Revised NC SCOS
Sec A / Place Value: Whole Numbers and Decimals
1-1 / Place Value through Billions / 1.01
1-2 / Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers / 1.01
1-3 / Place Value through Thousandths / 1.01
1-4 / Comparing and Ordering Decimals / 1.01
1-5 / Place-Value Patterns / 1.01
1-6 / Problem-Solving Reading in Math Read and Understand / 1.03
Sec B / Building Number Sense
1-7 / Adding and Subtracting Mentally / 1.02
1-8 / Rounding Whole Numbers and Decimals / 1.01, 1.03
1-9 / Estimating Sums and differences / 1.02
1-10 / Problem-Solving Reading in Math Plan and Solve / 1.03
Sec C / Adding and Subtracting
1-11 / Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers / 1.01
1-12 / Adding Decimals / 1.02
1-13 / Subtracting Decimals / 1.02
1-14 / Problem-Solving Reading in Math: Look Back and Check / 1.03
1-15 / Problem-Solving Applications: Cruise Ships / 1.02
Sec A / Multiplying Whole Numbers
2-1 / Multiplication Patterns / 5.01
2-2 / Estimating Products / 1.01, 1.03
2-3 / Algebra: Mental Math: Using the Distributive Property / 1.03
2-4 / Multiplying Whole Numbers / Grade 4 (1.03)
2-5 / Choose a Computational Method / 1.03
2-6 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Make an Organized List / 1.03
Sec B / Multiplying Whole Numbers and Decimals
2-7 / Decimal Patterns / 5.01
2-8 / Estimating Decimals Products / 1.01, 1.03
2-9 / Multiplying whole Numbers and Decimals / Grade 6 (1.04)
2-10 / Using Grids to Multiply Decimals by Decimals / Grade 6 (1.04)
2-11 / Multiplying Decimals by Decimals / Grade 6 (1.04)
Sec C / Algebra
2-12 / Algebra: Variables and Expressions
2-13 / Algebra: Problem-Solving Skill: Translating Works into Expressions
2-14 / Algebra: Find a Rule / 5.01
2-15 / Algebra: Solving Equations / 5.02
2-16 / Problem-Solving Applications: Weight / 1.01, 1.03
CHAP 3 / DIVIDING WITH ONE-DIGIT DIVISORS / 1.01, 1.03, 2.01, 5.01
Sec A / Division Number Sense / Grade 4 (1.04)
3-1 / The Meaning of Division / Grade 4 (1.04)
3-2 / Division Patterns / 5.01
3-3 / Estimating Quotients / 1.03
3-4 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Look for a Pattern / 5.01
Sec B / Dividing
3-5 / Understanding Division / Grade 4 (1.02)
3-6 / Dividing Whole Numbers / Grade 4 (1.02)
3-7 / Dividing: Zeros in the Quotient / Grade 4 (1.02)
3-8 / Dividing Larger Dividends / Grade 4 (1.02)
3-9 / Dividing Money / Grade 4 (1.04)
3-10 / Factors and Divisibility / Grade 4 (1.03)
3-11 / Prime and Composite Numbers / Grade 4 (1.05)
3-12 / Problem-Solving Skill: Interpreting Remainders / 1.03
Sec C / Algebra
3-13 / Algebra: Order of Operations / Grade 3 (1.04, 5.03)
3-14 / Algebra: Graphing Ordered Pairs / Grade 4 (4.01)
3-15 / Algebra: Rules, Tables, and Graphs / 2.01
3-16 / Problem-Solving Applications: High Speed Trains / 1.01
Sec A / Number Sense
4-1 / Dividing by Multiples of 10 / Grade 4 (1.02d)
4-2 / Estimating with Two-Digit Divisors / 1.03
4-3 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Try, Check, and Revise / 1.03
Sec B / Dividing Whole Numbers
4-4 / Dividing Whole Numbers by Two-Digit Divisors / Grade 4 (1.02b)
4-5 / Dividing Larger Numbers / Grade 4 (1.02b,c)
4-6 / Dividing: Choose a Computation Quotient / 1.03
4-7 / Dividing with Zeros in the Quotient / Grade 4 (1.02b,c)
4-8 / Problem-Solving Skill: Multiple-Step Problems / 1.03
Sec C / Dividing Decimals
4-9 / Dividing Decimals by 10, 100, and 1000 / Grade 6 (1.04)
