YEARS 2012 - 2014
At a national level the RTPI has adopted a Corporate Strategy for the period 2010-2014. This strategy includes seven corporate objectives:
1. Empowering Communities
2. Developing Knowledge and Raising Standards
3. Developing and Shaping Planning Policy and Practice
4. Delivering Services for, and supporting, members
5. Prioritising membership and attracting new members
6. Effective Governance
7. Efficient and Effective Business Practices
RTPI SW AIM 2012-2014
To provide a range of services to all Corporate, Associate, Licenciate, Student, Technical and Retired RTPI members living, studying and working in the Region and to take an active role in the developing planning agenda in the South West.
Ø To raise awareness and understanding of the planning process by the planning profession and the general public in the region and to promote best practice in planning.
Ø To play a ‘champion’ role in relation to key spatial issues in the South West.
Ø To ensure that the RTPI SW Region operates efficiently and effectively and in accord with the principles of sustainability and equal opportunities.
Ø To maintain good communications with individual members and employers in the South West.
Ø To continue providing a good range of affordable CPD opportunities for members in the Region.
Ø To enhance relationships with other professions in the Region.
Ø To increase liaison with the Planning Schools in the South West.
Ø To take an active role in the development of the planning system in the South West.
Ø To develop public relations and media activities.
Ø To support the Planning Aid Service in the South West.
1. To set out a series of activities, with specific targets where appropriate, for the delivery of the RTPI SW 2012-2014 objectives within the context of the seven national RTPI Corporate Objectives 2010-2014.
2. To indicate for each activity the strategy for its delivery and the responsibility for the action.
3. To specify the budget allocation for each activity in the year 2012.
The proposed RTPI SW activities are set out in the schedule below in relation to the RTPI’s national Corporate Objectives; in some cases the activity can be seen as meeting more than one of these Objectives but the position in the following Plan is that considered to be the most applicable and appropriate.
RTPI SW ACTIVITIES / RTPI CORPORATE OBJECTIVESEmpowering Communities / Developing knowledge and raising standards / Developing & Shaping planning policy and practice / Delivering services for, and supporting members / Prioritising membership and attracting new members / Effective Governance / Efficient and effective business practices
Planning Aid / √
Environmental Education / √ / √
Research / √ / √
Planning Achievement Awards / √
Regional Policy/Media Officer / √ / √
Consultation Responses / √
Networking with SW Organisations / √ / √
CPD / √ / √ / √
Local Centres/Groups (including Young Planners) / √ / √ / √
Social Events / √
Newsletter / √ / √
E-Bulletin / √
Presidential Visit / √
Careers Event/Advice / √
Planning Schools Liaison / √ / √
RMB/RAC / √ / √
Succession Planning / √
Office Accommodation / √
Other Administration / √
Regional Coordinator / √
With some 5 million residents, the South West Region has an extensive rural landscape and a long coastline; both of these include significant sections subject to statutory protection. The Region includes a number of large cities and towns and many market towns and smaller settlements. The cities and towns are the key drivers of the regional economy but the attractive rural nature of much of the Region is overall the dominant feature, a factor that attracts many to work and live in the South West, the retired being a significant proportion of the latter. To emphasise the size of the Region, the far north of the South West is closer, as the crow flies, to the Scottish borders than to Lands End. The South West Region covers the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire the former County of Avon and the Isles of Scilly. The RTPI SW Region is coincident with this area and also serves RTPI members in the Channel Islands.
As at 31st December 2010 the RTPI SW Region had 2368 members, the second largest number after the S.E. Region. The total included 1651 Corporate, 17 Associate, 192 Student, 197 Licenciate, 14 Technical and 274 Retired Members.
