Ir. SLAMET WIDODO, Mag. Tek. / PhD Student
Address : TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Geotechnical Institute of Soil Mechanics
Mining and Foundation Engineering
Gustav-Zeuner-Srasse 1, 09599 Freiberg, SN
Room : 106
Telephone : 03731 39 2515
E-mail :
Research Topic:
“Analysis of Dynamic Loading Behaviour for Pavement on Soft Soil”
Roadway in pavement engineering consists of three important parts namely Traffic load, Pavement and Subgrade. Traffic loads come from vehicles, trains and airplanes and pavements generally are granular materials with unbounded and/or bounded materials located between traffic load and subgrade, distributing load to surface of subgrade. Because soft soil has a low bearing capacity and high compressibility so that an alternative method by inserting piles and inclusion of geosynthetics is introduced the so-called geosynthetics supported piled embankment.
- The 6th of PhD Students and Young Scientist Conference, 19-22 Sept. 2011, Warsaw University of
Technology, Poland.
- The 14th of FSTPT International Symposium ,12-13 November 2011, Riau University, Indonesia
- The 2nd of International Conference of Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology , 12-13 December 2011, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Short Course followed:
- Computational Geotechnics Course: 2D and 3D Plaxis Course, 13-16Dec. 2011, Bali-Indonesia
Widodo, S., (2011) “The Use of Piled Embankments for Road Construction on Soft Soil”, The proceeding of Geotechnik-Kolloquium 2011, Heft 2011-4, TU-Freiberg, Germany.
Shen, H., Widodo, S., Ibrahim, A., (2011) “Bearing capacity analysis of loss in China”, The proceeding of Geotechnik-Kolloquium 2011, Heft 2011-4, TU-Freiberg, Germany.
Ibrahim, A., Widodo, S., (2011) “The prediction of undrained shear strength of Khartoum clay-Sudan using Cone Penetrometere test”, The proceeding of Geotechnik-Kolloquium 2011, Heft 2011-4, TU-Freiberg, Germany.
Widodo, S., Ibrahim, A., Shen,H., (2011), “Estimation of undrained shear strength using Atterberg limits on Pontianak soft soil”, The proceeding of 6th PhD Students and Young Scientists Conference 2011, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
Ibrahim, A., Widodo, S., Shen,H., (2011), “Parametric study simulation of axially loaded bored pile using finite element Code-Plaxis Software on subsurface soils Khartoum area-Sudan”, The proceeding of 6th PhD Students and Young Scientists Conference 2011, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
Widodo, S., (2011), “Penggunaan Geosynthetic Supported Piled Embankment pada Konstruksi Perkerasan di atas Tanah Lunak”, The Proceeding of 2nd Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011, Paris, French
Widodo, S., Ibrahim, A., (2011), “The use of piled embankments for road construction on soft soil by using EBGEO 2010”, The proceeding of 14th FSTPT International Symposium 2011, Riau University, Pekan Baru, Indonesia.
Widodo, S., Shen, H., Ibrahim, A., (2011), “Influence of Repeated Loading and Geosynthetics Reinforcement on Base Course Thickness over Soft Soil”, International Journal of Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology Vol.2. No.2 (2012), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia.