ST Johns Primary Term Planner

Week / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
3 / February 9 / ·  Kinder Parent night. / ·  Staff prayer – Katrina. / ·  New Teachers to the Diocese meeting.
·  P&F welcome night
·  Adam at Sport trials. / ·  Adam at Sport trials.
·  Anthony at Principal meeting.
·  Sue L in the office.
4 / February 16
·  Staff afternoon tea at the Magnolia Café 4pm – 5pc / ·  Opening school Mass.
·  P & F AGM – 7pm / ·  Staff prayer – Rebecca
·  Anthony away – Ian Gamble visit (Orange)
·  Sue L in the office. / ·  Multilit training in Sydney – Carmel and Angela to attend. / · 
5 / February 23
·  Professional Development – A review of QTP in context. / ·  ST Johns Primary Swimming carnival. / ·  Ash Wednesday
·  Staff prayer – Ross
·  Adam at AP Day with Christine Young – (Mudgee) / ·  / ·  Northern Region Swimming Carnival in Gulgong.
6 / March 2
·  Professional Development – Discussion on Positive student welfare – What works well.
·  Mulilit day at school for Carmel and Angela. / ·  / ·  Staff prayer – Carmel
·  Mentoring in-service – Adam and Sue L. (Orange) / ·  / ·  International Women’s Day.
·  Dio Primary Swimming (Dubbo)
7 / March 9
Pupil Free Day – Spelling in context. / ·  Special RE staff meeting update – 3:10 – 4:00
·  2:00pm Charles. / ·  Discuss Canberra with Sue
·  Staff prayer – Anna
·  Kinder morning sessions. KM - KE / ·  Send Jolly Phonics to Narromine and contact judy McFadden
·  Support Teachers’ meeting – Trish Away.
·  9:00am meeting with Leanne O’Connor and Kelly Hardy.
·  9:00am Fth Paul reconciliation
·  Peter Hill visit 1:30 – 3:00pm / ·  IEU Leadership conference – Sue L
8 / March 16
Professional Development – QTP focus – HOT ideas – Embedding Higher Order Thinking in class practice. / ·  Sue L – REC day
·  P&F Meeting
·  St Patrick’s DAY / ·  Staff prayer – Gabby
·  Sports Council meeting in Molong.
·  10:00 – Debbie re prac.
·  NAPLAN training
Sue L, Andrew and Louise to attend. / ·  Visit Karen at fees office 10:30am.
·  9:00am – Yr 4 Fth Paul recon. / ·  Evening nibbles with Fth Paul at St. Brigid’s.
·  Adam away in Sydney.
·  Sue L and Andrew H at ICT.
9 / March 23
Catholic Schools’ Week
Father Paul Liturgy morning. 9:30
Professional Development – Technology in the classroom – Webquests.
11:30 web man – discuss and training. / ·  Check report robot with Sue Lacey. / ·  Staff prayer – Sue
·  Programs to Anthony for Term review.
·  Fee meeting / ·  Yr 5 Recon with Fth Paul – 9:00am
·  Exec meeting focus on Leave for Adam and Sue.
·  Parent Night 6pm – 7:00pm / ·  Principals meeting in Orange – Anthony away.
10 / March 30
Professional Development – Religious Education – Sue L
·  Mentoring Day
·  Letter to parents – Aiden matthew. / ·  AFL Gala Day for Primary students.
·  Chris Derwin meeting – 10:00 – 12:00. – CHANGE DATE
·  Bathurst Trials / ·  Staff prayer – Maria
·  School Cross Country
·  iki training – Adam and Katrina.
·  Fix up leave for Michele Harvey. / ·  Jolly Phonics – Adam to attend.
·  Sue L to Sydney for Gagne (Gifted and Talented)
·  Yr 3 rec. with Fth Paul at 9:00am / ·  Jolly Phonics - St Augustine's Primary School (Michele, Liz, Michael and Katrina to attend)
·  Adam LSL begins
11 / April 6
Adam away LSL
Palm Sunday 9:15
MORNING TEA / ·  Adam away LSL
·  Kim to meet Anthony 9 – 11. / ·  Staff prayer – Anthony
·  Adam away LSL / ·  Holy Thursday
·  Last Day of Term
·  Adam away LSL
·  Holy Thursday – Yr 6 – 9:15and Good Friday yr 5 – 10:00 – after morning tea.
·  The mass of the Lord’s supper 7:00pm – Elizabeth and myself / Good Friday

