E-mail Address
Please answer the following as accurately as you can, so that our class time will be most efficiently spent.
Please indicate your experience/comfort with each of the following by putting a X next to the value
0 = none, 1 = exposed to/played with, 2 = comfortable with most features.
In the space for ‘other’ please explain if you have other related expertise.
Sound digitizing:
1. Windows sound utilities (the built-in functions):0__1__2__
2. Custom sounds in presentation software (PowerPoint, etc.):0__1__2__
3. Other sound/music recording/editing software: 0__1__2__
Specify: ______
Editing graphic images:
1. Microsoft Paint:0__1__2__
2. Other image editing software (Photoshop etc.):
Please name: ______0__1__2__
a. cut and paste from one image to another: 0__1__2__
b. resize/rotate image: 0__1__2__
c. working with layers (adding, deleting, merging):0__1__2__
1. From Digital camera or camcorder:0__1__2__
2. From QuickCam (eyeball) camera:0__1__2__
3. From Analog camcorder or VCR:0__1__2__
4. From Digital camera or camcorder:0__1__2__
5. Other? ______0__1__2__
5. Which brand of devices did you use? ______
6. Which software have you used for video? ______
myLesley (Blackboard)”
1. Have you used myLesley /Blackboard in this program? 0__ 1__2__
2. Do you have an problems accessing the system?
Please describe the problem:
Yourcomputer & equipment:
The computer you work on (model, the amount of memory, and any special features):
Please describe what you or own or can definitely access during this class.
Circle what you will have:
Traditional CameraVideo camera VCRVideo Digitizing Equipment
Digital Camera QuickcamDV camerasFirewire
DVD BurnerScanner
Your media background:
Please describe any type of media production knowledge or experience
(either analog or digital such as yearbook, art etc.).
Your own special interests:
Is there anything specific that you would like to learn to use or do during this class?
Courtesy: Gaye Teipel and Mimi Gilman,05/19/2004
Revised: Mary Hopper, 01/01/06
ECOMP 6016 Teaching and Learning with Digital Media, M. Hopper, 06 Page1