AVSL project. Working environment in Windows.

LDAP and MySQL servers should be available on remote computer.

This document helps to install an environment for AVSL developer on Windows OS. The source code is downloaded (checked out) from cvs.dev.java.net. After modification the code should be uploaded (checked in) to the same place.

Components to be installed

1. CVS client for checking in/out the source code -WinCVS 1.3:

2. Java Runtime Environment - JDK

3. Integrated Editing and Compiling environment for Java.- NetBeans V5.5 (or higher):

4. Application Server for running compiled Java application. - Java Tools Bundle Windows ML: -

5. Application Server Configuration

1. WINCVS Configuration

  1. Download the WinCVS software(WinCvs13b17-2) from and install it with the default steps.
  2. Open Admin  Preferences. And insert the following data in the corresponding fields.

1.2.Ignore Complains about Python absence.

1.3.Open Admin  Login, press OK then specify the path where you want to download the project.Provide your password at the next step and you will be logged in cvs.dev.java.net server.

1.4.Open Remote  Checkout Module and fill the fields with the following data.

  1. JDK Installation.

2.1.Download and install “jdk-1_5_0_10-windows-i586-p.exe” by default steps.

  1. NetBeans Installation & configuration

3.1.Download the NetBeans software “netbeans-5_5_1-windows.exe” from and install it with the default steps.

3.2.If JDK is properly installed then there will appear an window with the path to JDK folder “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_10”. If not then JDK should be installed and the path should be shown during the NetBeans installation.

3.3.After installation we have an icon on desktop NetBeans 5.5.1 which we do not use for running our program. We’ll use the other icon NetBeans 5.5 created after Application Server installation.

  1. Application Server Installation

4.1.The Application Server we going to install is Java EE 5 Tools Bundle“java-tools-bundle-windows-ml.exe”.Download itfrom and install with the default settings.

4.2.In the 3-rd step of installation, define the path of your JDK folder if it is not specified automatically (usually C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_10).

4.3.The admin username password by default is admin / adminadmin which desirable to change.The default ports are Admin – 4848, HTTP – 8080, HTTPS – 8181.

4.4.Open the NetBeans IDE, File  Open Project and then show the path of the downloaded project (C:\IVSL\e-science-library in our example). Click “Open Project” button. The project will be loaded and some reference problems will be reported.

4.5.We need to add libraries in order to be able to build the project. Right Click on the “e-science-library4” on projects tab and select properties.

4.6.Be sure that the 1.5 is selected at the Source level combo box at the bottom.

4.7.Select Libraries tab from the left panel and add the required libraries

1 – JSF 1.1

2 – JSTL 1.1

3 – mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable-bin.jar

4 – commons-el.jar

The necessary libraries should be downloaded: MYSQL JDBC Driver:

(extract and get commons-el.jar file )

4.8.Select Build  Build Main Project and the project is ready to execute.

4.9.Select Run  Run Main Project(it will automatically run the project with Sun Java System Application Server).

4.10.From the Browser Open the following link

5. Sun Java System Application Server Configuration

5.Open a new Browser and type (if the server is run on your computer). And login with your username and password (default values are - usr: admin, psw: adminadmin).

5.1. JDBCconnection configuration.

5.1.1.On the left panel find Resources and under it select JDBC and then Connection pools located under them. Then press the New button on the right panel.

5.1.2. Fill in the Name field with appropriate name and select java.sql.Datasourse in the second field and mysql as Database vendor.

5.1.3. On the second step, leave all the fields as default and change only the last table as shown below. Then press finish button.

5.1.4. Select JDBC Resources from the left panel and click on the New button.

5.1.5. Fill in the first field (JNDI Name) with jdbc/ivsldb and the select MySql connector in the second row and leave anything else as the default and press OK.

5.1.6.Copy “mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable-bin.jar” file in your Sun Java Application Server folder {$SunAppServ}\AppServer\domains\domain1\lib. And restart the sun Java Application Server. (You can check if the configuration is correct by Ping button located on the MySql-connector page on the server configuration. Before that the appropriate user should be created in mysql database).

5.2LDAP configuration

5.2.1Select Configuration  Security Realm, and Press New.

5.2.2. Fill the Fields with appropriate values shown below on the picture and save the entries. Press Add Property button to open new lines. When finish press OK then Save if necessary.

5.3.Changes in the XML file

Open “\e-science-library\ivsl\web\WEB-INF” and open the web.xml and change the

  • env-entry-value>ldap://localhost:389</env-entry-value>



  • <env-entry-value>ou=IVSL,ou=People,dc=java</env-entry-value>



  • <env-entry-value>ou=Groups,dc=java</env-entry-value>



  • <env-entry-value>elibrary</env-entry-value>



As shows in the picture below.

  1. When calling browser with the URL…. Null.Pointer.Exception means MySQL connection to the server is not available.
  2. Libraries -copy