June 4, 2007 Regular Meeting

Acton Community Center

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by President Ray Garwacki

Mike Foster was absent. All other officers and members were present.

The Minutes of the May 21st and 30th, 2007 meetings were approved as submitted.

Treasurers Report: Jim Connelly reported a balance of $ 1,222.44

Announcements & Correspondence:

·  The AV Beach Bus is back and will run from Lancaster and Palmdale to Santa Monica Beach daily until Sept. 3, 2007.

·  LA Co. will hold a public Hearing on June 26, 2007 regarding new development standards and procedures for wireless telecommunication facilities.

·  The Cal. Regional Water Quality Control Board will hold a hearing on July 12, 2007 regarding narrowly reopening the Waste Discharge Requirements for the LA Co. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.

·  We received a letter from the ACLU regarding regulations of placing Real Estate signs.

Sheriff Report: —

·  Deputy Scott Short reported that there were 96 calls taken in Acton between April 1, 2007 and May 22, 2007.


A.  Dennis Crane, TM 52882, reported on some new changes in his project. He is looking for a vote of support for the crossing. We again discussed calculations of flow and channel depth for 5 and 10 year storms. We will request that Steve Berger come to the next meeting so we can more fully discuss and understand the Counties position relative to flow, etc. Dick Morris made a motion to send a letter to LA Co. to state our non-opposition to a moratorium relative to his project. The motion carried.

B.  Mike Swartz with the Paint Ball Club spoke about his operation. There have been some complaints and he wants to work them out. He has donated space for the use of Desert Winds Soccer and Sierra Youth Sports to use. He has applied for a CUP and is requesting a “Clean Hands” waver to continue operating. We requested that he return on June 18, 2007 with added information on his CUP.


Planning & Coordinating: Dick Morris & Bill Davis—

·  Rural Highway Standards were presented at the last ARTC meeting. These standards represent a major change in County policy. The County has requested feedback. We will send a letter with our comments to LA Co. and the ARTC.

Angeles Forest Area Report—no report

Finance/Ways & Means: Jim Connelly --nothing to report

By-laws: Michael Hughes --nothing to report

Trails, Open Space & Recreation: Ray Billet –nothing to report

Publicity: Mike Foster--nothing to report

Utilities: Jim Connelly--nothing to report

Community Standards: Mike Hughes & Carl Young—we met regarding set backs and other issues and will meet again soon.


Beautification: Mike Foster – Jacki addressed the presence of billboards near the Crown Valley Road exit with Dennis Crane.

Drainage & Roads: Carl Young: --nothing to report

Santa Clara River Steering Committee: Ray Billet--nothing to report

Friends of Acton Park Liaison: Mike Foster-- nothing to report

Community Club Liaison: Dick Morris –A used book sale will be held on June 9th and 10th, 2007.

July 1 the Gymkhana and Pancake Breakfast will be held. On July 4th we will have our parade

and functions to follow at the Community Center. There will be a Stealth fly over.

Chamber of Commerce Liaison: Ray Billet-- nothing to report

Traffic Committee: Michael and Carl --nothing to report

Library Committee: Mike Hughes --nothing to report

Emergency Response/Disaster Planning: Mike Hughes-- nothing to report

School Board Liaison: Mike Hughes--nothing to report

Election Committee: Mike Foster was appointed Chairman. There will be 5 seats up for election. (Ray B., Ray G., Michael H., Jim C., and Carl Y.)


Open Items: 1. Hauled Water—no new update

2. Arsenic and well standards. –no new update

3. CSD interpretations by the County. -- no new update

4. Map extensions of timing that exceed County Ordinances. -no new update

NEW BUSINESS: We received an e-mail from Mary Johnson, Agua Dulce Town Council member, requesting a joint meeting to discuss boundaries. Jackie made a motion to accept the invitation. The motion failed. Bill made a motion to send a letter to the ADTC declining the invitation. The motion carried. Michael Hughes will draft a letter for Ray Garwacki’s signature declining the invitation and explaining that we did not want to risk “opening” our CSD. It should be noted that we have been advised on several occasions that opening just one aspect of our Standards could put us at risk for other areas to be changed as well.


·  We discussed cars parked along Sierra Highway. The CHP will be addressing this situation.

Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting, June 18, 2007, @ Acton Community Club @ 7:30 PM.

Planning Meetings have been canceled until further notice.

Adjournment: -The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 PM

Submitted by:

Michael R. Hughes
