Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Guided Notes

To be used with Meiosis & Sexual Reproduction PPt

Genes and Heredity

______- the passing of traits from parents to offspring.

______- the study of heredity (the passing of traits)

Each human cell contains ____ thousand different genes

Karyotype is a chart of an

organism’s ______.

All ______genes are located

on _____ pairs of chromosomes.

Genes: factors that control organism ______or ______.

Genes are part of a chromosome containing the ______.

Genes are passed on from ______to ______.

Alleles: part of a ______that is located on a chromosome.

Example: Height(______)Tallness or shortness(______)

The alleles determine how each gene is ______.

There areat least ______alleles for one gene.

Locus: Location of a ______on a chromosome


A type of cell division where the chromosome number is ______to half.

The process in which cells undergo ______dividing phases to form ______.

Meiosis only produces ______cells (______).

______are your sex cells. Your egg and sperm cells.

Gametes are your ______cells. Your ______and ______

Sexual reproduction (sperm + egg) produces a ______.

Diploid vs. Haploid:

Define Diploid:
What is the abbreviation for diploid? ______
Where are diploid cells found? ______The diploid # for humans is _____.
Define Haploid:

What is the abbreviation for haploid? _____ The haploid # for humans is _____.

Where are haploid cells found? ______and ______cells

OrganismDiploid #____Haploid #__

Human 46______

Chimpanzee 48______

Dog 78______

Fruit fly 8______

Garden pea 14______

Adder’s fern 1260______



______or ______


specialized organs in higher animals

where the______are made





Meiosis - Interphase 


______& ______grow

Chromatin ______

Non dividing phase

Chromatin Chromosome Homologous Chromosome

Homologous Chromosomes:

-a ______of chromosomes that contain genes for the same traits.

-one chromosome is from ______the other from ______.

-same ______& ______are in same location.

Meiosis I

Prophase 1

______become visible & pair up.

The nuclear membrane starts to ______.

______are present.

Meiosis I - continue

Prophase 1

______: the meeting of homologous chromosomes

Tetrads: the two pairs of homologous chromosomes.

______over: the exchange of chromosome pieces.

-Crossing over increases the ______of the offspring

-This is why the offspring of sexual reproduction show many variations

- Crossing over occurs only during ______

Metaphase 1:

Centrioles move to poles extending ______.

______attach to spindle fibers

in middle of cell.

Anaphase 1:

Cell is ______shaped
______chromosomes pull apart.

Telophase I/Cytokenesis:

Complete ______.
Cell is figure eight in shape

End of Meiosis I

______-cytoplasmic division of the cell occurs.

-ends the first stage of ______.

-at the end of meiosis I there are ______cells.

-ends the first stage of meiosis

-each ______cell contains the diploid number of chromosomes.

Meiosis II
Similar to mitosis but no ______& chromosome replication.

No pairing of ______chromosomes. Single chromosomes line up during metaphase II.

Diploid (2n) is reduced to ______(n)

Normally, homologous pairs of chromosomes separate and move toward opposite poles of the cell
What is this disorder called? ______
Define Nondisjunction: the failure of ______

______to ______.

Name of the disorder caused by the nondisjunction of the 21st chromosome:

What could the number of chromosomes be with someone with this condition? ______

According to the graph on the right that describes

mother’s age versus number of Down’s Syndrome

births/1000, explain the trend that is depicted.

Does Meiosis I or II have a greater rate of Down’s

Syndrome babies? ______

Mistakes in Mitosis can be Good

having an entire ______set of ______

-Will result in the ____ or ____ number of chromosomes

-Many plants are a result of polyploidy; ______& ______.



______is very similar to _____ divisions of mitosis.

The ______number (2n) of chromosomes is reduced by ______
to the ______number (n).

What is formed? ______and ______
What is the name of the process that occurs that causes variation?

Do variations occur in Mitosis? ______
Do variations occur in Meiosis? ______

Mitosis is associated with this type of reproduction: ______

Meiosis is associated with this type of reproduction: ______

What is the name of the process that produces sperm? ______

How many are produced? ______
What is the name of the process that produces eggs? ______

What is produced along with one egg? ______