Safe Communities Wellington County Leadership Table Meeting
Wellington County Museum and Archives
9:30 a.m. – May 21, 2015
In Attendance
Gary Williamson, County Councillor and Co-Chair
Doug Smith, Puslinch COPS
Robbin Wood, Guelph-Eramosa Safe Communities
Don Senek, Minto Safe Community Committee
Sandra Parkinson, Suicide Awareness Council Wellington/Dufferin
Jim Potts, Minto Safe Communities
Alison Vasey, Mount Forest FHT, North Wellington Coalition for Youth Resiliency
Krista Miller, OPP Officer and Co-Chair
Jody Bigger, Ontario Provincial Police
Christine Veit, Safe Communities Wellington County
Linda Dickson, Wellington County Emergency Services
Brad de St.Aubyn, Public Health
Heather Lawson, Wellington County Emergency Services
Jerry Shipsides, Ministry of Labour
Kelly Gee, VON
Richard Renaud, Guelph Eramosa Fire Services
Gregg Davidson, Wellington County Council
- Call to Order – Co-Chair Krista Miller called the meeting to order.
- Approval of Minutes – March 19, 2015- It was Moved by Sandy Parkinson and Secondedby Jim Pottsthat the minutes of the meeting heldMarch 19, 2015 be approved as presented. CARRIED
- Old Business –
i)School and Red Thumb Reminder Banners – Christine brought forward the discussion.
- Banners will be printed and distributed to high schools in September and we will also resume pharmacy “Red Thumb Painting” and information sessions in the fall
- Krista will provide the name of the owner of a pharmacy to visit.
- Gary mentioned we need to get some media attention and support
ii)Safe Communities Day, October 1, 2015 – Christine brought forward the discussion.
- Allison, Sandra and Krista were inquiring about final numbers – Approx. 950 students
- Christine mentioned the venue will accommodate that large number
- Krista suggested we put together a sub committee help with the organization of the event
- Krista will get information for Christine about Menonite schools
- Allison suggested receiving volunteers from the high schools
- Christine will receive requests to take part in committee (Kelly Gee, Heather Lawson, Robbin Wood, Nancy Culham, Mary Lloyd)
iii)Community Safety Planning (CSP) – Gary Williamson discussed his meeting with Barry King and Inspector Lawson.
- Based on what was discussed at the meeting, there seems to be a good fit; Community Safety Plan could be launched in 2017, possibly 2016
- If Safe Communities and Community Safety mesh, we will have the opportunity to make a greater impact on the community
- Gregg mentioned as a member of the Police Services Board, Wellington County is looking to be the model and wants to move forward quicker – trying to avoid double duty.
- Krista mentioned each community will be mandated to have a CSP.
iv)Proposed Strategic Planning Session – Krista mentioned the PAG’s will need clear and defined goals. Public Health will be facilitating the strategic planning sessions.
- Brad discussed that he would work with the PAG’s to identify their priorities for 2016
- We will have a clear plan going forward that we can articulate to stakeholders
- Brad mentioned he would be sitting on the MVC PAG and will be the Chair of the Falls PAG
- Sandy expressed her interest in Brad attending the ISH PAG
- Brad is requesting 2 hours with each group
- Krista mentioned the format and strategy will be due by September 17th meeting as we will need information for November to present to Wellington County and Police Services Board
- Gary mentioned we need this process to be streamlined, so we can use the information to receive event sponsorship.
- Krista decided the goal is to have a plan for September and finalized for November
- Reports
- Falls PAG
- Brad mentioned he would be focusing on strategic planning for the Falls PAG. Further, they will figure out the target age group to focus on.
- Call out for volunteer group members - Is anyone interested in joining
- Robbin Wood mentioned that he would like to remain on the Falls PAG
- Gary mentioned how important the idea of the puzzle pieces coming together. We need to reach out to organizations that would be beneficial to take part in the PAG. We want to try and bring other groups into the fold.
- Motor Vehicle PAG
- Continuing to work on the School Video Project for Grades 7 – 12. They are still deciding on the theme for the videos. The videos will be posted on YouTube.
- Working on the content during the months of June, July and August and will launch in September.
- Safe Communities Day may be a good venue to showcase the videos.
- Intentional Self Harm PAG
- Discussing how we can “Jump on Board” other organizations and events to raise awareness about ISH and Safe Communities Wellington County.
- Allison mentioned in their last meeting they were discussing promotional items; for example, stress balls for ISH and Car Fresheners for MVC
- September 10 – World Suicide Prevention Day – Safe Talk in Tiviotdale
- SafeTalk is a 3 hour Suicide Awareness Training Session
- Suicide Awareness Council is donating $1000
- CMHA and SCWC – Partnering or learning how to connect to support them.
- Received in-kind donations from OPP and CMHA
- ISH PAG requesting $1000 for the SafeTalk workshops
- Linda made a motion to support the request for $1000 for the SafeTalk Workshops Second – Robbin Wood Carried
- Gregg mentioned the Mushroom Festival – September 19 in Rockwood to conflict with SafeTalk
- Robbin mentioned what would be the cost if couples attend?
- Program Coordinator (Christine)
- A Deadly Wondering synopsis given by Christine
- Linda Dickson suggested having Reggie Shaw speak at a seminar
- Krista suggested that it may not be a great idea to support him depending on where the money we pay for him to speak is directed. Is it going towards a Campaign or charity against distracted driving? or is it, actually, going to the author for personal gain.
- Community Groups –
- Guelph/Eramosa Safe Communities (Robbin Wood)
- Robbin discussed the sub project regarding a stop light in the east end of Rockwood – there have been a lot of close calls while crossing there, including incidents with the crossing guard.
- Vial of life campaign is doing very well. Just ordered an additional 1000 to distribute
- Continuing with the “GET COPS” program where individuals mark their valuables with plastic beads. They will receive OPP stickers if they do this.
- Robbin wants to go Door to Door telling people about the program and Krista suggested telling the OPP Detachment in Rockwood just in case.
- Guelph-Eramosa/SAFE COMMUNITIES will have a booth at the Rockwood Mushroom Festival on September 19, 2015
- Snow Angels program still moving forward for this coming winter.
- Minto Safe Communities (Don Senek)
- June 10 – Seniors of excellence – Seniors refresher driving course
- June 20 – Touch a Truck
- June 27 – Dance
- Emergency Services Child ID was discussed
- Puslinch COPS
- May 27 meeting – Civil Canine Obedience with Tom Abrams – he parallels dog training and mentoring youth.
- Join us at Puslinch Community Centre to attend this great event
- Wellington North (Gary)
- Mount Forest Fireworks Festival – Wellington North Safe Communities will have a Booth – Peamale Bacon and Eggs
- Durham Street speed sign moving forward – Grand Valley just put one in
- Wellington North is requesting $500 for the purchase of the Speed Sign
- Jim Potts made a motion to support the request for $500 from Wellington North Safe Communities for the Durham Street Speed Sign.Second – Doug Smith Carried
- Gregg mentioned he is apprehensive on whether there is, actually, speeding. Look into Speed Spy. Has there been a speed analysis?
- Krista mentioned that speeding is usually perception when in fact there is no major speeding
- Maybe try to make the area a Community Safety Zone
- Micro Cloths for Wellington North Safe Communities
- New Business
- Already discussed
- Adjournment
The group was adjourned at 12:30p.m..The Next Leadership Table meeting is scheduled for September 17, 2015 at 8 a.m.(Priority Advisory Groups) and 9:30 a.m. (Leadership Table) at the Wellington County Museum & Archives.