Informatics Study Programmes


Head of the Group:Prof. Michael Ryan

Members: Prof. Jüri Kiho

Prof. Juris Borzovs

Prof. Joerg R. Muehlbacher

Prof. Vladimir Oleshchuk

Prof. Jukka Paakki

Prof. Algirdas Pakstas



Profile of Programmes of Informatics study field

Title of study programme / Bachelor’s degree evening studies of Informatics / Bachelor’s degree extramural studies of Informatics / Masters degree studies of Informatics
State code / 61209P103 / 61209P103 / 62109P103
Kind of study / Undergraduate studies / Undergraduate studies / Masters studies
Mode of study (duration in years) / Evening (4) / Extramural (5) / Evening (2)
Volume of study programme in credits / 160 / 160 / 80
Degree and (or) professional qualification to be awarded / Bachelor, teacher / Bachelor, teacher / Master
Programme registration date, order No. / 1997 05 19 No. 565. / 1997 05 19 No. 565 / 1997 05 19 No. 565.

1. Introduction

From November 19th to December 3rd, 2006, an international team of experts visited Lithuania and reviewed its study programmes in Informatics. Prior to their visit the team had studied the self-assessment reports of the study programmes and formed preliminary views on them.

On 20th November, the team had an introductory meeting with the representatives of the Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education. In the meeting the system of assessment of higher education and the process of study programme accreditation in Lithuania were presented to the team. The team also discussed common issues to be explored during the site visits.

The site visits were carried out between November 21st and December 1st. The Informatics study programmes of VilniusPedagogicalUniversity were assessed on Friday, December 1st by the following experts:

Professor Michael Ryan, chairman of the team (Dublin City University, Ireland)

Professor Jüri Kiho (University of Tartu, Estonia)

Professor Jukka Paakki (University of Helsinki, Finland)

During the site visit the team had meetings with the following groups:

  • the administrative staff of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
  • the teaching staff of the assessed study programmes
  • the current students of the programmes
  • graduates of the programmes
  • employers of the graduates.

The team visited the relevant classrooms and one auditorium, and inspected the computer rooms and the library. At the end of the visit, the team presented its main preliminary remarks on the assessed study programmes to the administration and staff of the Faculty.

2. Aims and goals of the Study Programmes

The programmes assessed were the two undergraduate programs and one master’s programme, as identified above.

As a general comment, applicable to most programmes seen by the group in the different universities, it would be helpful if aims were distinguished from objectives, with objectives expressed as learning outcomes stated in behavioural terms.

Undergraduate Programmes

The two baccalaureate programmes in Informatics at VilniusPedagogicalUniversity are essentially the same, with the material presented in different modes, evening and extra-mural. Their aims and objectives as stated in the self-assessment report are:

  • Providing an individual with the necessary amount of fundamental knowledge of informatics, which is required for complying with requirements set against a bachelor in informatics;
  • Developing one’s skills in applying methods of informatics in the individual working information technologies based activity;
  • Familiarising students with the most recent information technologies and their application in the process of education and professional activity;
  • Training of teachers of informatics possessing sufficient professional competence, subject-related and methodical background for taking up their appointments of teachers at Lithuanian schools and other institutions of formal and informal educational and supplemental education;
  • Providing an individual with sufficient amount of knowledge required for the second (master’s degree) level of studies; sufficient amount of knowledge required for the second (master’s degree) level of studies;
  • Developing educational background, competence and motivation for lifelong learning

These aims seem in good agreement with the role of VilniusPedagogicalUniversity as a pedagogical university.

Although mathematics forms a significant part of the programme, it is striking that there is no mention of it in the aims and objectives. There may be advantages in producing teachers of informatics also capable of teaching mathematics, and the content of the programme would suggest that this in fact is being done. There seems to be scope for some reference to mathematics in the aims and objectives.

From the discussions that took place it was clear that some graduates of the course take up positions not related to teaching. While this is to be expected, and even welcomed, the group felt that it was important that the primary focus of the degree would not be altered by this, and would continue to be on preparing teachers of informatics, unless a deliberate decision were made to change...


Postgraduate Programme

The aims of the master’s programme are

  • Preparation of specialists possessing profound knowledge and skills and having background of and the ability to apply the newest information technologies for teaching at Lithuania’s schools and other institutions of formal and non-formal education and complementary education.
  • Training of future scientists – doctoral students and lecturers, capable of delivering the subject of Informatics to different groups of students and possessing skills in carrying out work of scientific-research nature.
  • Preparation of qualified specialists in Informatics, capable of reacting to rapid technological changes and relevant problems of today.


These aims seem in good agreement with the role of VilniusPedagogicalUniversity as a pedagogical university.

3. Analysis of the Programmes

As a general remark on most of the university informatics programmes in Lithuania, the team noted the generally high content of classical mathematics, and relative lack of important topics in discrete mathematics, computer science, software engineering, information systems and artificial intelligence. While there were exceptions, in most of the courses seen in the different universities the theoretical basis of informatics in automata theory, formal languages and mathematical logic is not treated in any depth. The undergraduate programmes below do however provide a good treatment of mathematical logic.

