Dear Parent
I am pleased to present to you Donaghey Primary School Governors’ Report 2014-15. It will inform you about the organisation and running of our school, and the achievements of the academic year 2014-15. Unfortunately this report has been delayed due to the unavailability of the LMS outturn statement for 2014-15.
As you will see, the report covers a busy and eventful year. We are very proud of our school and are indebted to the staff, parents, pupils and friends who make Donaghey Primary School a wonderful environment for children to grow.
The governors and staff strive to maintain a high standard of learning and development. If you have any comments or suggestions please speak to the principal.
Yours faithfully
Dr. Joanne Brown
Mr W. Mayne
Mrs H. McIvor
Mr N. Black (Vice Chairperson)
Mrs A. Boyd
Dr. J. Brown (Chairperson)
Rev. M. Lindsay
Mrs K. Anderson
Mrs J. Evans
Mrs M. Wilson
Mr S. Harrison (Principal)
Donaghey Board of Governors were appointed in September 2014 and their term of office will expire in 2018.
The Governors are responsible for the overall management of the school. They are required to meet a
minimum of three times each year. In addition to its statutory functions the Board of Governors is
responsible for:
• The appointment of teachers and other staff.
• The admission of pupils to the school.
• The determination of Curriculum Policy.
• The Annual Report.
• School Inspections.
• The School Premises.
• The determination of all policies relating to education and welfare of the children.
• The school budget under LMS arrangements.
During this year were four meetings of the full Board of Governors. In addition, members attended Training Courses specifically designed for members of Boards of Governors to extend their knowledge and expand their skills.
Governors have also had the opportunity to avail of internal training/information sessions in areas of development highlighted from the ETIs Governance self-evaluation tool (completed in May 2014). To date areas have included:
· The Changing Role of Governors
· The Strategic Role of Governors
· Information on Special Education Needs processes in the school and Pastoral Care arrangements (delivered by Mrs Hardy – SENCO and Mrs Nelson – Designated Child Protection Teacher).
These informal information sessions will continue to cover a variety of areas including assessment, finance, school development planning, action planning, ETI inspection planning and other areas of relevance.
The governors are aware of their role in giving high support and challenge to the Principal.
Certain Governors have designated responsibilities outlined as follows:
· The Finance Committee: N. Black, J. Brown and H. McIvor
· The Staffing Committee: W. Mayne, H. McIvor and K. Anderson
· The Appeals Committee: N. Black, J. Evans and M. Lindsay
· PRSD Governors Designated: N. Black and W. Mayne
· Designated Child Protection Governor: A. Boyd
· Governor responsible for health, welfare and attendance: H. McIvor
The school completed the ETI Safeguarding Proforma in September 2014. Governors were informed of action areas and they have been rectified.
P6/7 Class Teacher Mr S. Harrison
P1/2 Class Teacher Mrs R. Slaine
P3/4 Class Teacher Mrs K. Nelson
P5/6 Class Teacher Mrs M. Wilson
Curriculum Support Teacher (Part-Time) Mrs S. Hardy
Principal Release P6/7 Teacher (Part-time) Mrs D. Wilson
P1/2 Classroom Assistant Miss M. Collins
P3/4 Classroom Assistant Miss B. Burnside
Special Education Needs assistants Mrs T. Hogg
Breakfast Club/P1 – P3 Club Co-ordinator Miss A. Leslie
Breakfast Club/P1 – P3 Club assistant Mrs H. Leslie
Clerical Assistant Mrs S. Watson
Building Supervisor Mrs H. Leslie
Cleaner Mr R. Leslie
Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants Mrs H. Leslie
Miss M. Collins
Cook in Charge Mrs G. Murphy
Kitchen Assistant Mrs B. Mullan
Number in classes: P1/P2 (26); P3/4 (21); P5/6 (24) & P6/7 (28). 99 pupils on school enrolment at 1st October 2014
Staff Roles and Responsibilities 2014/15
Mr S. Harrison / Principal / Staff Professional Development and INSET.Curriculum Development and Implementation.
Literacy Co-ordinator .
Assessment Co-ordinator.
PRSD Co-ordinator.
Pastoral Care Co-ordinator.
First Aider.
Heartstart Co-Ordinator.
L.M.S. Requisitions and budgeting.
Primary / Secondary Links.
Open enrolment procedures.
Preparation of School Prospectus.
Secretary to Board of Governors.
Assistance to Governors with preparation of Annual Report.
Responsibility for Ancillary Staff.
Storage of monies, lodgements and school accounts (school meals / milk/ tuck / charities etc).
Mrs M. Wilson / Assistant Teacher (Permanent – full time) and member of the Senior Leadership Team / Senior Leadership Team
ICT Co-ordinator.