1.1 Supporting Planning Aid
The revised format for the Planning Aid service in England commenced operations in June 2011 under the auspices of the RTPI. A key element in the delivery of the service is support from the RTPI Regions. The RTPI SW has established a Planning Aid Group to advise and assist the service in the region comprising a number of the RAC and members from the former Planning Aid SW Regional Advisory Panel. The 2012 budget will contribute to the financing of one off projects organised jointly by RTPI SW and Planning Aid in the region and also cover expenditure incurred by the RTPI SW Planning Aid Group.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRTPI SW Planning Aid Group / Income: None
Expenditure: £1000
1.2 Environmental Education
The aim of RTPI SW is to provide advice and information on environmental issues to appropriate bodies in the Region involved with both children and adults.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRTPI SW Environmental Education Officer / Income: None
Expenditure: £1,000
2.1 Research
The aim of RTPI SW is to support and undertake, where appropriate, research into issues relating to planning theory and practice in the South West. Since 2007 a series of projects have been undertaken seeking to promote liaison and cooperation between planning research professionals in the South West including a number of workshops. During 2012-2014 it is intended to develop this work in conjunction with the RTPI at national level.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRTPI SW Research Officer / Income: None
Expenditure: £200
2.2 Planning Achievement Awards
The RTPI SW will continue to promote the positive aspects of planning achievements in the South West through its regional award scheme that has operated since 1992. It will organise its regional scheme in conjunction with the Institute’s national competition. The Region will give awards in the categories: ‘Schemes involving work on the ground’ and ‘Other Planning Work’.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRTPI SW Planning Achievement Awards Panel / Income: £500 (sponsorship from WYG Planning)
Expenditure: £2000
3.1 Regional Policy/Media Officer
In line with national Institute policy and practice, RTPI SW intends to be fully involved with the developing planning agenda in the South West over the period 2012-2014. As from 3rd June 2008 RTPI SW appointed a part time (7.5 hrs per week) Regional Policy/Media Officer and as a result this work has been much enhanced. The post holder represents the RTPI SW on a number of organisations in the South West involved with a range of planning issues, in particular the SW Stakeholders Group. Reports are given to each meeting of the RMB/RAC analysing planning policies and issues that impact upon the region; these include draft responses to planning consultation documents for decision. These reports are made available to RTPI SW members through the newsletter and the website and very positive feedback is received. The reports are also used by the RTPI’s National Policy Officer. In view of the clear benefit of this work, and to reflect the actual time spent on the work, the RMB/RAC has decided that the 2012 budget should provide for an increase in hours from 7.5 to 10 hrs per week with the proviso that this should be subject to review after 6 months in the light of the evolving 2012 budget. The budget also includes a sum to cover the involvement of other RTPI SW RMB/RAC members in South West planning issues.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRegional Policy/Media Officer and other RAC members / Income: None
Expenditure: Regional Policy/Media Officer
(i.e. salary, on costs & expenses)
Other expenditure £1,000
Total: £11,000
3.2 Consultation Responses
RTPI SW seeks to ensure that the views of its members are communicated to those bodies responsible for a range of planning/environmental issues in the South West and also to the RTPI nationally.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRegional Policy/Media Officer and other RAC members / Income: None
Expenditure: No specific sum
3.3 Networking with other SW Organisations
Again in line with National Institute policy, RTPI SW will work with other professional bodies/organisations in the South West to develop, promote and implement good planning theory and practice. This will include staging at least 2 CPD events jointly per annum with other bodies and involvement with other regional organisations.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRegional Chair, Regional Activities Committee, Programme Coordinator / Income: None
Expenditure: £1000
4.1 CPD
The RTPI SW will continue, over the period 2012-2014, to stage a series of conferences and workshops on planning theory and practice to assist in meeting the CPD requirements of the RTPI Members in the South West. The target is to stage 11 all day events per annum at venues throughout the Region. Maximum use will be made of the Block Booking system (in 2010 85% of bookings) and appropriate discounts will be made available to students, unwaged and retired Members. The 2012 budget figure is based on an assumption of 11 all day events with an average attendance of 70 (the same as that in the 2010 budget) and an average delegate fee of £67.50.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRegional Chair, Programme Coordinator, Regional Coordinator / Income: £51,975 (average delegate fee £67.50)