As a general remark also on all the study programmes in Lithuania, the team wants to emphasise that the standard duration and volume of the undergraduate (Bachelor) programmes in European countries following the so-called Bologna process are 3 years and 180 ECTS units (120 credit units in the current Lithuanian system). Therefore, the team strongly suggests that all the Lithuanian universities start a process of transforming their undergraduate programmes into the common European form of 3 years, so as to facilitate flexible international student mobility and acknowledgement of degrees taken in other countries.

3.1. Study programme Informatics (61109P103) (undergraduate studies)

3.1.1 Structure, contents and study methods

General structure


The curriculum as presented in the self-assessment report is divided into three principal groups of subjects

Subjects of general university education

These are mandated for inclusion by the Senate of the University.

None of these subjects are related to informatics

Eight of them relate to psychology, pedagogy, healthcare or education

There are 2 to 4 credits for each of these modules

Total credits : 27

The remaining seven modules cover a wide range of topics

There are from 1 to 4 credits per module, with some optional components

Total credits : 14 to 19

Fundamental subjects of the programme

These modules relate directly to informatics

There are 12 modules, with no optional components

Modules have from 2 to 5 credits

Total credits : 42

Subjects of special education programme

These modules involve mathematics and informatics

There are 22 modules, of which 5 are optional

In mathematics, there are 8 mandatory modules and 2 optional ones

There are from 2 to 5 credits per mathematics module

Total mathematics credits : 24 to 29

In informatics, there are 8 mandatory subjects and 4 optional ones

There are from 2 to 4 credits per informatics module

Total informatics credits : 23 to 37

There are also four elective subjects involving 8 credits

In broad terms, informatics modules provide between 65 and 79 credits, pedagogy provides 27 credits, mathematics provides between 24 and 29, and general subjects including pedagogics, together with some other optional modules, provide the balance of the total of 160 credits.


While it might be expected that informatics would make up 50% or more of a programme on informatics, rather than 40% to 50% as above, the 17% allocated to pedagogy related material increases the proportion of the material relates to the primary aims of the programme.


Mathematics and statistics take up 15% or more of the programme, although not mentioned in its aims and objectives. This level of mathematical content may well be desirable, but some justification should be provided.

About 10% of the credits arise from general studies modules not directly related to the primary aims of the course. These are mandated by the Senate of the University and in that sense outside the control of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. The rationale for their inclusion is not clear and should be provided.


This can be broadly divided into three main areas, general and pedagogy, mathematics and statistics, and informatics

General and Pedagogic Subjects

The pedagogic issues seems to be well covered. The reasons for the choices of the more general subjects are not clear.


It might be worth considering replacing some of the general subjects. It is worth noting that the relevance of some of these subjects has been queried by former students.

It might be worth including at least some treatment of the historical and philosophical aspects of computation, as distinct from the technical ones. Teachers of informatics should have some sense of the historical background, and given the importance of the area, this may be of general interest. The history of computation goes back to the earliest times, and has involved interesting personalities. The relatively recent development of symbol processing machines (i.e. computers) gives new relevance to some interesting philosophical questions. The results of Turing and Godel are particularly noteworthy. Students should understand that computation is not just about technology. Many texts are available to cover the broad historical background, and semi-popular works by Harel, Copeland, Davis, Boden, Smullyan, Penrose and others provide interesting material at an accessible level.

Mathematics and Statistics

In general, the standard of these modules is high They cover a range of topics, including linear algebra, geometry, real analysis, complex analysis, differential equations and statistics, and form a significant part of the degree.

The modules on ‘Graph Theory’ and on ‘Set Theory and Logic’ are particularly relevant to the foundations of Informatics, and it is good to see them in the degree.


The lack of any reference to this area in the aims and objectives of the degree is anomalous, given the amount of mathematics being taught. It would appear that a student who had covered this amount of mathematics would be reasonably well qualified to teach mathematics as well as informatics at second level. It might be worth re-visiting the aims and objectives of the degree to include some reference to mathematics.

It is not clear to what extent computational aids are being used in teaching mathematical topics, although the modules ‘Computer Mathematics Systems’ in Semester 4 and ‘Applied Software Packages’ in Semester 7 deal with a range of such packages. It may be worth giving more consideration to this.

Some treatment of Number Theory would lend support to the cryptography material in the optional ‘Methods for Information Security’ module.

The ‘Graph Theory’ modules is very comprehensive, but it is not clear to what extent it deals with the algorithms involved. Some of these are covered in the earlier ‘Algorithms’ module, but there is very little time available there. There may be scope for greater linkage between these modules.

The ‘Set Theory and Logic’ module seems excellent. It might be worth considering including a treatment of resolution theorem proving, accompanied by an introduction to the Prolog language.


