SUNDAY 16th March 2014

International School Aberdeen, North Deeside Road, Cults. AB15 9PN


Ideal for First Timers as well as Experienced competitors

Start time approx 9.30am. Prizegiving 1pm approx. Exact times for swim and run given 4 days before the event on our web site;

Ages 8 and older welcome. Includes adult classes too!

Includes team competition (3 in team from same category, gender and school. With adults also from same club.) Awards 1st-6th individual, 1st-3rd team.

Individual entry £5

Team entry free with individual entry

This is how it works;

If you have done a biathlon before, the swim and run distances changed in 2013 but is the same as our event held in Oct 2013. Swim first, timed swim with distance depending on age (see table). About an hour after you swim you then run with distance depending on age (see table). The faster you swim and run, the more points you get with your times being converted into swim points and run points. The points are added together and the person with the most points wins.

Team competition;

You can decide before the event who is on your team or, if there are 3 competitors from the same age group and gender from the same school, we will make up the team.

This is a local event with a wide range of abilities welcome. In the past we have had some experienced swimmers and runners competing but we have had many first timers and inexperienced competitors, all who leave feeling they have achieved something by completing the event.

Entries can be made via post only. The entry fee is £5. Athletes will automatically become 'First Steps' members of Pentathlon GB. Entries will be restricted to 120.

Registration Opens 08.45, swim starts 09.30, run starts 11.00. More precise times issued 4 days before the event on

This Competition is open to all athletes born in 2005 or older (plus teachers, Junior, Senior and Masters athletes). Ages are based on age on 31 December 2013. This is to tie in with the schools biathlon championships, held in April which goes by 2013 age and, therefore, allows those using this competition as a practice to be in the same category as they would at the championships.

Age Category and Distance Table;

Age as at 31st December 2013 / Swim Distance / Run Distance
U10 - 2004 (Minimus) / 50m / 800m
U11 - 2003 (Youth E) / 50m / 800m
U12 - 2002 (1st Year Youth D) / 50m / 800m
U13 - 2001 (2nd Year Youth D) / 100m / 1600m
U14 - 2000 (1st Year Youth C) / 100m / 1600m
U15 - 1999 (2nd Year youth C / 200m / 1600m
U16 - 1998 (1st Year Youth B) / 200m / 1600m
U17 - 1997 (2nd Year Youth B) / 200m / 1600m
U19 - 1995/1996 (Youth A) / 200m / 1600m
Junior - 1992/1994 / 200m / 1600m
Senior - 1991 or earlier / 200m / 1600m
Teachers / 50m / 800m
Masters / 100m / 800m/1600m (f/m)


1st to 6th Indivudally

1st to 3rd Teams

Best swim and run medals


SUNDAY 16th March 2014

International School Aberdeen, North Deeside Road, Cults. AB15 9PN


Cheques payable to SSMPC. Please send to Trish Prise, Forest Lodge, East Brotherfield, Kingswells, ABERDEEN AB15 8QN.



Address (Capitals)......

Email(capitals)...... Tel......

DofB...... Age on 31/12/2013...... Gender M / F (circle)

Pentathlon GB Member Y / N (circle) Membership no. if known......

MPAGB Region: Scotland


Age Category (please circle) MM MW SM SW JM JW YAG YAB YBG YBB YCG YCB YDG YDB YEG YEB MiniB MiniG

Swim Time for Relevant Distance......

TEAM competition for groups of 3 athletes competing in same class, gender and category from same school. Please enter the names of the other team members that have completed individual entry forms below:



I/we apply for ‘First Steps’ membership of the Modern Pentathlon Association of Great Britain Limited (‘MPAGB’). I/we agree to be bound by its Memorandum and Articles of Association and Rules and Regulations from time to time and undertake to contribute to the assets on a winding-up such amount, as may be required not exceeding £1. I/we confirm that I/we am/are aware that the use of any substance defined as a banned class by the World Anti-Doping Agency is strictly forbidden.. Everyone attending any event or activity held under the Rules of the Association (or any affiliated body) must take positive care for their own and others’ safety and should be aware of, and guard and insure against, the inherent risks of participation or attendance, including the risks of bodily injury and damage to property.

I certify that I agree to be bound by the rules of the competition and that Pentathlon-GB and the competition organisers will not accept any responsibility, financial or other for any loss, injury or illness of any person during the competition

Signed:...... … …...... ……………… Date:......

(Signature of parent or guardian if under 18 years of age.)

ENTRY FEE £5 which includes First Steps membership of Pentathlon GB.

Cheques payable to SSMPC. Please send to Trish Prise, Forest Lodge, East Brotherfield, Kingswells, ABERDEEN AB15 8QN.