Numeracy Co-ordinator.
P4-P7 ICT (Afternoon Groups).
Teacher representative on the Board of Governors.
Mrs R. Slaine / Assistant Teacher (Permanent – full time) / CRED Co-ordinator.
Art Co-ordinator.
P.E. Co-ordinator.
P4-P7 Art (Afternoon Groups).
Netball Coach.
P7 Cycling Proficiency.
Organising and planning the After-School Activities Programme.
Mrs K. Nelson / Assistant Teacher (Permanent – full time) / Child Protection Co-ordinator.
P4-P7 Textiles (Afternoon Groups).
P7 Cycling Proficiency.
Dining hall routines.
Mrs S. Hardy / Assistant Teacher (Permanent – part time) / Special Needs Co-ordinator.
Reading Recovery Co-ordinator.
Reading Partnership Co-ordinator.
MASTS Co-ordinator.
Drama Co-ordinator.
KS1 Music and P4/5 Recorder.
P4-P7 Drama (Afternoon Groups).
Mrs D. Wilson / Assistant Teacher (Permanent – part time) / Music co-ordinator
School choir
P4-P7 Music (Afternoon Groups).
P6/7 Tin Whistle.
Outline of ‘Baker Day’ and ‘School Development Day’ Priorities
BAKER DAYS1.Monday 25th August 2014 / Evaluate previous year’s work to identify future development in the SDP.
2. Tuesday 26th August 2014 / Numeracy and Literacy short term planning formats
3. Wednesday 27th August 2014 / Talk for Writing review and next steps & Introduction to Guided Writing
4. Thursday 28th August 2014 / ‘Welcoming Schools’ introduction with Crievagh PS
5. 1st July – 22nd August / One classroom day to be taken over the summer for classroom preparation
1. Monday 6th October 2014 / Welcoming Schools Audit
2. Tuesday 7th October 2014 / Target Setting, PIE/PIM v NRIT analysis, interventional group agreement
3. Monday 27th October 2014 / Guided Writing/Data Handling
4. Wednesday 18th February 2015 / Guided Writing/ICT audit and discussion regarding teacher training requirements
5. Tuesday 26th May 2015 / Data analysis and evaluations
The teachers have been heavily involved in in-service training courses throughout the year and the benefits of these are being seen in the extent and quality of classroom practice. All teaching staff have also successfully went through the PRSD process for 2014-15.
Summary of Staff Training
Staff Member / Course Attended & Provider / DateMr S. Harrison / Guided Writing – Kate O’Hanlon
EA First Time Principals’ course – School Development Planning
RTU First Time Principals’ course – Indicators of Effective Performance
RTU First Time Principals’ course – The Self-Evaluating School and Legal Issues
STEM 2015 Project
Titanic Science
RTU First Time Principals’ course – School Improvement
EA First Time Principals’ course – study visit to Poyntzpass PS
School improvement through self-evaluation
First Aid at Work
EA School Development Planning / 22/9/14
20/4/15, 21/4/15 and 22/4/15
Mrs M. Wilson / Guided Writing – Kate O’Hanlon
Social Media – UTU
Improving Learning and Teaching - Numeracy / 22/9/14
Mrs R. Slaine / Guided Writing – Kate O’Hanlon
Child Protection Refresher training
CRED and Perceived Controversial Issues
STEM 2015 Project
Foundation Stage Cluster Meeting / 22/9/14
Mrs K. Nelson / Guided Writing – Kate O’Hanlon
An overview of Autistic Spectrum Disorder
STEM 2015 Project
Child Protection Refresher training / 22/9/14
30/9/14 and 1/10/14
Mrs S. Hardy / Guided Writing – Kate O’Hanlon
Leadership and Management Capacity Building Programme for SENCOS
Numicon Introduction / 22/9/14
13/10/14 and 14/10/14
Mrs D. Wilson / Guided Writing – Kate O’Hanlon
Garage Band – AMMA Centre
Helping Hands – Womens’ Aid / 22/9/14
26/2/15 and 27/2/15
Mrs Tanya Hogg / Numicon / 27/2/15
Donaghey Primary School Vision
Donaghey Primary School aims to be a happy and caring community in which each child is nurtured to fulfil their potential in a safe and enriched environment, while developing a sense of respect for themselves and others.
Vision statement agreed by the teaching and non-teaching staff on
Friday 8th February 2013
Mission Statement
Donaghey Primary School seeks to encourage pupils to become life long learners and develop respect and concern for others, making them responsible and contributing members to society.
We aim to help our children:
1. foster a desire and enjoyment for learning through active learning in a broad and balanced curriculum relevant to their needs.
