Name of legal entity / Country / Overall project value / Proportion carried out by legal entity (%) / No of staff provided / Name of client / Origin of funding / Dates (start/end) / Name of consortium members, if any
/ Jordan / 67929.60 JD / 80% / 5 / JUST University in Irbid & Al Hussein Bin Talal University in Ma’an / AED / USAID / October 2010 / March 31st 2012Detailed description of project / Type of services provided
Create a group of capable and skilled youth student mediators in JordanUniversity for Science and Technology in Irbid and Al Hussein Bin Talal University in Ma’an, through building their capacities as mediators to promote mediation practices and to mediate conflict that arise among students and might lead to tribal violence.
This project duration is 18 months and will benefit all university students through limiting the acceleration of conflict that might spread to tribes in surrounding areas.
The main goal of the project: to build the capacity of Jordanians to resolve conflict in a peaceful manner by spearheading the first ever university-based mediation service on two campuses in Jordan to mediate conflicts associated with tribal violence among students. Over time, PJ wants to see mediation become the first tool used in conflict resolution, rather than the last, to avoid escalation into violent conflict.
To accomplish this goal, the project will focus on the following two main objectives:
- Twenty disputes resolved through mediation during the course of the program.
- Sustainable and scalable mediation services provided to university students and the surrounding community led by trained university youth mediators.
2) Capacity building training on Monitoring and evaluation for Partners-Jordan staff and freelancers
3) Recruit youth mediation trainees from the two target Universities
4) Conduct 3 day, four training mediation programs in the two identified Universities
5) Recruit youth for Committees
6) Determine best approach for awareness and incubating mediation services through two workshops
7) Implementation of generated ideas to spread awareness and incubating mediation services in the two universities
8) Conduct twenty mediation cases by university students
9) Conduct Final evaluation for the whole project