Sadhu Sundar Singh wrote from a vision, in which he recorded what the Master spoke to him, in his book At the Master’s Feet.” Messiah speaking: “If in this world, men persecute and slander you, do not let this surprise or distress you, for this is for you no place of rest, but a battlefield.”

Truly, fellow born-again ones, we are on the battlefield. The enemy has targeted us for annihilation. Therefore, II Timothy 2:3-4 pertains to YOU: “Suffer hardship with us, as a good solider of Yahushua Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life, in order to please only Him who has enlisted him to be a soldier.” We must remain totally set-apart from the enemy’s rightful territory!

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not fight according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds, overthrowing fleshly human reasoning, and every other high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Messiah…” (II Corinthians 10:3-6)

First we must conquer our own sin nature, fear Yahuweh, and let Him transform our nature into His nature, ways, and thinking. It is suicidal to go against the enemy when we have open portals in our own life through which he can legally enter and attack us!

We must be humbly submitted to our Master at all times, in obedience, and relationship. We must also know the enemy and his plans well, as wise soldiers, but of course, we must know our Captain’s plans extremely well, so as to not disobey him! Our Captain has to be able to trust us with His weapons, to back us with His authority. [Refer to: “Authority Backing”/February 12, 2012] I have written a three-part series on Scriptural Spiritual Warfare/June-July 2010, and written many articles on the life of a warrior in His army. Learn from me what He has taught me since 1966, and He will teach you more! Our weapons are His Word, His Name, His praises, worship, proclamation and declaration of His greatness and supremacy as Creator, along with a blameless life.

Daniel was set up for death by his enemies, and so thrown into the lion’s den. But, Yahuweh shut the lion’s mouth, because Daniel was “blameless” before Him. (Daniel 6) The three Hebrew youths, in Daniel 3, refused to bow to a statue/image of Nebuchadnezzar. They were thrown into a fiery furnace. Yahushua joined them in the furnace, and they came out not even smelling like smoke, because they were blameless before Yahuweh. He backs His blameless servants, whom He knows and trusts! Doing spiritual warfare without a closed life to the enemy is truly suicidal!

The war is gaining strength. The forces against us are similar to those against Gideon and his 300, but far more extensive than we can imagine. We are in the time of the unleashing of the demonic hoards, the disembodied Nephillim who search for a body, and the coming of “that old Dragon” himself. We are His target of hatred.

Today, June 26th, is considered a “historic day.” The Supreme Court “struck down DOMA” – the Defense of Marriage Act. Former President Clinton signed DOMA into effect in 1996 as Federal Law. Today’s headlines read: Supreme Court strikes down DOMA; rules it interferes with states, ‘dignity’ of same-sex marriages

Today in the headlines also, are reports of such severe flooding in Northeast Iowa that hundreds are fleeing their homes. The news for several years has been continually reporting food-supply-destroying floods, blizzards, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, and sinkholes. Yahuweh is pouring out judgment to warn His people, but most have no idea that the Creator is angry at His creation. “As it was in the days of Noah…”

In south Florida, and in other states of the U.S., hearing booming sounds from deep in the earth is being reported. Two nights ago, groups of helicopters flew very low over our housing area. But, yesterday morning, I read that this also happened in other states the same night. Since 2006, I have been disturbed by the periodic deep booming from underneath the earth in Florida. Truly, much is going on that is being hidden from us!

Civil war is being created once again by the Jesuits, so that people willsubmit torule by martial law as a necessity for peace, and ultimately their plans for world takeover will be realized. Of course, “resisters” will be incarcerated in the prepared concentration camps.

Since about 2001, Abba has allowed me to learn a lot of the plans for the takeover of the American people, and of the world’s people. Many know these plans, also. Some, as good watchmen, are exposing it--risking their lives to do so.

The Catholic Encyclopedia relates that Jesuits, The Society of Jesus, was founded in 1540 by St. Ignatius Loyola, a Spanish Basque, and since then has grown from the original 7 to 24,400 members who, today, work out of 1,825 houses in 112 countries.Most in the Order are not priests, but are in leadership in top world governments and key organizations of the Illuminati. Back in 2002, after doing much research on the Illuminati, I asked Abba: “Who is at the top?” He let me know that the Jesuits were at the top. Since then, I have learned more, and yes, they are at the top! Under them are the Freemasons, the “black royalty” of Europe – oldest families, steeped in Satanism, from the Morovingian bloodline -- and a few hundred key organizations, like the Bilderberger Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the New Age movemen.

