All final drafts are required to be turned in using one of the two formats below. I highly recommend typing, as this will often be a requirement as you get to the upper grades, and definitely in college. The more you practice now, the easier it will be later! If you do not know how to format your paper on the computer according to these requirements, I can help you after school, or you can get help from a friend or family member who knows how to adjust the settings on the computer so they meet these specifications. If you aren’t sure what “double space all lines” means, this paragraph is a good example. There are two spaces between each line (not between each word!). You can set your computer to do this automatically; you should not have to press “enter” an extra time to get your paper double spaced. If you aren’t sure if you have done it correctly, hold your paper up to this one. Are your lines spaced as far apart as these? If not, than you need to go back and fix it.

If typed:

·  Times New Roman font (not bold)

·  Font size 12 (title can be size 14 and in a fancier font style)

·  One inch margins all around

·  Double space all lines

·  Do not put in extra spaces between paragraphs

·  Indent each new paragraph

·  Name, date, period in upper right-hand corner

·  Title centered one-inch from top of page

·  No cover page needed unless requested by teacher

This document is in size 12 Time New Roman, not bold. Compare your paper to this one to see if your font is correct.

If hand-written:

·  Blue or black ink only, not pencil

·  Write on the front side only, not on the back

·  Print or cursive, whichever is most legible

·  Leave margins on the sides (use the pink line as a guide)

·  Name, date, period in upper right-hand corner

·  Title centered on top line

·  No cover page needed unless requested by teacher