E&A Disabled Council

Minutes of the meeting held in Opio, France

The meeting was held from 9.00 until 13.00 on 1st April and from 9.00 until 14.00 on 3rd April.

The E&A Disabled Officials Seminar took place on 1st April and 2nd April together with the Tournament Seminar.

Meeting of 1st April

  1. Attendance

Philippe TurchetPresident

Dany De BakkerSecretary

Ivar FosseTreasurer

Paul Goossens

Paul Airey

Dario Rossi

  1. Apologies

Carmen Ferrer

Christophe Fasel Athlete Representative

  1. Agenda


  1. A.O.B.

-Standings list


-Travel grants for E&A officials appointed to the 2011 Disabled World Championships

-Ramp height

-Competition codes

  1. Correspondence

Paul Airey has tried to contact Eamon Prunty to discuss the possibility hosting of a EuroTour competition, without success.

  1. Approval of the January minutes


  1. Matters from January meeting

-Clinic for advanced and new competitive skiers in Recetto, Italy: The invitation letter was published on our website and on the website of the E&A office but we don’t know if the letter was sent out to the Federations.

Action: Dany to contact Brit of the E&A office.

Philippe to send the invitation letter directly to the skiers.

-The difference of 54 Euro on the balance sheet from the E&A office and our financial expenses is still to be clarrified.

Action: Ivar to contact Dominique Lakens Douwes, Treasurer of E&A

  1. Seminar

We discussed the items that would be presented during the Seminar.

This included a presentation to officials during the Tournament Council Seminar, and specific detailed presentations on “Disabled specific tricks”, rule changes and the ASSG.

The meeting continued on 3rd April


Philippe TurchetPresident

Dany De BakkerSecretary

Ivar FosseTreasurer

Carmen Ferrer

Paul Goossens

Paul Airey

Dario Rossi


Christophe Fasel Athlete Representative

Evaluation of the Disabled Seminar given on the previous days

The presentation to officials in tandem with the Tournament Council Seminar was well received. It was the first time that we have addressed all the Tournament officials and it was agreed that this formula is really effective.

  1. Calendar 2011

06-11/06/2011 / Cable Wakeboard camp / Krk – Croatia
27-28/07/2011 / EuroTour stop / Nimours - France (TBC)
29-30/07/2011 / EuroTour stop / Kvelde ( Larvic) – Norway (TBC)
06-07/08/2001 / EuroTour stop – 3 event / Ambjörnarp - Sweden
13-14/08/2011 / EuroTour stop / Gosfield – Great Britain ( TBC)
22-28/08/2011 / World Championships / West Chester, Ohio - USA
10-11/09/2011 / Final EuroTour stop – 3 events / Recetto - Italy

-Officials for the ET in Sweden should not be a problem: One Swedish official has already renewed his qualification for Disabled.

Action: Ivar to follow up.

-The Council has decided to pay the E&A officials, appointed for the World Championships in Ohio, USA a travel grant of 250 Euro per person. We will notify the Federations concerned of this payment.

Action: Ivar and Dany to follow up.

-The official website for the 2011 World Championships:

  1. Rules

The 2011 IWWF Technical Rules Water Ski for the Disabled and the E&A Additional Rules Water Ski for the Disabled will be finalised shortly.

Action: Paul G. to publish the rules on the web page.

  1. Scoring and Homologation program

Paul A. has sent Emmanuel Lion the new factors for the scoring program. Also the database of skiers and officials will be updated in the program.

Action: Paul A. to follow up.

  1. Matters from/to IWWF council

-Bat Blaster: We plan to present the latest version of the new Bat Blaster developed by Paul Goossens, at the IWWF Council meeting in West Chester, Ohio, with a demonstration on the water.

Action: Dany to ask the IWWF Council to invite Paul G. to the meeting to give the presentation on the Bat Blaster.

Dany to ask the organiser of the Worlds if a demonstration of the Bat Blaster is possible before the competition with a local skier.

-Issues we would like to add to the agenda of the IWWF meeting:

  • Shortening rope at 55kph:
  1. It was asked by the skiers at the last skiers meeting, if +35 skiers could be given the option to shorten the rope at 55kph. The Council discussed this last November and agreed that if this option is made available we should also take U14 skiers into account, and possibly provide the same option.
  • The IWWF Disabled website.

Action: Dany to inform Jim Grew.

  1. Matters from/to Admincom

As the Council members would like Paul Goossens to present the new Bat blaster at the IWWF Disabled Council meeting in Ohio, we agreed to reimburse his travel costs from the Bat Blaster development budget.

Action: Dany to discuss this with Admincom.

  1. Financial issues

The Council members agreed that the amount of prize money for the EuroTour 2011 given by the Council, will remain the same as last year.

  1. A.O.B.

-The Standing list 2010 is missing on the website.

Action: Paul A. to publish

-Website: At the moment, the IWWF Disabled website is integrated into our E&A website. This was requested by Jim Grew. We feel that the IWWF Disabled and every confederation should have their own websites with links to the others. For the moment we will create a page in our web site as IWWF Page.

Action: Paul A. to follow up and send a new link to Bob Corson to put on

-Website: Paul A. asked for information, pictures etc.. to put on the website.

-Dario Rossi pointed out that it is very difficult to create a ramp height in a range from 1.25m to 1.80m when you are combining a Tournament and a Disabled competition.

After a discussion we agreed that in the bulletin of the Disabled competition, the lowest ramp height that is possible, should be announced.

-To be able to publish competition results on the competitions should have a competition code. Paul A. will create the codes for all international Disabled competitions, publish them on the website and send them to the Federations.

All other points are dealt with under agenda headings.

  1. Date & place of next meeting

Next meeting will be the November meeting: Bratislava, Slovakia.

Saturday 12th November 2011 from 9.00 for a full day.

Sunday 13th November 2011 from 9.00 until lunch time.

Dany De Bakker


April 2011