In summary, the informatics subjects in the degree are as follows:

Sem / Assessed with Final Examination / Assessed by Cumulative Mark / Credits
1 / Introduction to I.T. / 3
1 / Computer Architecture / 4
2 / Methods of Programming / 3
2 / System Software and Utilities / 3
3 / Computer Graphics 1 / 4
3 / Computer-Aided Design / 4
3 / Practice in Informatics / 3
4 / Mathematical Modelling / 3
4 / Computer Graphics 2 / 4
4 / Computer Mathematics System / 3
5 / Algorithms / 2
5 / Spreadsheets / 3
5 / Didactics of Informatics / 4
5 / Numerical methods / 2
6 / Visual Programming / 5
6 / Computer Networks and Paper / 4
7 / Development of Educational Computer Programs / 3
7 / Databases / 2
7 / Applied Software Packages / 2
7 / Elective: Introduction to Modern Programming Languages. / 4
7 / Elective: Computers in a Teacher’s Work / 4
7 / Elective: Information Technology in Education Process / 3
7 / Elective: Distance Learning Technologies / 3
8 / Introduction to Obj.Orient. Programming. / 4
8 / Elective: New Program/Software Resources / 4
8 / Elective: Introduction to Informology / 4
8 / Elective: Methods for Information Security / 4
8 / Strategies for Data Analysis / 4
8 / Management of Training in Informatics / 2
8 / Final Examination in Informatics / 0

Comments and Suggestions:

The first semester modules Introduction to IT and Computer Architecture provide an introduction to the use of computers, and to the underlying principles by which they operate. In the Computer Architecture module more time could perhaps be allocated to assembly language programming, to help ensure students understand what is happening at the machine level, and perhaps less time allocated to electronics.

The second semester module Methods of Programming introduces programming, using the language freePascal. While Pascal is an excellent language for teaching purposes, it is no longer widely used, and has been replaced by Java as a first language in many computing degrees. Java is also free of charge, and has the further advantages of being object oriented, supported by a wide range of textbooks and other pedagogic material, and widely used in industry, particularly in relation to the WWW. While it is fairly easy for a student to move from Java to Pascal if the need arises, it is less easy to move in the reverse direction. Consideration should be given to using Java rather than Pascal.

The System Software and Utilities module is a practical one, with little treatment of the underlying issues. It seems a good successor to the ‘Introduction to IT’ module. System software internals are not covered in the degree at present, and this is commented upon below.

The third semester modules Practice in Informatics and Computer Graphics 1 are both focussed on the features of Pascal not covered in the ‘Methods of Programming’ module, with emphasis on graphics in the latter case. Consideration could be given to using Java instead, and to introducing some elementary algorithms and data structures at this stage.

The Computer-Aided Design module primarily trains students in the use of AutoCAD. While useful, it is not clear how this relates to the aims of the degree

The fourth semester module Computer Graphics 2 is focussed upon the use of Corel graphics software. While useful, it is not clear how this relates to the aims of the degree.

The Computer Mathematics Systems module deals with a range of mathematical packages. This seems very good. The extent to which this material is applied within the mathematics modules is not clear, and may be worth strengthening.

The Mathematical Modelling module is ambitious and seems very demanding.

The fifth semester module Algorithms seems well thought out, but is allocated surprisingly little space. Some of the material, such as elementary searching and sorting, could be introduced earlier in the degree, leaving more space for the more advanced topics here. A final examination to assess the students might be appropriate. The number of credits seems low for an area that is at the core of Informatics.

The module Spreadsheets seems an excellent treatment of the use of spreadsheets. It is questionable however if a complete module is needed for this topic at this stage in the degree..

The Didactics of Informatics module provides an interesting and useful overview of the way informatics is being taught in various countries

The Numerical Methods module seems excellent. The book ‘Numerical Recipes’ might be worth adding to the recommended texts.

The sixth semester module Visual Programming introduces the students to the use of Visual Basic and the Delphi programming environment.

The Computer Networks and a Course Paper provides an understanding of the basic principles of computer networking and their application.

The seventh semester Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming module spends much time on the features of Visual Basic. The use of Java ab initio would allow a more comprehensive treatment of object oriented design and programming, at a level more appropriate to this stage of the degree.

The module Development of Educational Computer Programs could perhaps include material on course management systems such as Moodle or WebCT (which are treated to some extent in one of the optional modules), as well as on setting up material for use on the WWW. The treatment of PowerPoint could be moved to a much earlier stage in the course, and seems inappropriate at this level. Given the nature of the degree, there is an argument in favour of increasing the time and credits for this module as well as the credits.

The Databases module is practically oriented. At this level it should include treatment of theoretical concepts – normal forms and relational algebra come to mind.

The elective module Introduction to Modern Programming Languages is essentially an introduction to the C++ language and to the basics of object-oriented programming. It does not fit well at this stage in the degree. Use of Java or C++ ab initio would allow introduction of these object oriented concepts at a much earlier stage.

The elective module Computers in a Teacher’s Work investigates the role of computers in teaching, with a particular emphasis on the use of Komensky Logo.

The elective module Information Technology in Education Process could perhaps put more emphasis on course management systems such as Moodle or WebCT.

The elective module Distance Learning Technologies is interesting and relevant, and includes treatment of systems such as Moodle.

The eight semester elective module New Program/Software Resources is focussed on open source software and multimedia technologies. It is not clear that the level is appropriate to this stage of the degree.