Iowa One Call
Excavator Safety Awareness Program Committee
August 15, 2008
Iowa One Call Administrative Office
Committee Members Present: Ed Greiner, Steve Stone, Mike Heggen, Brian Poock, Bob Pose, Ben Booth and (Nancy Jensen via telephone conferencing).
Committee Members Absent: Ron Flam, Ed Origer
I. Call To Order
Chairman Ed Greiner called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.
Old Business
A) Scheduling/Locations – Bob Pose reported that the scheduling of locations, meals and accommodations has been completed and that there will be 30 programs conducted in 2009.
B) 2009Program Theme – The committee discussed the merits of developing the 2009 theme around the top ten survey results derived from the 2008 survey. The committee believes it is important that the ESAP audience is aware that their opinions and concerns are relevant, and that IOC does address the issues they are presented with. However, the committee believes that IOC’s role in addressing/ resolving the ten survey issues needs to be defined. The committee will summarize the ten survey issues and develop board recommendations. The committee expressed concern about developing the 2009 program entirely around the survey issues because too many of the issues cannot be addressed outside of legislative mandate. The committee believes that the ten issues in question should be included as a component of the presentation, but not as the overall focus of the program.
C) Give-Away Items – The committee decided on a main give-away item and directed Ben Booth to order 5,000 “adjustable” screwdrivers. The committee has not decided on a secondary give-away item to be used during the raffle at each meeting.
D) Video Clips – The committee agreed to continue utilizing video clips as part of the Power Point presentation and will investigate new ideas/concepts for implementation and directed Ben Booth to work with Kuhn Production on developing the 2009 videos. Nancy Jensen agreed to participate in the call center video shoot. The committee discussed utilizing pipeline operators, locators and excavators in the 2009 video (“three points of view”).
E) Brochure and Registration – The piece is being developed “in-house” (in conjunction with the outside agency who developed the previous two brochures) and will incorporate a theme that embraces the role in which excavators, locators and operators play (their impact) in one-call system safety and efficiency.
II. Adjournment (12.10 p.m.)
Action Items:
· Contact AG’s Office to confirm their role (will Rich Heathcote participate?) – Ben Booth
· Apprise President Pavelka of committee’s status on the “Ten Survey Issues” – Ben Booth
· Contact Video Production company and start scripting – Ben Booth
· Summarize Ten Survey Issues with recommendations (for committee review) and provide the SOTA committee with a copy - Ben Booth
· Order 5,000 screwdrivers – Ben Booth
· Work with outsource agency on ESAP brochure – Ben Booth
· Power Point Program concepts – Bob Pose, ESAP Committee