Adair County Special Education

Infinite Campus Policy & Procedures

Special Education Core Team:

Anita Wethington, Ruth Ann Lewis, Jason Rector, Mary Ann McQuaide, Kim Goodin

Who will verify and update as necessary fields on a student’s enrollment tab?

Counselor and/or ARC Chair

Will the “Fetch Classroom Teachers” option be turned on in system preferences?

Yes, fetch classroom will be turned on per request of Principal and/or ARC Chair.

Will there be any teachers who will not normally be team members?

Determination will be made by school Principal and/or building representative

In KY, the IEP Learner plans are set up to fetch the special education disability, status, and setting initially for a student. The special education Case Manager may edit these values locally on the IEP, and when the IEP is locked it will push the modified information to the enrollment editor.

Who will make sure that all Active IEPs are locked prior to the reporting deadline to make sure that the disabilities, status, and setting are accurate on the student’s enrollment tab?

Special Education Director and/or Secretary of Special Education Director

What type of communication will be sent out to Case Manager’s regarding the need to lock the IEP in order of this data to be correct for state reporting?

Memo/E-mail notification via Special Education Director and/or Secretary of Special Education Director

What will be the district’s policy for locking (and unlocking) IEP’s?

The ARC Chair per school building will have access ability to lock and unlock IEP’s. Special Education Director and/or Secretary of Special Education Director along with the System Administrator/Coordinator will have overwrite ability to lock and unlock IEP’s as needed.

Will regular education teachers be able to read IEP’s for their students via their roster, or will they have other means of obtaining the IEP?

Based on Fetch option in program, per request of Principal or ARC Chair, otherwise per request paper copy will be made available to the teacher.

How will your district manage Census changes due to attrition and new hires with respect to Special Education personnel?

Special Education Director or Secretary of Special Education Director will verify and update any personnel Census upon hire and as often as needed during the school year.

Who will be responsible for maintaining Services, Service Providers, and Service Positions in Campus?

Special Education Director or Secretary of Special Education Director

Will Service Providers be listed by name or position on IEP’s?

All service providers with the exception of speech will be listed by position, unless otherwise determined by Special Education Director.

Who will be responsible for special education record transfer documents when a student enrolls from another district?

Attendance Clerk or School Counselor and/or Counselor Secretary will request Special Education record documents when a student enrolls from outside district.

Will template banks be available for special education teachers to use?


If templates will be available, what areas of the IEP and Evaluation will they be available?

Unknown at present will be determined upcoming completion of training and development.

Who will be responsible for building and maintaining template banks?

Central Office will be responsible for creating and maintaining templates

Who will be responsible for developing, maintaining, and uploading district designed forms?

Each school should have at least one representative.

If needed, Special Education Director will form a committee in determining what information is needed in the development of a form, including the System Administrator/Coordinator. The system Administrator/Coordinator will be responsible for uploading and maintaining designed forms.

Will any additional documents be district-wide, or will each school be able to have their own?

Per the development committee assigned by Special Education Director, each school representative will make recommendation of form contents and the form should be district wide for all schools to be uniform across the district.

Will your district allow special education documents to be available in the Portal?

No, unless otherwise determined by the Special Education Director and/or Special Education Policy & Procedural District Core Group.

If your district will allow special education documents to be available on the portal, specifically what forms will be published?


What Special Education reports will SPED teachers have access to?

No report access but access to all forms

What Special Education reports will principals have access to?

Access to all reports and forms

What Special Education reports will SPED coordinators have access to?

Access to all reports and forms

What user tool groups need to be established to limit access in accordance to FERPA and state regulations?

Unknown at present will be determined upon completion of training.

What calendar groups need to be established to limit access in accordance to FERPA and state regulations?

Unknown at present will be determined upon completion of training.