2. fulfil their intellectual, spiritual, physical, social, aesthetic and emotional potential. Central to the creation of this environment is a commitment to Christian values.
3. to enjoy reading and writing and develop confidence in language which will enable them to communicate effectively with others.
4. become e-confident to enhance other areas of learning.
5. develop the skills and knowledge of Numeracy to enable them to cope confidently to solve everyday situations.
6. learn through skills based learning in the world around us, helping them to develop responsible values to contribute to their community.
September 2014 saw the beginning of a new School Development Plan Cycle. Evidence had been collected from September 2013. Evidence included:
1. Internal Data (see examples from Assessment manager training).
PIM/PIE - May 2014 (P4 – P7)
Percentage over performing or underperforming 2013-14
Benchmarking Data 2013-14
ICT P7 levels – 2013-14
Special Educational Needs (SENCO Quality Indicators Audit: SENCO Leadership and Management – completed 9th and 18th June 2014
Pupil/Staff attendance – 2013-14
School Enrolment data – 2013-14
Outcomes from course reviews 2013-14
Vision day outcomes – February 2013
2. Questionnaires/Discussions
Parent Questionnaires (June 2012, November 2013 & May 2014)
Pupil Questionnaires (May 2014)
Pupil Focus Group (November 2013)
Staff Questionnaires – May 2014
Staff discussion after questionnaire feedback (June 2014)
Non-teaching staff questionnaire – May 2014
Positive Behaviour Policy Questionnaires (October 2013)
Discussions with Donaghey Parents’ Association - ongoing
3. ETI
2009 Donaghey PS Inspection
2011 Donaghey PS Follow Up Inspection
Excerpts from Chief Inspector’s Report (2012-14)
Excerpts from recent ETI inspection reports – ongoing
Together Towards Improvement 2010 - (Completed September and October 2014)
ETI conference, Omagh - 18-9-14
Appendix 5 – ETI principal information (three key areas and one area for improvement).
4. Pastoral Care
ETI Safeguarding – completed 26-11-13
Well-Being and Protection Survey – Monday 13th January 2014.
5. Curriculum Audits
CRED Audit Tool – September 2013
WAU audit – August 2014
6. Board of Governors
ETI Self-Evaluation – 20th May & 27th May 2014
7. Welcoming Schools - Audit completed October 2014
8. Government Guidelines (ongoing)
Count, Read, Succeed
Ten Year Strategy For Young People (OFMDFM)
9. Cross Phase Co-operation
Royal School Dungannon/Cookstown High School meetings
10. Other
NI Multiple Deprivation Measure (2010)
Rural White Paper Action Plan (2010)
Newspaper reports
Academic Studies:
Educational disadvantage and the Protestant Working Class: A Call to Action (Issued by Dawn Purvis MLA)
This evidence was used to develop appropriate action plans to aid school improvement:
2014-15 areas for improvement
Communication – Guided Writing
Using Mathematics – Data Handling
Using ICT – Using ICT across the curriculum
Action plans and the summary document along with other relevant details in accordance with the 2010 School Development Plan regulations were forwarded to the Education Authority in October. After the robust monitoring and evaluating of the actions put in place to develop the above areas, our internal data and judgements have found a significant improvement in these specific areas. Data analysis and a consideration of curriculum requirements will be used to develop relevant areas of development for 2015-16.
This current School Development Plan cycle will end in November 2017.
Welcoming Schools Initiative
In August 2014 the staff from Donaghey Primary School and Crievagh Primary School received an induction into the ‘Welcoming Schools’ project from board officer Joan Shine. The initiative is based on the principles of Invitational Education with the 5 P’s being central components – people, programmes, policies, places and processes. A Welcoming Schools Audit was completed in October 2014 and a subsequent action plan was drawn up for January 2015. To date, significant areas of development have included the creation of a School Council and Eco Committee to help improve pupil voice, continued development of cross-community links with Crievagh Primary School and further development of the school’s building and grounds to help make it a welcoming environment. We envisage that assessment will take place in term 1 of the 2016-17 school year.
The Curriculum
It is the policy of the Board of Governors of Donaghey Primary School that all the pupils will receive their full entitlement under the Northern Ireland Curriculum and that the school will go beyond that entitlement in areas where there are particular abilities among the staff.
The Curriculum will be so designed that the desire to learn will be encouraged in the pupils and that
thinking and reasoning will be stimulated. It will be held to be important that children learn to apply
themselves to the work in hand and to work to the best of their ability.
The Curriculum is seen as being a common curriculum for all the pupils of Donaghey Primary School and no pupil will be debarred from any part of it. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable adjustments
and maximum access to the curriculum for children who have a physical disability.