Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 5/03/10

University of Melbourne Student Union

Minutes of the Clubs & Societies Committee

Meeting 3/10


2 PM on Friday the 5th of March 2010

Location: Mary Cooke A, 2nd Floor, Union House

1.  Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

1.3  Attendance

1.4  Apologies

1.5  Proxies

1.6  Membership

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Confirmation of Previous Minutes (18/2/10)

3.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1  RSA Certificates (not actioned yet)

3.2  Greek Association Response (not actioned yet)

3.3  SFH/Melbourne City Council Issue

Office Bearers’ Report

5  Correspondence

5.1  Science Students Society Event/Alcohol

5.2  Cage Free Campus Society Name Change

5.3  Extensions for Membership Lists

5.4  Education Students Association Executive Issue

Schedule of Meetings

Orientation Feedback

8  Grants

8.1  Standard

8.2  For Discussion

8.3  Semesterly

9  Asset Checking

10  Socialist Alternative Postering in Union House

11  Certificate of Currency Letter

12  C&S Council Regulation Amendment

13  Other Business

14  Next Meeting

15  Close

Meeting opened at: 2:05 PM, by Jonathan Donagan

Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Jonathan Donagan be appointed chair.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

So Acknowledged

1.3  Attendance

Committee: Shana Besanko, Quinn Oakley, Cassandra Lutzko, Shaun Khoo, Fei Gao, Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope

Officers: Piper O’Dowd, Jonathan Donagan

Administrator: Fiona Sanders

Other: Jesse Overton-Skinner, Mujdat Keser (Cross Cultural Dialogue Society


Liam Hedge

1.4  Apologies

Liam Hedge

1.5  Proxies


1.6  Membership

No change

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: That the agenda be adopted.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Motion 3: That the C&S Committee minutes of 18/02/10 be confirmed as a true and accurate account.

Moved: Chair


Procedural Motion: That Item 13.1: Discussion of Cross Culture Dialogue Society’s new club application is added to the agenda and that it is brought forward to before Agenda Item 3.

Moved: Shaun Khoo


13.1 Discussion of Culture Dialogue Society’s new club application

·  Mujdat Kesser spoke about Cross Culture Dialogue Society’s new club application and about an upcoming large project beginning on the 16th of April

·  Committee suggested clubs who operate independently can approach the university

·  Discussed the amount of funding available for affiliated clubs, very limited compared to the scope of their project

·  Committee formed consensus that it will follow affiliation timetable

Mujdat Kesser left at 2:17 pm

Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1 RSA Certificates

No action taken

3.2 Greek Association Response

No action taken

3.3 SFH/Melbourne City Council Issue

Clubs have been informed about the issue; Melbourne City Council has not been contacted yet.

Agenda Item 4: Office Bearers’ Report

Report Outlined the C&S Expo and thanked the C&S committee for its help. It informed C&S Committee that the regulation changes that have been passed on to students’ council have now been approved. That the C&S office will begin an outreach program to VCAM and also outlined a possible sexual health initiative.

Motion 4: That the OB report be accepted.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 5: Correspondence

5.1 Science Students Society Event/Alcohol

Discussion of problem and correspondence with the university

Fei Gao arrived at 2:25pm

Jesse Overton-Skinner left at 2:30pm

Petition to discipline:

Shaun Khoo, Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope Petition to put Science Students Society on Probation for 6 months under regulation 6.1.a for breach of regulation 7.3.1.h

Quinn Oakley, Cassandra Lutzko Petition to put Science Students Society on Probation for 12 months under regulation 6.1.a for breach of regulation 7.3.1.h

12 month petition is amenable to Shaun Khoo and Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope.

6 month petition lapses

5.2 Cage Free Campus Society Name Change

Motion 5: That C&S Committee approve the name change of the Cage Free Campus Society to Animal Protection Society

Moved: Chair


5.3 Extensions for Membership Lists

Discussion of the application from the Earth Science Students’ Society - no orientation intake

Discussion of the application from the Cambodian Students’ Association - was at orientation expo

Club should just submit current list by deadline.

Motion 6: That C&S Committee approves an extension for membership lists to 1/4/10 for the Earth Science Students’ Society and that it rejects the application of the Cambodian Students’ Association.

Moved: Chair

Carried, 1 abstention (Shana Besanko)

5.4 Education Students Association Executive Issue

Discussion of the resignation of the entire executive committee

Motion 7: That the Education Students’ Association be given an extension till the 5/4/10 to hand in their membership lists then if there is no student interest they will be disaffiliated.

Moved: Shana Besanko Seconded: Cassandra Lutzko


Jonathan Donagan volunteers to help get the club running again if any students come forward.