Iacct -

Fran Willis – Week 3 – Monday staff meeting

John Wagner – 0428 654 989

executive training – 7th may, 10 june 5 august principals and priests orange 29th may

Term 2 – 2009

Week / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 / 27/4
ANZAC DAY Long Weekend. / 28/4
·  David and Michael attending anti - bullying in-service in Bathurst.
·  Kinder enrolments commences.
·  3:10 – Staff meeting Religious Education.
·  10:00am John Adler and Megan to meet Anthony. / 29/4
·  Year 3 and 5 meeting with Anthony on NAPLAN organisation – 3:10 – 3:45pm. / 30/4
·  11:00am Combined Schools ANZAC DAY service.
·  Elizabeth attending ordination. / 1/5
·  Elizabeth attending ordination.
·  PSSA Sport commences.
·  Polding Winter trials – Bathurst – RL, Soccer, Hockey and netball
2 / 4/5
* 3:10pm – Staff Meeting
- Reporting and Report Robot.
Sue and Gabby Parent Teacher interviews / 5/5
·  Primary Diocesan Cross Country - Coolah.
·  Sue and Gabby Parent Teacher interviews / 6/5
·  Yr 7 2010 – visit at 2:00pm with Jenny Furney and Mr. Frew.
·  Quality Work Portfolios go home today. / 7/5
·  Executive Training Bathurst CEO – Anthony
·  Jayne at AEW in-service Dubbo
·  Sue Lacey – commences leave. / 8/5
·  Jayne at AEW in-service Dubbo
·  Review with Nikki.
3 / 11/5
* Adam returns.
Mothers’ Day Liturgy – 9:00 – David to organise
GB & Stage Group Meetings / 12/5
·  NAPLAN test – Language conventions
·  Year 2 Class Liturgy with Father Paul. / 13/5
·  NAPLAN test – Reading Test.
**** Get casual for Michael - Bullying / 14/5
·  NAPLAN test – Mathematics / 15/5
·  NAPLAN test – make up day.
Solar meeting with 2pm Jay.
4 / 18/5
Meeting Free Week
Year 5 Class Mass with Father Paul. / 19/5
School Photographs / 20/5
·  Mentor Day – NST
- Need casual
- Adam (Alicia)
- Alex
- Katrina
- Andrew – CEO to pay
·  3 – 6 Parent teacher / three way conferences. / 21/5
·  3 – 6 Parent teacher / three way conferences.
·  SRC leaders at Dubbo North 9:45am – Adam
Computer Tech. day in Orange – Anthony away
23rd College dinner
5 / 25/5
Dio Gala Rugby Union Trials – Orange – Adam
Share a bus with St Mary’s.
* Staff Meeting – Fran Willis – Control Theory in the classroom
3:20pm. / 26/5
·  Year 6 Canberra – depart at 6:00am
Michele Harvey, Adam Foley, David and Gabby.
·  Carmel = KM / 27/5
·  Year 6 Canberra
·  Anthony meeting – AQTP project. – talk to Ross
·  ICAS Computer Comp.
K – 2 Parent teacher / three way conferences. / 28/5
·  Year 6 Canberra
K – 2 Parent teacher / three way conferences. / 29/5
·  Principal and Priests Meeting in Orange – Anthony away.
·  Year 6 Blessing for Confirmation at assembly.
30/5 and 31/5 Confirmation
6 / 1/6
·  3:10pm – Staff Meeting – Reporting / 2/6
·  IEP meetings – Jeanine Carney.
·  Year 4 Mass – Father Paul / 3/6
* IEP meetings – Jeanine Carney. / 4/6
·  Anthony meeting with Chris 10am – 1pm
·  REC Assembly - Bathurst / 5/6
·  REC Assembly - Bathurst
7 / 8/6
Queen’s Birthday
Long Weekend. / 9/6
Peachey / Richardson RL carnival - Dubbo / 10/6
·  Executive Training Bathurst CEO – Anthony
·  Mentor Day – NST
·  ICAS Science / 11/6
·  St John's Athletics carnival
* Alex requires casual / 12/6
8 / 15/6
School NAIDOC Week
Special NAIDOC Liturgy – 9:00am
* Sue Lacey returns.
* Reports to Executive today.
* Staff meeting – Bathurst Strategic Plan / 16/6
School NAIDOC Week
Gifted and Talented Music at Mudgee – Louise in Mudgee. / 17/6
Band Eisteddfod - Louise / 18/6
School NAIDOC Week
BBQ to complete week.
Buninyong Dance group - 12:30.
·  Exec team meeting with Chris. / 19/6
9 / 22/6
* ACT 1 – Control Theory commences Sunday
NO staff meeting week / 23/6
·  ACT 1 – Control Theory
·  Fees Office meeting – Anthony
·  ICAS Writing and Spelling comp. / 24/6
* ACT 1 – Control Theory / 25/6
Judy McFadden Leaders Day. / 26/6
Jayne commences leave:
10 / 29/6
·  Staff meeting – Religious Education focus.
·  Year 6 Human Sexuality with Comm. Health – Jo Phillips / 30/6
·  Year 6 Human Sexuality with Comm. Health – Jo Phillips / 1/7
·  St Laurence’s Primary Soccer Carnival – K – 2 B and G , Stage 2 B & G and Stage 3 B & G. / 2/7
Year 3 Liturgy of the word – Father Paul / 3/7
·  AGQTP – Differentiation Day.
·  PSSA Concludes
11 / 6/7
·  Follow up – Year 6 Human Sexuality with Comm. Health
Staff meeting – Semester 1 review and Term 3 planning. / 7/7 / 8/7
Reports go home to Parents today. / 9/7
K – 1 Liturgy of the word – Father Paul / 10/7