4-10 / Dividing Money by Two-Digit Divisors / Grade 6 (1.04)
4-11 / Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers / Grade 6 (1.04)
4-12 / Problem-Solving Applications: Animal Speeds / 1.03
CHAP 5 / DATA, GRAPHS, AND PROBABILITY / 1.03, 4.01, 4.02, 4.03
Sec A / Reading and Making Graphs
5-1 / Collecting Data from a Survey / 4.01
5-2 / Bar Graphs / 4.01
5-3 / Line Graphs / 4.01
5-4 / Stem-and-Leaf Plots / 4.01
5-5 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Make a Graph / 4.01
Sec B / Interpreting Data
5-6 / Mean, Median, and Mode / 4.03
5-7 / Circle Graphs / 4.01
5-8 / Choosing an Appropriate Graphs / 4.02
5-9 / Problem-Solving Skill: Writing to Compare / 4.02
Sec C / Probability
5-10 / Predicting Outcomes / Grade 4 (4.04)
5-11 / Listing Outcomes / 4.01
5-12 / Expressing Probability as a Fraction / Grade 4 (4.04); Grade 5 (4.05)
5-13 / Problem-Solving Applications: Population Growth / 1.03, 4.01, 4.02
CHAP 6 / GEOMETRY / 1.03, 2.02, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04,
Sec A / Lines, Angles, and Circles / Trans 2.08
6-1 / Geometric Ideas / Grade 3 (3.01)
6-2 / Measuring and Classifying Angles / 2.02
6-3 / Segments and Angles Related to Circle / Grade 6 (3.02)
Sec B / Polygons
6-4 / Polygons / 3.01, 3.02
6-5 / Classifying Triangles / 3.01, 3.04
6-6 / Classifying Quadrilaterals / 3.01, 3.04
6-7 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Solve a Simpler Problem / 3.04a,b,c
6-8 / Problem-Solving Skill: Writing to Describe / 3.01
Sec C / Symmetry and Transformations / 3.03
6-9 / Congruence and Similarity
6-10 / Transformations / Grade 4 (3.03)
6-11 / Symmetry / 3.03
6-12 / Problem-Solving Applications: Skyscraper / 1.03, 3.01
CHAP 7 / FRACTION CONCEPTS / 1.01, 1.03, 4.01
Sec A / Understanding Fractions
7-1 / Meanings of Fractions / 1.01
7-2 / Fractions and Division / 1.01
7-3 / Mixed Numbers
7-4 / Estimating Fractional Amounts / 1.03
7-5 / Fractions and Mixed Numbers on the Number Line / 1.01
7-6 / Problem-Solving Skill: Extra or Missing Information / 1.03
Sec B / Fraction Relationships
7-7 / Understanding Equivalent
7-8 / Finding Equivalent Fractions / Grade 6 (1.05)
7-9 / Greatest Common Factor / Grade 6 (1.05)
7-10 / Fractions in Simplest Form / 1.01
7-11 / Understanding Comparing Fractions / 1.01
7-12 / Comparing and Ordering Fractions and Mixed Numbers / 1.01
Sec C / Fractions and Decimals
7-13 / Fractions and Decimals / 1.01
7-14 / Fractions and Decimals on the Number Line / 1.01
7-15 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Use Logical Reasoning / 1.03
7-16 / Problem-Solving Applications: Extreme Machines / 1.01, 1.03, 4.01
CHAP 8 / FRACTION OPERATIONS / 1.01, 1.02, 1.03
Sec A / Adding And Subtracting Fractions
8-1 / Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators / 1.02
8-2 / Understanding Adding and Subtracting / 1.02
8-3 / Least common Denominator / 1.02
8-4 / Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators / 1.02
Sec B / Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers
8-5 / Understanding Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers / 1.02
8-6 / Estimating Sums and differences of Mixed Numbers / 1.02
8-7 / Adding Mixed Numbers / 1.02
8-8 / Subtracting Mixed Numbers / 1.02
8-9 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Work Backward / 1.03
Sec C / Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
