Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes

June 30, 2014

City Council Chambers – Denison, Iowa

The regular called meeting of the Denison Planning & Zoning Commission was held on Monday, June 30, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. Reis called the meeting to order at 5:30 with the following members present; Blakley, Curnyn, Hudson, Reisz, and Weis; Eiten arrives at 6:36 p.m. Also present; Randy Reis and Tracie Miller.

Motion by Blakley/Hudson to waive the reading and approve the minutes from the October 28, 2013 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Citizen Input for Future Agenda Items

No citizen input.

Requests or Applications

Re-zoning of Lots 2 & 3 Oak Ridge Heights Addition (161 & 165 Oak Ridge Drive) from C-1 to C-2. Proposed hotel would be built on these lots and current zoning of C-1 does not allow for hotel/motel usage. No written/oral objections. Motion by Curnyn/Weis to re-zone Lots 2 & 3 Oak Ridge Heights Addition to C-2. Motion carried unanimously.

Re-zoning of South ½ of Lots 1, 2 & 3 Block 119 (209 South 14th Street from R1-50 to C-2. Frehse Manufacturing Inc. owns this lot that abuts their existing commercial buildings. The dilapidated home on the lot would be torn down to allow for a structure to be constructed for storage. There will not be any manufacturing done in this structure; noise will not be an issue. Motion Curnyn/Hudson to designate the South ½ of Lots 1, 2 & 3 Block 119 to C-2. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business

Chapter 170.7 Satellite Antennas. An update of the code is necessary to include modern size of antennas. City Council requested that the Commission discuss new language to include current satellite antennas refraining from front yard. Mike Fink was present to give insight on the reasoning for positioning the satellite antennas in front yard. Fink expressed concern for Federal law (Over-the-Air Reception Devices (OTARD) Rule) that indicates that the City could not regulate the allowance of satellite antennas in the front yard. Direction was given to City Staff to seek City Attorney advice regarding the OTARD Rule.

Annexation Plan. Mayor Bonner addressed the Commission on devising a plan for the expansion of City Limits. Consensus was to research cities that have been successful with annexation and to discuss further at the next scheduled meeting.

Old Business.

CORE Overlay District Regulations. Revisions made to the regulations by Rick Franck were agreed to by the commission. Motion by Blakley/Curnyn to move the CORE Overlay District Regulations forward to council with the suggested changes from the City Attorney. Motion carried unanimously.

Commission Comments.

Discussion was had with the Mayor regarding a Council Liaison person between the Council and Commission.

Blakley requested that City Staff keep the screening standards for a C-2 for the Frehse Manufacturing storage facility on the above zoning request.

Hudson requested that City Staff contact Schau Recycling regarding the abundance of metal piling up.

Next regular meeting July 28, 2014.

Adjournment; 6:44 p.m.

Respectively Submitted;


Tracie Miller, Building Clerk