The Miracle Worker

Act I Study Guide Questions

Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. Give a description for each of the following characters and describe how they react to


a. Kate Keller – Helen’s mother; described as a young, gentlewoman; later described as careworn. She still believes there is hope to reach Helen. She is patient and the family peacekeeper.

b. Captain Arthur Keller – Helen’s father; described as a hearty gentleman in his mid-forties. He is a newspaper editor. He is impatient and imperious. He does not believe there is hope for Helen; he no longer believes in miracles.

c. Annie Sullivan – Helen’s teacher; she is a twenty years old girl from the North (a Yankee.) She came from The Perkins Institute. She was formerly blind. She expects Helen to act like a normal child.

d. James Keller – Helen’s half brother. He is probably in his late teens. He is indolent and sarcastic. He does not believe there is any hope for Helen; he thinks she is half mentally defective.

2. What causes Helen’s blindness and deafness?

She had a high fever which lead to her blindness and deafness; the doctor said she had acute congestion of the stomach and brain.

3. How does Mrs. Keller realize what has happened to Helen?

She notices that Helen’s eyes do not move when she passes her hand over them and there is no response when Kate yells in her ears

4. Describe Helen, both her positive and negative qualities.

Positive: energetic, inquisitive, curious

Negative: tantrums, easily frustrated

5. What causes Helen to become so frustrated in the scene with Percy and Martha? What

does Helen want to be able to do? (8-9)

She wants to speak and communicate but cannot. Percy bites her fingers as she tries to mimic his motions and feel his lips moving.

6. In dealing with Helen as she grows up, whose approach do you think is better, Kate’s

or Captain Keller’s? Why do you feel this way?

Kate believes she should not be punished. Captain Keller believes there needs to be discipline.

7. How does the playwright show Helen’s intelligence and her difficulty in

communicating at the same time? (11-13)

She wants the doll to have eyes, but cannot express her feelings so she rips the

buttons off of Aunt Ev’s dress.

8. Why is Annie glad that Helen is given to tantrums?

It means that there is something trying to get out. (p. 18)

9. Identify the three gifts that the children at the Perkins Institute for the Blind and

Mr. Anagnos give to Helen and Annie. (p. 19 and 20)

a. doll

b. garnet ring

c. smoked glasses

10. Who is Jimmy? What has happened to him? (p. 19)

Jimmy is Annie’s brother who died when she was young.

11. What does Annie believe are three advantages that she has for teaching Helen?

(p. 29) – She was blind, she studied the research of Dr. Howe, and she is young

and energetic.

12. When Annie first arrives at the train station, how does Kate feel about her? Why

does her attitude change?

She does not think Annie will be able to work with Helen. Kate changes her mind

after talking to Annie.

13. What will Annie try to teach Helen first, last, and in between?

p. 29 - Language

14. What flaw has Annie founding Dr. Howe’s methods? (28-29)

He never treated the children as normal, always like eggs that could break.

15. Why does Annie not show up for dinner on time during her first day with the


p. 38 – Helen has locked her in her bedroom.

16. How does Captain Keller feel about Annie? Use lines from the first act to support

your answer.

He feels she is ineffectual and will not be able to help. (Lines from the play will vary.)

17. Describe which four people bribed Helen with food and what their purpose was for

giving her the food:

a. p. 25 – Viney – she felt bad because Kate left to go to the train station

b. p. 24 – Kate – she felt bad because she had to leave

c. p. 26 – Captain Keller – does not know what to do to keep Helen happy

d. p. 37 – Annie – wants Helen to spell and learn

18. Where do the Kellers live?

p. 4 – Tuscumbia, Alabama

19. Imagine that you are James Keller. How do you feel about your half sister? Be

specific. Answers will vary.

20. Consider the problems Annie faces at the end of Act I. Which do you think will be

the hardest to overcome? Explain why.


-Helen’s reaction to her

-Captain Keller’s attitude toward her

-Annie’s memories of her past

-James’s actions and words at the end of the act

21. How would Helen’s life have been different if she had been born into a poor family?

Do you think she is better off in any way than a child who was born without sight or


Answers will vary.