SIEC Operational Subcommittee Meeting minutes

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Department of Transportation, Brick Store Landing Road

Gene Donaldson, DelDOT
Bill Carrow, DivComm
Mark Grubb, DivComm
Tom Kadunce, DivComm
William Streets, NCC 911
Elizabeth Duncan, DivComm
Tim Sexton, DHSS
Joe Mulford, DSP
Tim Dobrowolski, RCC
Col. Dallas Wingate, US Army, DNG


Gene Donaldson, DelDOT opened the meeting at 1:31p.m. with introductions.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from Previous Meeting:

Motion by Bill Carrow, second by Tom Kadunce to accept October minutes as written. Passed unanimously.

Project Updates:

o  Overview of SIEC (Executive) Meeting

o  700MHz / 800MHz Systems

o  Rebanding

o  BDA

o  Reallocation Radio Purchase

o  System Fortification

o  LMR Strategic Plan/Subscriber Replacement

o  First Net/Public Safety Broadband Network

Mark Grubb provided an overview of the SIEC, the primary issue being media radios.

Tom Kadunce advised the 700 & 800 MHz systems are operating normally. He reminded all that DivCom is stockpiling parts for the 5000 portables and mobiles.

Bill Carrow provided an update on rebanding with second touch 92% complete.

Beth Duncan briefed on the BDA project. Bill mentioned the successful VRS testing at PPG, and fire apparatus VRS testing is scheduled for Dec 2. Future testing in Opt-Out buildings in New Castle County to be scheduled.

Bill Carrow briefed on the reallocation radio purchase, with inventory scheduled Dec. 10 and fire service radios to be programmed and ready for distribution after January 1.

Tom Kadunce briefed on the system fortification, with site space being made ready at the Knotts site, and electrical and UPS requirements being reviewed.

Mark Grubb briefed on the LMR strategic plan and subscriber replacement. The plan has been delivered to OMB and they will research funding options. This plan includes the list of radios that must be replaced as they are not P25 compliant. Motorola’s trade-in promotion was also discussed.
Mark Grubb provided an update on First Net and the public safety broadband network centering on the future work with MACINAC and the broadband meeting to be held in January in Rehoboth.

Old Business

Bill Carrow provided an overview of the media radio issue. DIVCOM will be the sole agency to program and audit these radios, which must be a 5000 or APX to allow for programming via hard key with password lock-down. NCCPD to provide replacement radios.

New Business

Community Reports – None.
Bill Carrow made motion, seconded by Bill Streets to recommend to SIEC the following new talk-groups be established (Del Tech statewide & encrypted) (US Marshals statewide & encrypted). Passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn by Mark Grubb, adjourned @ 2:44 p.m.

The next scheduled meeting: January 30, 2014 @ 1:30pm at DelDOT/TMC, Rehoboth Conference Room.

2014 Meeting Schedule
Jan 30 July 31
Feb 27 Aug 28

Mar 27 Sept 25

April 24 Oct 30

May 29 Nov 27* Reschedule Due to Holiday

June 26 Dec 25* Reschedule Due to Holiday