vocations to the Priesthoodand that solution is being vigorously addressed.
How long will the Diocesan Pastoral Plan be in effect?
The plan will be in effect for the length of time it will take to identify those with priestly vocations, train men for the Priesthood, and then give them a few years after ordination to fully acclimate to their new state in life. That means we are looking at a probable fifteen to twenty-year time frame.
Is the Diocese going to close any parishes or schools during this time?
The Diocesan Pastoral Plan does not call for the closing of any parish or school.
Do the priests support the Diocesan Pastoral Plan?
The priests are supportive of this historical moment for the Diocese. Bishop Bradley has met with the priests and other consultative groups since mid 2015. The first goal of Bishop Bradley and the Priests is to serve the faithful in the best possible way. The collaborative will allow our priests to use their gifts and talents more broadly and in service to the faithful.
When will the priest assignments be made? What is the process for assigning them?
Priest assignments will be made after Easter, and all will be at their assignment beginning July 1, 2016. Bishop Bradley will bring each proposed collaborative to prayerful discernment, after which the various assignments will be made.
How will the Diocesan Pastoral Plan impact a pastor’s current ministry responsibilities?
One of the goals of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan is to allow for a “workable” schedule for pastors. The Mass schedule will be adjusted to accommodate this. For example, currently we have the same number of Masses that we had 20 years ago but with 27 fewer priests.
What are the first steps for the laity to assist in parish collaboratives?
The lay faithful will be asked for input in adjusting Mass and sacramental schedules, as well as to put parish activities into good order uniting the new collaborative. The role of the laity is critical. Please fully consider what opportunities you might embrace to assist your Pastor, and what ways the collaborative can support your parish.
What about our current parish initiatives? Can we still continue them?
Absolutely, but once the collaborative is in place, parishes will have to find ways to continue them within a new context, and may discover that they may wish to do some initiatives jointly. These will be local decisions.
Do the collaboratives impact my gift to my parish? To the diocese? (Where does “my envelope” go?)
Both your Sunday envelope and donation to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal will go to your home parish and be used in accordance with the guidelines established by the Pastor, parish Finance Council and other appropriate parishbodies.
What types of communication will be available to the laity?
The diocese is planning a number of communications to assist in building awareness and understanding of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. Deanery meetings with Bishop Bradley, special features and coverage in The Good News (diocesan newspaper), information and details on all diocesan social and electronic media are just a few of the examples. A dedicated area of the website for information on the Diocesan Pastoral Plan is in process as well as a video series and a parish “toolkit.”
What is being done to fully utilize all parish properties and buildings?
We are preparing to conduct a facility survey to identify usage possibilities with parish rectories without a resident priest. However, it should be kept in mind that we hope to have a priest living there as soon as the Lord provides.
If parishioners choose to attend a different Mass to fit their schedule how will this change impact Sunday collections? Have the financial implications been taken into account?
Parishioners and the faithful will still be encouraged to utilize their Sunday giving options to their parish of record. Also parish registration will also continue to be encouraged.
How will the collaborations affect our schools, especially if there is no resident pastor?
Assigned pastors are expected to support the Catholic schools in the diocese.
Are the pastors paid by the Diocese? What about parish administrators?
Each parish is responsible for the priests’ and the parish administrators’ salaries. Currently there are seven parishes with administrators.
What roles will Finance and Parish Councils play in the Diocesan Pastoral Plan?
Parish councils need to actively engage and support the parish and maintain parochial identity. However, councils cannot take over running parishes. The pastor has that responsibility.
Will my parish Finance Council still decide the financial direction for our parish or will we be sharing financial resources?
It is the intent at this time that current parish Finance Councils will continue to operate as usual. It may be, over the duration of the collaborative, that parishes may change to alter this arrangement, but that decision would be made at the local level.
Will there still be a Parish Council?
How will parishes get assistance if they are running into problems with the collaboration?
The number to call with questions and concerns about the collaborative is(269) 903-0145. The Diocese of Kalamazoo will have teams to discuss your concerns and will be visiting each parish throughout the summer and fall 2016. Additionally you can find information on the diocesan website:
Updated February 11, 2016