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Triage Service Definition

Tara Triage Service is a subscription service to diagnose theroot cause of system performance issues. This service is based on 30 years of performance analysis experience for critical business applications. We will provide your support teams a profile of how your applications are performing with recommendations on what they need to do to resolve the issue. We have built advanced diagnostic robots to quickly pin point known process issues, allowing your technical teams to focus on the tasks critical to your business.

Note: 90% of performance will be determined to be application based, not system resource issues. We will provide information about the health of your system and detailed process information that may help identify theroot cause of poor application performance. System performance metrics are only one part of end-to-end response time. Application, Database, Network and Client software wait times affect overall response times. The Triage process is only able to see utilization of system resources and does not include application, database, network (outside of server) and client performance issues. TARA can assist with application issues by providing information about process behaviors. We specialize in recognizing process instabilities and can provide clues to customers about application problems using process metrics. This analysis is included in the price you pay for Triage process. Information links to suggested solutions will be incorporated into Triage process to help get your support teams to a resolution as quickly as possible.

Platforms Supported

Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016

Coming in 2018 – Support for Linux/Unix Servers (inquire to if you are interested in analysis prior to 2018, limited support)

Costs for Triage Service

Triage is a very affordable service allowing your business to only pay for what you need. TARA has three billing tiers to customize the solution you need when you need the service.

Tier 1

Evaluation Includes Root Cause Analysis of Performance Data

First 2 Evaluations - Free when signing up for 10 evaluations

CPU, Memory, I/O, Network and Process Metrics will be reviewed, and atechnician will provide results in a pdf format document.

First 2 Evaluations - Free when signing up for 10 evaluations
or pay $399 for each evaluation


Tier 2

20+ Evaluations - 20% discount

Tier 3

Pay $399/per hour system performance consulting rate

Server Consolidations, Complex System Performance Discussions, Training on System Performance Topics

How to Sign Up for TARA Services

Sign up by filling out the customer inquiry form on the website by clicking on the Sign-Up button on the home page. Please include as much information as possible as it will help get your results as quickly as possible. Indicate on the inquiry form if you would like to speak with a technician prior to analysis of the system performance information.

Attach any documents we need to review or NAD Agreements needed to be completed for the engagement.

What to Expect After Submission of Customer Inquiry

A customer account number will be emailed to you along with instructions on how to submit your performance data sets.

Next, we will need you to FTP aPerfmon data collection file for each inquiry using the Triage template provided at the link below. Please name the .blg file customer#.blg. Upload .blg file to the TARAFTP site ( Create afolder under the FTP site/incoming with acustomer number. Files will be removed as soon as the data is picked up for processing. If there are multiple files,addthe sequencing # after the extension. For example, 120666.blg1 for thefirst file from customer account#120666. The results of the analysis will be provided in 1-2 business days. If you need the analysis expedited, please email to request expedited processing.

Expedited process will cost an extra $50 to the billing cost. We will return a signed NAD agreement to you to guarantee our commitment to protecting your data.

Follow-up Discussion to Review Analysis

All Billing Tiers include one follow up call with an experienced technician to discuss analysis results and assist in resolving theissue.