8-10 / Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers / Grade 6 (1.04)
8-11 / Estimating Products of Fractions / Grade 6 (1.04)
8-12 / Multiplying Fractions / Grade 6 (1.04)
8-13 / Multiplying Mixed Numbers / Grade 6 (1.04)
8-14 / Understanding Division with Fractions / Grade 6 (1.04)
8-15 / Problem-Solving Skill: Choose an Operation / 1.03
8-16 / Problem-Solving Applications: Shoreline Animals / 1.01, 1.03
CHAP 9 / MEASUREMENT / 1.01, 1.03, 2.01
Sec A / Linear Measurement and Perimeter
9-1 / Customary Units of Length / Grade 2 (2.01); Grade 3 (2.02)
9-2 / Measuring with Fractions of an Inch / Grade 4 (2.02)
9-3 / Metric Units of Length / Grade 4 (2.02)
9-4 / Converting Metric Units Using Decimals / 2.10
9-5 / Finding Perimeter / Grade 4 (2.02)
9-6 / Algebra: Finding Circumference / Grade 6 (3.02)
Sec B / Area
9-7 / Finding Area / Grade 4 (2.02)
9-8 / Algebra: Areas of Squares and Rectangles / Grade 4 (2.02)
9-9 / Algebra: Areas of Parallelograms / Grade 4 (2.02)
9-10 / Algebra: Areas of Triangles / Grade 4 (2.02)
9-11 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Draw a Picture / 1.03
Sec C / Time and Temperature
9-12 / Time / Grade 3 (2.01)
9-13 / Elapsed time / Grade 3 (2.01)
9-14 / Temperature / Grade 3 (2.01)
9-15 / Problem-Solving Skill: Writing to Explain / 1.03
9-16 / Problem-Solving Applications: Statue of Liberty / 1.01, 1.02, 1.03
Sec A / Solids
10-1 / Solid Figures / Grade 4 (3.01)
10-2 / Views of Solid Figures / Grade 4 (3.01)
10-3 / Surface Area / Grade 4 (2.01, 2.02)
10-4 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Use Objects / 1.03
Sec B / Volume and Capacity
10-5 / Algebra: Volume / Grade 4 (2.01)
10-6 / Customary Units of Capacity / Grade 4 (2.02)
10-7 / Metric Units of Capacity / Grade 3 (2.02)
Sec C / Weight/ Mass
10-8 / Customary Units of Weight / Grade 3 (2.01b)
10-9 / Metric Units of Mass / Grade 3 (2.01b)
10-10 / Problem-Solving Skill: Exact Answer or Estimate / 1.03
10-11 / Problem-Solving Applications: Water / 1.03
CHAP 11 / RATIO, PROPORTION, AND PERCENT / 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 5.03
Sec A / Ratio and Proportion
11-1 / Understanding Ratios / Grade 7 (1.01)
11-2 / Equal Ratios / Grade 7 (1.01)
11-3 / Graphs of Equal Ratios / Grade 7 (1.01)
11-4 / Rates / 5.03
Sec B / Using Ratios
11-5 / Problem-Solving Strategy: Make a Table / Grade 7 (1.01)
11-6 / Scale Drawings / Grade 7 (2.02)
11-7 / Problem-Solving Skill: Writing to Explain / 5.03
Sec C / Percent
10-8 / Understand Percent / Grade 6 (1.02a)
11-9 / Mental Math: Finding a Percent of a Number / Grade 6 (1.02a)
11-10 / Estimating Percents / Grade 6 (1.02a)
11-11 / Problem-Solving Applications: Food / 1.01, 1.02, 1.03
Sec A / Equations
12-1 / Algebra: Properties of Equality / 5.02
12-2 / Algebra: Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations / 5.02
12-3 / Algebra: Solving Multiplication and division Equations / 5.02
12-4 / Algebra: Problem-Solving Strategy: Write an Equation / 5.02
Sec B / Integers
12-5 / Algebra: Understanding Integers / Grade 6 (1.01)
12-6 / Algebra: Adding Integers / Grade 6 (1.02)
12-7 / Algebra: Subtracting Integers / Grade 7 (1.02)
12-8 / Problem-Solving Skill: Writing to Compare / 5.03
Sec C / Equations and Graphs
12-9 / Algebra: The Coordinate Plane / Grade 6 (3.04)
12-10 / Algebra: Graphing Equations / Grade 6 (3.04); Grade 5 (5.02)
12-11 / Problem-Solving Applications: Solar System / 1.04, 4.01, 4.03