Agenda Item 6: Schedule of Meetings

Wednesday 4pm fortnightly meeting appear to be consensus

Meeting schedule will be finalised via correspondence

Agenda Item 7: Orientation Feedback

Microphone not suitable – need better choral microphones.

Setup/ layout – ok

Remind clubs to bring stationary items that they might need like string and tape

Shana Besanko left at 3:00

Piper O’Dowd left at 3:00

C&S Committee formed consensus that the Expo went well and that we all dislike the job Entertainment did.

Agenda Item 8: Grants

8.1 Standard Grants

Motion 8: That all standard grants be accepted en bloc.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Quinn Oakley


8.2 Grants for discussion

Mega BBQ

Combined event - Engineering Students Club, Engineering Music Society, International Engineering Students Society, Computer Students Association, Environmental Engineering Students Society, Geomatics Society

Motion 9: That an exemption be granted for Mega BBQ under regulation 8.g and the Grant Applications be approved.

Moved: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope Seconded: Shaun Khoo


Physiotherapy Students Society

Orientation BBQ – resubmitted due to C&S admin error

Motion 10: That Motion 9 form the C&S Committee meeting 18/2/10 be rescinded and the grant approved.

Moved: Chair


Psychology Association

Welcome Back BBQ 11/3 – incomplete alcohol paperwork

Motion 11: That the grant be approved conditional that the relevant paperwork is submitted prior to the event

Moved: Chair


Chinese Music Group

6/3 – no event or purchasing details

Motion 12: That the grant application be rejected due to incomplete paperwork

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


Consistently Amazing Kitchen Adventures & Fantasy & Science Fiction Appreciation Society

No food plans for events – events in past

Motion 13: That the grant applications be rejected due to lack of food plan submitted

Moved: Chair


Greens on Campus

No food plan – event in future

Motion 14: That the grant application be approved conditional the food plan is submitted prior the event

Moved: Chair


Film Society

Off campus – no exemption or certificate of currency

Motion 15: That the grant application be rejected as not off-campus exemption was applied for and no certificate of currency was supplied

Moved: Chair


Greek Association

No grounds booking

Motion 16: That the grant application be rejected as no grounds booking was made

Moved: Chair


International Commerce Students’ Society

Welcome Back – late submission, correspondence submitted

Motion 17: That the grant application be rejected

Moved: Chair


Korean Christian Group

Off-campus at RMIT, exemption applied for

Motion 18: That the off-campus exemption and grant application be approved.

Moved: Chair


Secular Society

Off-campus – no certificate of currency

Motion 19: That the grant application be rejected

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


Universe (Campus Ministry)

Off-campus, exemption applied for and certificate of currency provided

Motion 20: That the grant application be approved

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


8.3 Semesterly Grants

Motion 21: That all semesterly grants be accepted en bloc.

Moved: Chair


Procedural Motion: That Item 10 be brought forward and discussed now.

Moved: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


Agenda Item 10: Socialist Alternative Postering in Union House

Socialist Alternative breached Union House rules by repeatedly postering and sticking stickers on painted and varnished surfaces

Cassandra Lutzko, Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope Petition to put Socialist Alternative on Probation for 12 months for breach of regulations 6.1.k and 6.1.o

Socialist Alternative have repeatedly ignored the C&S Administrators request to stop using the “Supported by UMSU” logo and use the “Affiliated to UMSU” logo

Motion 22: C&S Committee direct Jonathan Donagan to write to Socialist Alternative to cease and desist using “Supported by UMSU” on their material

Moved: Cassandra Lutzko Seconded: Quinn Oakley


Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope left at 3:20pm

The C&S Committee meeting will continue invoking the 30 minute rule

Agenda Item 9: Asset Checking

Motion 23: That all assets for asset checking must be brought to the C&S office before 4.30 pm on April 1 2010.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Cassandra Lutzko


Agenda Item 11: Certificate of Currency Letter

Motion 24: That the Certificate of Currency letter be adopted as an official publication of C&S Committee.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Cassandra Lutzko

Carried, 1 against

Agenda Item 12: C&S Council Regulation Amendment

Shaun Khoo and Fiona to draft amendments. Discussed whether council should be compulsory. Nominations can close 15 min from advertised opening time. Most work to be done offline.

Agenda Item 13: Other Business

13.2 Crazy 8am stretching club application for refund of deposit

Boredom is not a sufficient reason for abandoning the table!

Motion 25: That the application for refund be rejected

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 14: Next Meeting

To be advised by email

Agenda Item 15: Close

Meeting closed at: 3:34 PM by Jonathan Donagan

Certified by Chair:

Signed: Dated:

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