STEP Values: Passion Urgency Positivity Aspiration Commitment (PUPAC)
support staff appraisal(premises, catering, cleaning, office, step zone, ict technicians)
Name: / Date of initial planning meeting:Post Held (inc: main responsibilities): / Date of mid-year review:
Pay Scale (inc TLR, if appropriate): / Date of end of PM cycle review:
Name of PM reviewer: / JD reviewed: Yes/No
Name of Line Manager (if different to PM reviewer):
Objective setting for 2017-2018
Initial Planning MeetingObjective
(what you are going to do) / STEP FIRST Success Criteria incl. STEP VALUES
(what is needed to achieve your objectives) / Evidence
(examples of things needed to demonstrate success of objectives) / STEP UP
We all succeed together
(applicable teacher/leadership standards/
SS competencies to assess against) / STEP Way /Ahead
(other parts of theSTEP Compass, as applicable)
STEP WAY: We Agree To Do Things Like This
(ie: a target dedicated to role)
- E.g. (MDS): Ensure you, your team and Lunchtime Pupil Advocates contribute to highly effective and vigilant safeguarding culture
*Urgency when keeping a log of and record on concern forms/CPOMs safeguarding concerns, For example, it is apparent that they notice pupils who repeatedly fail to finish their food or only eat bare minimum
*Commitment to refer to list of identified children to ensure are kept safe or who might be showing early signs of risk
*Aspiration and Commitment which ensures that pupils report that they feel safe and well cared for in all parts of the school at break and lunchtimes
* Passion and Commitment to ensure that high standards of health and safety are maintained during break and lunchtimes, especially when key staff and pupils have specific responsibilities. For example, serving food, drinks and/or putting away food, plates, cutlery etc. / *speaking to pupils at break and lunchtimes
*Analysis of Concern forms/ CPOMs
*Observing relationships between pupils and staff at social times
*Speaking to staff about their safeguarding responsibilities and signs that a child might be at risk or in need of early help.
*Play and dining areas have posters/information related to how to keep safe and other safeguarding concerns / *(Level1): Embracing and Delivering Change: ‘listen to views of others and take on new tasks with support and training and learn new skills’
STEP UP: Leadership and ManagementWe all succeed together
(ie: a target dedicated to role: to achieve ICT Mark, to PM cleaners)
STEP AHEAD: CPD Investing In Your Future
(ie: CPD: training, courses, coaching, peer observations, etc planned for you to be the best you can be in your role and assess impact on pupil outcomes/role)
Notes/Feedback: when setting objectives, please think about baseline evidence, ie: where are the pupils/teachers/support staff now, where do they want/need to be and how will they get there? STEP First Values assesses performance for what you do and how you bring PUPACvalues into your role. STEP UP: teachers need to fill in ‘assessment against standards’ document for the STEP UP column to be assessed. NB: please delete these comments when setting targets!
Reviewee’s signature: ………………………………………………………………Date:………………………………………………………………
Reviewer’s signature: ………………………………………………………………Date:………………………………………………………………
Mid-Year Review
Objective(what you are going to do) / Development to Date
(to achieve your objectives) / Evidence incl. STEP Values
(concrete examples to demonstrate progress in meeting your objectives through STEP values) / STEP UP
We all succeed together
(PM reviewer comments on assessment against standards/SS competencies) / STEP Way /Ahead
(other parts of theSTEP Compass, as applicable)
Assessment of objective to date(progress made and impact to children/Academy, etc):
Assessment of objective to date(progress made and impact to children/Academy, etc):
Assessment of objective to date(progress made and impact to children/Academy, etc):
final Review
Objective(what you are going to do) / Development to Date
(to achieve your objectives) / Evidence incl. STEP Values
(concrete examples of whatyou have achieved, the impact of your actions through STEP values ,in order to meet the objectives) / STEP UP
We all succeed together
(PM reviewer comments on assessment against standards/SS competencies) / STEP Way /Ahead
(other parts of theSTEP Compass, as applicable)
Assessment of overall performance:
Assessment of overall performance:
Assessment of overall performance:
Overall Assessment against the Competencies:
Recommendation for pay progression (where applicable):
Reviewee’s signature: ………………………………………………………………Date:………………………………………………………………
Reviewer’s signature: ………………………………………………………………Date:………………………………………………………………