Luke 8:4-15

How’s Your Hearing


1. How is your hearing? What type of hearer are you?

2. Luke 8:4-15 we will be introduced to 4 types of hearers:


Quite likely Jesus may have been watching a farmer. He sort of scratched the surface of

the soil with a crude plow. Then with a bag over his shoulder he would begin to toss out

the seed. The seed is the Word of God. There is nothing wrong with the seed!

A. The Depiction of the Hardened Hearer 5

*The wayside…Palestine was farmed in strips. Between the strips was a road-way that

had become hard because of the traffic.

*Note vss. 5, 6, 7, 8 as well as 12, 13, 14, 15 uses 4 different prepositions to describe the

relationship of the seed to the soil: by the wayside…upon a rock…among thorns…into

good ground.

*Birds followed the farmer everywhere. This was an easy meal. The seed would hit the

walk-way, bounce and go nowhere. It would be stepped on or eaten by the birds.

*Is there anything wrong with the seed? No!

B. The Description of the Hardened Hearer 11, 12

*The seed is the Word of God. Every week we are sowing seed. The fault isn’t in the

farmer if he is sowing seed.

*They hear…but nothing more. The seed bounces on a hard surface. You’ve heard it

before. You’ve heard it so many times.

*These may not be openly opposed to the Word or the Gospel. They may be members.

They may hold an office. Nothing in God’s Word stirs them. Life is crowded out with

things. There is no interest in God or His Word. God is pushed out.

*They worship science, technology, philosophy, money. Very often they simply aren’t

interested. The busyness of life has made them hard to the things of God.

*Then comes the Devil and takes the Word out of their heart. The heart is where God

does business. Lest they should believe and be saved.

“Hard hearts need to be plowed by sorrow and disappointment.”

*To some there is the formal nod of the head, an intellectual faith in the head that does

nothing. Christianity is like belonging to a club, but you are lost! There is nothing in

your heart.

How is your hearing? What type of hearer are you?


A. The Depiction of the Hindered Hearer 6

*Some seed…the Word of God…the farmer does his job. He tosses the seed.

*Fell upon a rock…note the preposition. This is not a ground full of stones. In

Palestinein some areas a thin layer of soil covers a limestone shelf. The warm sun

allowed theseed to spring up quickly. There was no moisture or nourishment, and the

seed is hindered by this large, bedrock stone.

B. The Description of the Hindered Hearer 13

*They hear and receive with joy…I’ve seen it. It looks good! Revival meetings…Word

of Life camp…Sunday morning service…this is the opposite of the wayside.

*There is emotion. Tears are shed. These are greatly moved. They have no root…there

is no real salvation. Outwardly: who for a while believe…they look sincere, they look

genuine. They say the right things!

*In times of testing they fall away…Pressure comes, affliction comes, they lose interest!

Too many have had an emotional response, but no conversion. Their heart is


They are still just as selfish and self-centered as ever. It’s an emotional decision that

hasnever touched the will. There is no fruit. They are lost!

How is your hearing? What type of hearer are you?


A. The Depiction of the Hampered Hearer 7

*Some fell among thorns…the problem isn’t the seed or the farmer.

*Thorns sprang up with it and choked it…the ground looked clean, but good seed and

thorn seed were in the ground. The good seed and thorn seed grow together. The

thornseed would grow faster. The good seed springs up, but thorns choke it before the

grain isformed.

B. The Description of the Hampered Hearer 14

*Heard…go forth…Outwardly, they have it. They say the right things. They associate

with real Christians. Go forth…is the coming and going of religious activity.

*Tragedy: they bring forth no fruit to maturity…Is there any evidence of your salvation?

*Is there any fruit of the Spirit? Even a carnal Christian will have some evidence.

*Choked with cares, riches and pleasure…they aren’t believers. They heard. They

made a profession. Worries…things…pleasures…every Sunday they are on the golf

course,boating, riding quads, they are so taken up with the world they have no

place for God! Your heart isn’t bent toward God. God is choked out. There is no

evidence.You aren’t saved!

How is your hearing? What type of hearer are you?


A. The Depiction of the Healthy Hearer 8

*The preposition on, should be into. Seed fell into good ground, fertile, well prepared


*Mark: kept on bearing…in Matthew 13 they bore fruit: 30…60…100 fold!

If divine life is implanted, it will produce!!!

B. The Description of the Healthy Hearer 15

1. The Heart…this is where God works! Honest, about their condition, inadequacy,
etc.Good is the same word as v. 8 for the ground that is prepared, broken, ready,


2. The Heeding…having heard the Word…they kept it, which means to have a full and

secure possession. They have a firm grip!

3. The Harvest…it bears fruit! That is the evidence of spiritual life. Fruit: there will

bethe fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

meekness, self-control). There will be a hunger for the things of God. There will be

adesire to do what God wants…a love for God’s people…a concern for the lost.

Thiswon’t be for one week or one month, but a life time of evidence. With

patience…it takes time. It’s the only way real fruit comes.

No evidence, no life…no life, no salvation!

v. 10 He that hath an ear to hear let him hear…I see my soil. Be honest. Listen. I

was a phony for 16 years. If a man or woman wants to know the truth they can! If

you want to close your ears to God and the truth you can be stone deaf.

Is there any evidence of your salvation? If there is no evidence, don’t fool yourself.