Expenditure: £28,000 (based on analysis of booked venues and estimates of expenses)
4.2 Local Centres/Groups (including Young Planners events)
In response to the national Institute’s wish to develop member activities based on local centres, the RTPI SW will support appropriate initiatives, including those organised for, and by, young planners.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRegional Management Board / Regional Activities Committee / Income: None
Expenditure: £1000
4.3 Social Events
In a number of its activities the RTPI SW will provide opportunities for social contact between its members, for instance at the CPD conferences and workshops. It is planned to hold a Dinner during 2012 with expenditure being covered through both sponsorship and ticket sales.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetChair, Senior Vice Chair, Programme Coordinator, Regional Coordinator / Income: £7,500
Expenditure: £7,500
4.4 Newsletters
The RTPI SW will, in the period 2012-2014, continue to prepare and publish a Newsletter to act as a key means of communication with its Members on both the activities of the RTPI Region itself and planning theory/practice. The target is to issue 4 newsletters per year of 8 pages with a print run of 2250. Distribution will be via the Regional Liaison Officers and by post. As from 2011 Members have been given the option of receiving the newsletter electronically or in paper form.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetNewsletter Editor, Regional Coordinator / Income: None
Expenditure: £6,000
4.5 E-bulletins
The RTPI SW will, in the period 2012-2014 continue to prepare and publish e-bulletins for its members on a regular basis.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRegional Coordinator / Income: None
Expenditure: None
4.6 Presidential Visit
RTPI SW will be pleased to welcome the Institute President to the Region in the years 2012-2014. His or her visit will be timed to coincide with a specific event and opportunities will be provided for the President to meet with members of the Region. A 2012 budget figure is set aside for specific costs of activities involved.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRegional Management Board, Regional Activities Committee, Region Chair / Income: None
Expenditure: £500
5.1 Careers Events / Advice
A key aim of RTPI SW is to support the career development of professional planners in the South West (inc. enforcement, technical and administrative staff). This will include in the period 2012-2014, support for the Institute’s Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) scheme, Planning Support staff events, assistance/support for returnees to the profession and attendance at Careers Fairs within the Region.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetRegional Activities Committee
Regional Coordinator / Income: None
Expenditure: £200
5.2 Planning Schools Liaison
During the period of the Plan RTPI SW will encourage and assist students and staff at the University of the West of England and University of Plymouth to become aware of, and involved with, the activities of the Institute at both national and regional level. This will include the award of up to 4 prizes to students at UWE per annum, presentations by RTPI SW to students and reduced fees for planning school students to attend RTPI SW events. During the plan period consideration will also be given to the introduction of award of prizes to students at Plymouth University.
Delivery Responsibility/Mechanism / 2012 BudgetPlanning Schools Liaison Officer
Regional Activities Committee / Income: None
Expenditure: £250
6.1 Regional Management Board and Regional Activities Committee
The primary responsibility for undertaking and implementing this RTPI SW Business Plan for 2012-2014 rests with the Regional Management Board (RMB), assisted by the Regional Activities Committee (RAC). The RMB comprises seven Principal Officers: Chair, Senior Vice Chair, Junior Vice Chair, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Regional Representative on the General Assembly and the Immediate Past Chair. The RAC is comprised of the 7 members of the RMB, 16 further Corporate Members of the Institute, 1 Associate Member of the Institute, 6 Student/Licentiate Members of the Institute and 2 Technical Members of the Institute. Drawn from the RAC membership, the RMB also appoints annually a number of other officers; during the period of the Business Plan these are likely to include, but not be limited to, a Newsletter Editor, a Planning Schools Liaison Officer, a Programme Co-ordinator, an Environmental Education Officer, a Research Liaison Officer and an Assistant Secretary. RTPI SW has also established a Planning Aid Group (see 1.1). The target per annum is for the Regional Management Board and Regional Activities Committee to meet six times on the same weekday in Taunton. The RMB and RAC will, as appropriate, either meet jointly or separately. Expenses will be paid to all members of the RMB/RAC for activities incurred in undertaking work for the RTPI SW.