Since the 16th century, the Jesuit Order has been closely associated with the “alien agenda,”working with the leaders of the kingdom of darkness who seek to take over mankind and rule the earth. Today top world governments are also associated with this agenda. The Jesuits are the Vatican’s leading astronomers, who seek to bring the aliens to earth. As it was in Enoch’s day and Noah’s day, so is it NOW! Jesuit founder, Ignatius Loyola, was involved with witchcraft and other deep demonic activity!

If you look at some of the religious artwork, i.e. oil paintings, from the 14th century onward, you will see space ships, aliens, and other extraterrestrial things portrayed in paintings of the crucifixion, for example.I’ve collected a few pictures of them off the Internet. So, today, we hear that satanic worship and human sacrifice to Satan is going on in the Vatican, and we sigh: “Yes, I knew that.”

Constantine had theBasilica of St. John Lateran built from the Lateran Palace, between 311 and 314 CE. It became the pope’s residence for 1,000 years. Laterthe Vatican was built.Both have served as Satan’s headquarters on earth, in order to maintain the Roman Empire intact, with a façade of mystery to hide sun-god worship, toeventually enslave all mankind. Today, the religious mask is coming off, and the Jesuit-controlled Vatican is ready to fulfill their plans to put one of their own on the Temple Mount, as a world ruler. Read all about it in the Tenach and Messianic Writings.

Perhaps his reign in Israel will begin on the “Upper Hill,” miscalled “Zion,” in the false “Upper Room,” which Israel has been so gracious to give them. A “throne” will be built for him, and the whole of what Helena, Constantine’s mother, called “Zion” will be turned over to the Pope. Already the Pope is asking for more room on “Zion,” in order to hold massive gatherings of “Christians.” This means Jewish places will be dismantled.

The movie made from Dan Brown’s book, Angels and Demons, shows the Pantheon in Rome-- a place where all the sky gods, gods of earth,and gods ofHades, from BCE, were worshipped. When Constantine wanted to unite his fragmenting Empire, he knew that if he had a central religion, he could unite pagans, Christians (a Greek Gnostic heresy), and his military, who worshipped Mithra, as well as other groups. The only ones who would resist would be the followers of the Hebrew Messiah, Yahushua, who taught His disciples to guard His Father’s Torah, and the teachings of His Apostles. So, these were targeted for annihilation as “heretics.” One of the strongest groups that joined with Rome in this attempted annihilation was those that followed Rabbi Akiva, the father of rabbinic Judaism. He used Rome to try to destroy those he considered his enemies--the “talmidei yeshua”-- the followers of salvation. [Refer to: “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Their Link to Rome/March 2009, “The Foundation of Deception – The Gospel of Constantine”/May 2004, “The Hebrew Names and Titles of the Creator of the Universe”/January 2005]

In order to gather together all those who worshipped different gods, represented in the worship at the Pantheon, Constantine united the beliefs of them all, and, using Greek Gnostic Christianity as the foundation, created the Roman “universal” (Catholic) Church. Under this one assembly, he joined all the gods of Pantheism under supreme god--the one the Greeks called Iesous (“Yesu” in Latin, “Jesus” in English). The name, Iesous, related to Zeus, the savior of the Greeks, united into one god all the savior-gods related to allthe sun gods of all nations who were conquered by Rome. According to the Greeks, Zeus, like all the sun gods, died in the winter and rose again in the spring, and was considered the savior of his people. The root of this thinking goes back to Nimrod,a sun god, whose son, Tammuz, was said to be hisreincarnation on earth. Constantine worshipped Sol Invictus Mithra--Mithra, god of Persia. “Sol Invictus,” the unconquerable sun.” Constantine never became a Christian, except in pretense to fool those who were Greek Christians. They all hated and rejected Israel, the Jews, Yahuweh, Yahushua, and Their Torah. That was the cement that kept them all together in unity. Today, the harlot daughters of Rome have alsothrown offthe Torah as “the LAW of the Jews,”like cement between the bricks of their theology, encasing all into one big family with the Vatican. In the Vatican Museum, you can see statues of the sun gods, like Mithra, and Serapis (from his worship the Greeks got “Christ.”) You can also see the goddesses, Queen of heaven, Mother of God, from all different cultures, like Diana, Astarte, Isis, and Catholic “Mary.” Every ancient culture has its Queen of heaven, Mother of God, with statues and art work showing her holding her little baby boy savior. The root of this is Semarimis and Tammuz. [Refer to: “Exposing the Real Agenda of Mary Worship/April 2013] Jeremiah addresses this in Jeremiah 7:16-19, and 44:15-27.

The joining of all religions worked, uniting the empire of Emperor Constantine, who demanded worship of himself as the first pope, the Pontifex Maximus (the supreme Pontiff). So, actually, Rome never died, it just hid in the Roman Catholic Church under a façade of religion.

