Teacher: SURIANO Subject: LANGUAGE ARTS Date: Aug. 18-22, 2014

Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2014-2015

/ Standard / Goal / Access Prior Knowledge / New Information / Apply Knowledge / Generalize/ Goal Review/ Grade /
Monday / Focus Standard: / *Get to know students, introduce myself, welcome new students, and have them talk about themselves / *Ask students to think of situations and things they like/dislike
*Start working on class rules / *Give out books, discuss homework policies, including uniforms
*Discuss class expectations
Supporting Standards:
Tuesday / Focus Standard:
LA.6 The student demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the reading process.
LA.4 The student demonstrates consistent improvement in word use and vocabulary building.
LA.3 The student uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written composition. / Reading - students can briefly tell the humorous parts of the text in their own words
Spelling - students can spell words with short vowel sounds
English – students compare and differentiate between sentences and sentence fragments, simple subjects and simple predicates
8 / Reading - Ask students what would happen if Earth didn’t have gravity. Ask if they have read or experienced funny situations making a delivery to someone.
Spelling – ask students to say how many vowels their names have, model short vowels outloud and give examples of short vowel words
English – write a sentence and sentence fragment on board and ask volunteer to read it outloud and compare both. Ask students to give examples of both.
2,4,8,10 / Reading - Introduce vocabu-lary before reading story pg. 23-32. Listen to story, “A Package for Mrs. Jewls,” on cd, students follow in book and it discuss as we go along
Spelling – Introduce words and have them use words in sentences
English – Introduce simple subjects, simple predicates, and sentence fragments. Students write in notebook 3 complete sentences and 3 fragments.
8,10 / Reading - Make a story map in notebook, identify story elements and events that lead to resolution
Spelling – write words 3 times in notebook and pick 10 words to write a sentence
English – do practice book pg. 7
4,5 / Reading - Ask students to raise hand if they understood what a humorous fiction story is. Write in their journal one event that would not have happened if the story took place here at Mazapan.
Spelling – raise hand if they understood words
English – put a check in notebook if they understand simple subjects and simple predicates
Supporting Standards:
LA.6.a-j, LA.a-h, LA.4.a,d
Wednesday / Focus Standard:
LA.6 The student demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the reading process.
LA.4 The student demonstrates consistent improvement in word use and vocabulary building.
LA.3 The student uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written composition. / Reading - students can briefly tell the humorous parts of the text in their own words and recognize VCV syllable pattern
Spelling - students can spell words with short vowel sounds
English – students compare and differentiate between sentences and sentence fragments, simple subjects and simple predicates
8 / Reading - Ask students if they know what a code is and to give examples
Spelling – ask students to model short vowels outloud and give examples
English – write a sentence and sentence fragment on board and ask volunteer to read it outloud and compare both. Ask students to give examples of both.
2,4,8,10 / Reading – tell students that recognizing syllable patterns can help them know where to divide unfamiliar words into syllables and how to decode and pronounce the word, write moment and fragile on board and guide students to break the two words
Spelling – repeat sounds for short a,e,I,o,u and copy chart from board
English – Introduce simple subjects, simple predicates, and sentence fragments. Students write in notebook 3 complete sentences and 3 fragments.
4,7 / Reading – break the 8 words copied from board
Spelling – do worksheets 4 and 6
English – do practice book pg. 8
4,5 / Reading - Ask students to raise hand if they understood what a humorous fiction story is. Write in their journal one event that would not have happened if the story took place here at Mazapan.
Spelling – raise hand if they understood words
English – put a check in notebook if they understand difference between sentence and sentence fragment
Supporting Standards:
LA.6.a-j, LA.a-h, LA.4.a,d
Thursday / Focus Standard:
LA.6 The student demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the reading process.
LA.4 The student demonstrates consistent improvement in word use and vocabulary building.
LA.3 The student uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written composition. / Reading - students can briefly tell the humorous parts of the text in their own words and recognize VCV syllable pattern
Spelling - students can spell words with short vowel sounds
English – students compare and differentiate between sentences and sentence fragments, simple subjects and simple predicates
8 / Reading – summarize story and review vocabulary words
Spelling – say words outloud in unison to reinforce pronunciation
English – write two sentence fragments on board and ask volunteer to read them outloud then have student to combine them. Ask students to give examples using two fragments and then combining them.
2,4,8,10 / Reading - Ask students to discuss main ponts in story and review vocabulary words to prepare for test tomorrow
Spelling – students form groups of 4 to study words by spelling and defining them
English – Introduce writing complete sentences. Students write in notebook 3 complete sentences from 3 sets of fragments
4,7 / Reading – break the 8 words copied from board
Spelling – do worksheets 4 and 6
English – do practice book pg. 9 + 11
4,5 / Exit Note – students self-evaluate themselves
Supporting Standards:
LA.6.a-j, LA.a-h, LA.4.a,d
Friday / Focus Standard:
LA.6 The student demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the reading process.
LA.4 The student demonstrates consistent improvement in word use and vocabulary building.
LA.3 The student uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written composition. / Reading - students can briefly tell the humorous parts of the text in their own words and recognize VCV syllable pattern
Spelling - students can spell words with short vowel sounds
English – students compare and differentiate between sentences and sentence fragments, simple subjects and simple predicates
8 / Reading – TEST “A Package for Mrs. Jewls”
Spelling – TEST
English – TEST VCV Syllable Pattern and Complete Sentences
Supporting Standards:
LA.6.a-j, LA.a-h, LA.4.a,d