Term 3 – 2009

1 / 27/7
Start of Term 3. / 28/7 / 29/7 / 30/7 / 31/7
2 / 3/8
Gerard Yeo Interschool Competition.
·  GB Meeting / 4/8
First Eucharist Parent Meeting - Evening / 5/8
Executive training day - Bathurst / 6/8
Executive training day – Orange
Northern Region Athletics / 7/8
August Census Date
12:00pm – Yr 6 Leadership promise renewal with Fr. Paul
3 / 10/8
No Monday Meeting
K and 1 Programs to Anthony / 11/8
Whole School Special Liturgy – Blessed Mary McKillop feast Day.
9:10am. / 12/8
Chess comp @ MAGS
Staff Meeting – ‘Anxiety and behaviour in schools – with St Pius X (3:10 – 4:10pm) / 13/8
Chess comp @ Wellington / 14/8
Elizabeth away - Sydney
Anthony in Mudgee
9:30am – Fr Paul visit Yr 5 (Curriculum and Q &A)
10:00am – Yr 4 with Fr. Paul
3 / Erinn Grimes - Elizabeth
4 / 17/8
Staff Development – Eucharist focus. (Sue L)
Year 2 Programs to Anthony / 18/8
Primary Dio Athletics
Sheraton Road discussion with Jock – 10:00am / 19/8 / 20/8
Little A visit – Melinda Gainsford - coaching / 21/8
9:30am – Fr Paul visit Yr 3 (Curriculum and Q &A)
10:00am – Yr 2 with Fr. Paul
4 / Alicia to release teachers
5 / 24/8
GB Meeting
Stage 2 Programs to Anthony / 25/8 / 26/8 / 27/8
‘Behaviour Team visit’. / 28/8
(Fr. Paul away from 28/8 until 28/9)
Differentiation Day AGQTP
Andrew -
6 / 31/8
Staff Development – Policy and ideas for differentiation. (Sue L and Andrew H)
Stage 3 Programs to Anthony / 1/9 / 2/9 / 3/9 / 4/9
Band @ the Orange Eisteddfod
G&T final meeting
7 / 7/9
Fr Elio Capra – Staff Development Day in Wellington. / 8/9
Our Lady’s Birthday – in class activities.
Yr 6 Orientation Day at College. / 9/9 / 10/9 / 11/9
Principal’s Day in Orange
Elizabeth in Mudgee RE
Erinn Grimes – Elizabeth
8 / 14/9
GB Meeting / 15/9 / 16/9 / 17/9
Jane Cotter consultant – autism observation – Ben
Year 2 – need to contact parents re meeting after recess. 0425 287 298 / 18/9
First Eucharist at St Brigid’s – Saturday and Sunday
9 / 21/9
Staff Development – Strategies from Control Theory for the classroom (Adam). / 22/9
First Reconciliation Parent Information Evening / 23/9
Infants Sports Carnival / 24/9
Chess comp @ Christian School
Polding Athletics / 25/9
P&F trivia night.
10 / 28/9
Professional Development – Review of expectations for RE programs for Term 4. / 29/9 / 30/9 / 1/10 / 2/10

19th October (Day 1 Term 4) – Staff retreat at St Brigid’s.