Today, as the Vatican hierarchy well knows it is time to take down the façade, and become the political and economic ruler of the world. Several encyclicals have been written calling for a global economy and a single ruler to govern it. The last one was written in October of 2012. They are gathering all religions once again under their umbrella. The pope actually has the right, by being part of the oldest royalty on earth, to make laws for all the nations. One of these rights will soon be executed to bring the whole world under “THE SUNDAY LAWS.” This will set up a worldwide Inquisition. I will be writing about this soon.

Many nations, like America, adopted these laws early-on. The Vatican has the right to enforce any laws they want to. They are the continuation of the Roman Empire, which has now encircled the earth. America came under the control of the Jesuit-controlled Vatican long before America even became a nation.

Because the Jesuits have been in league with “aliens” for so many centuries, it is not surprising that they are the ones who created the “pre-tribulation rapture” hoax. [Refer to: “Who Will Be Left Behind?/January 2006] Here is their plan: Nota rapture of “the church” into heavenly bliss, but the removal of Christians by aliens into their “space ships.” As we know, even from what NASA has found, the moon and Mars were colonized in ages past, most likely by pre-Flood Nephillim. These and other similar planets will again be colonized, using those taken up in “the rapture.” I’m just reporting their plan! And, believe me, their technology is far more advanced than 99.9% of earth’s people are aware of! Germany, Russia, and America, for example, have had anti-gravity technology for many years, so some of the UFOs reported are actually piloted by humans. Yes, others are piloted by demonic “aliens.” Since the world’s people are calling for the sky gods to return, they are returning. Yet, so few of Yahuweh’s people are calling: “Come Yahushua Come!” I am…are you?

There is not one verse in the entire Bible, nor is it in the nature of Yahuweh, to remove all those who have “prayed the prayer to go to heaven,” into heaven to banquet, while the earth is totally taken over by Satan. This doctrine was given to the Jesuits by the fallen ones, because it is their end-time plan to make slaves of Yahuweh’s people. Now, we are seeing it in its infant stages with “alien abductions.” This plan has been well known among New Age leaders for a long time, and they’ve written about it. “Alien abductions” are very real. L.A. Marzulli has written a lot about it, and produced DVDs about it. He is a very solid man in his research! This is not science fiction, this is reality.

The fallen ones, in order to extend themselves into the earth, had to have a body. So, they made a deal with the evil ones of mankind. In exchange for knowledge of Yahuweh’s technology, which they stole, the fallen ones asked for human women to be used to be “fit extensions,” so that they could take flesh and dwell among us. Today, it is not fantasy – they are among us. Hybrids are among us in many forms.

Underneath America are about 200 cities. Many other cities are under different countries. They are linked by a super highway, and even fastjet-trains. Cloning, transgenic, and trans-humanism experiments, are going on continually. The mixing of human DNA with that of animals, fish, birds, reptiles, insects, and even plants is happening. Major colleges in America, the UK, and other countries, have courses in trans-humanism/transgenic “science.” [Refer to: “The Preservation of the Royal Seed”/December 2007 and Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”/January 2008]

Transhumanists have declared that we are in a “post human” generation. The creating of bodies for the disembodied Nephillim (demons) has been a big project. The reincarnation of Nimrod is already a done deal. If this all sounds like craziness to you – then get out of your box and find out the truth. But, start your research in the Word, for this is all in there, past and present!

The “alien” plan has been clearly told to the American people via movies and TV dramas for a very long time, since at least the 1940s, and people think it is all fantasy. Yet, they have been telling us some truth all along. Zombie movies are making big money. But, these creatures are being created in underground laboratories. Many youth are identifying with skulls, with death, with vampires, and zombies, and with Satan.

The Vatican is the major player in bringing the fallen ones in to rule this earth, with them in control of course. In Tom Horn’s new book Exo Vaticana, he provides good information on the “hard work” of the Vatican Jesuit astronomers, who are working to bring aliens into the earth, to receive them as our brothers, and perhaps our parents. Pope John Paul II publically denounced the Genesis account of creation, and embraced evolution. This is an example that the religious façade is indeed fast coming off.

Constantine took what was worshipped in the Pantheon, made a Basilica out of the Lateran Palace, which is not far from the Pantheon, and made it the epicenter of his new united-religion“Church.”

Here is a picture of the Pantheon today. Notice the huge round unsupported dome – and its center “oculus.” The oculus (eye) serves as a portal to the sky gods, and, with the dome, forms a “circumpunct,”-- a phallic symbol that is very prevalent in designs in western culture.