Tuesday’s Election / Business Meeting report
President Bill Hossler called the first business meeting of the 2013 National Conference to order at 10:00 AM sharp, and led pastors, officials and delegates in a spirited pursuit of efficient business meeting procedure. The fourth of six Conference objectives, “to transact business,” came near the beginning of the four–day proceedings, leaving the pursuit of the other objectives (1. To provide inspiration; 2. To share victories and needs; 3. To promote vision; 5. To provide for representation; and 6. To facilitate unity) to other occasions.
The morning session of busi–ness included a report from the General Oversight Council, written President’s, Treasurer’s and Directors’ reports, the first reading of the Constitutional Committee report, a presentation from Bethel College and the introduction of Regional Directors. The two Presidential nominees articulated their visions for the Missionary Church going forward. The President explained that the order in which they spoke (Bob Ransom, then Steve Jones) was determined by “LOT –tery,” though not connected in any way with a casino.
After the election, President Hossler and Dr. Dennis Engbrecht announced the launch of a new joint initiative aimed to inspire and empower young people to take on a year or two of service to the church and world at large. It will be called the World Leadership Academy. The initiative is co–sponsored by MCUSA and Bethel College. Spiritual formation and leadership development for High School graduates comprise the two–pronged approach featured in the World Leadership Academy. Rick Ford of Jacksonville, FL will serve as the WLA’s first Director.
A comment from President–elect Rev. Steve Jones
“The whole process [of the election] has been a humbling time in which the Lord has revealed how much I need to lean on Him. Realization of this responsibility makes one desperate for the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord for the Missionary Church. I have always cherished her, and now cherish the prayers of my church family.”
With a self–deprecating chuckle Steve recalled that when his father, the late Missionary Church evangelist and pastor Eddie Jones, was dying, he said to his Daughter–in–law Sue, “You’ll make a great First Lady.” Then Steve concluded, “My Dad never said I’d make a great President!”
Steve Moore to address Wednesday afternoon Plenary Session
Steve Moore has had a varied and diverse life in Christian missions, beginning with his first short–term missions trip 30 years ago, and including ventures into such exotic places as the high Himalayas of southwest Asia. He has worked extensively with missionaries through short–term outreach, training, mobilization and research projects in more than 40 countries. He is the founder of Keep Growing, Inc., which actively builds networks of coaches & consultants who share his passion to empower others to leverage personal development for organizational effectiveness using a guided discovery model of self directed learning. Steve serves as President and CEO of The Mission Exchange and is passionate about empowering the global mission community.
Moore’s book, The Dream Cycle: Leveraging the Power of Personal Growth has drawn rave reviews:
“Steve provides a map to turn dreams into reality,” says Steve Marr, author of Business Proverbs. “Many folks never get beyond dreaming —Steve [Moore] builds the bridge between dreaming and action. The Dream Cycle
will help turn empty talkers into doers.”
“Steve Moore provides the steps that lead to your practical growth plan...This is a great read for any leader who wants to move to the next level,” says Dick Wynn, Sr. Vice President of Crown Financial Ministries’ International Division.
And, “This book is a must for leaders who want to finish well,” writes J. Robert Clinton, Professor of Leadership at Fuller Seminary, and author of The Making of a Leader. “They must leverage their lifelong learning: Moore shows them how.”
A Closer at National Conference
Images from Tuesday’s Conference doings:
In addition to writing and speaking, Steve Moore has also focused his ministry on coaching leaders in the area of growth, life, role and legacy planning.
Wednesday and Thursday Workshop Breakouts
For a list and detailed descriptions of Breakouts, check your two–day “National Leadership Ministry Conference” manual for July 17–18, 2013, pages 8–15.
Speakers’ books available
Books and resources written by guest speakers of this year’s Conference, including Alvin VanderGriend, Steve Moore and Francis Chan, are available at the Conference bookstore, located in the display area behind Convention Hall. Look for the sign saying “Books and Resources.”