Talented Athlete Support Programme


Application Form

Please complete clearly in block capitals (black ink) or type. Additional information can be submitted on separate sheets if necessary.

Section 1: Personal Details

Date of Birth:
Female 
Male 
Course of Study:
Type of Study:
Diploma 
Undergraduate 
Postgraduate (taught) 
Postgraduate (research) 
Level of Study:
1 
2 
3 
4 
Student Status:
Full-time 
Part-time 
Are you in receipt of a Maintenance Grant?
Yes 
No 
Do you pay your own fees?
Yes 
No  / Sport:
Home Address:
Telephone Number:
Term – time Address:
E-mail Address:
Telephone Number:
Matriculation Number:
Country of Residence:

Section 2: Sporting Achievements

Provide details of your sporting achievements during the last 3 years.

Section 3: Training and Competition Details

Give details of training activities i.e. location, frequency, type etc. Attach where possible details of your annual training programme.
Give details of future major competitions you are preparing for this year.

Section 4: Constraints

List any constraints that you expect to experience over the next year in trying to achieve your sporting ambitions, for example, finance, time, opportunity, disability, etc.

Section 5 : Training and Competition Cost

Estimate the costs involved in completion of your training and competition schedule for the forthcoming year, for example, accommodation, travel, subsistence, entry fees, coaching fees, etc.

Section 6 : Details of Financial Assistance

Give details of all financial assistance received and expected from other sources, for example, Governing Bodies, Sports Council sponsors, prize money, earned income, etc.

Section 7: Academic Advisor

Please provide and Academic Advisor / Personal Tutor
Name: ______Position: ______
Contact Tel No: ______Department: ______

Section 8 : Declaration

I certify that the information included in this application is accurate and represents a true picture of my performance, training and future competition details together with an accurate financial forecast.
Signed ______Date ______

Section 9 : Enclosures

Please enclose:
  1. Letter of Award or your fee notification from SAAS 
  2. Governing Body Reference Form (enclosed form) 
(or ensure referee sends enclosed form direct to us)

Please return to:
Kathleen Campbell



Cowcaddens Road


G4 0BA

Closing Date: 31st October 2017

(no late applications accepted)

Governing Body/ Coach Reference

The Talented Athlete Support Programme is an initiative run by Glasgow Caledonian University.
The programme has been designed to assist the University’s most promising athletes in developing their sporting potential while studying at Glasgow Caledonian.

This section should be completed by the coach who works most closely with the athlete and will help to ascertain the level at which the athlete is competing and their future potential.

Governing Body/Coach Reference
Please give as much information as possible. Comments to include an appraisal of the applicant’s achievements and potential and the need for financial assistance.
Name Of Applicant: ______Sport:______
Signature: ______
Name: ______
Position: ______
Contact Tel No: ______

Please return to:

Kathleen Campbell


Glasgow Caledonian University
Cowcaddens Road
Glasgow G4 0BA

For further information or any queries contact 0141-331-3116/3822

Closing Date: 31stOctober 2017