
Unit 2 Classification (chapter 18) Test Review

Know how to read/interpret a cladogram.

Read Miller and Urey’s experiment

Read Germ theory and Koch’s postulates

Know similarities and differences between viruses and living cells.

Be able to give examples of organisms in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Must study from notes, handouts, assignments Use Notes and textbook to complete this test review.

  1. The science of grouping organisms on the basis of their similarities is called Taxonomy
  1. The practice of using two word names for scientific names is known as Binomial Nomenclature.
  1. The scientific name consists of what two parts? genus and species
  1. Write the name CANIS LUPUS correctly. Canis lupus
  1. A dichotomous key gives a list of choices that lead to the name of an organism being identified.
  1. Derived characteristics are used to generate a cladogram, a diagram that shows relationships among groups of organisms in terms of evolution.
  1. Traditional classification considered only physical characteristics and structural similarities of organisms for classifying them.
  1. The modern taxonomistsstudy the following characteristics of organisms to determine relationships among organisms.

Structural similarities, DNA, Biochemical similarities, Embryological development, Reproductive potential, Evolutionary history.

  1. List the 7 levels of taxonomy, from largest (most inclusive) to smallest.
  2. Kingdome.Family
  3. Phylumf. Genus
  4. Classg. Species
  5. Order
  1. Complete the chart below.





/ Archaebacteia




Eukarya / Fungi, Protista,
Plantae and Animalia.
  1. Organisms that do not contain a nucleus are called prokaryotic

Organisms that DO contain a nucleus are called Eukaryotic

  1. An organism that can produce its own food is known as a(n) Autotroph

An organism that must obtain food is known as a(n) Heterotroph

  1. In what Kingdom do we find most eukaryotes that are either heterotrophic or autotrophic? Protista
  1. A new organism was discovered. It has no nucleus and lives in a high-temperature pool. To what kingdom does it belong? Archaebacteria
  1. Another new organism was found nearby. It is a heterotroph, has a cell wall, and gets nutrients from decomposing matter. To what kingdom does it belong? Fungi, or Eubacteria
  1. Another organisms was found that is an autotroph and has no nucleus. To what kingdom does it belong? Eubacteria (it is cyanobacteria – which can photosynthesize)
  1. Scientists have found that humans and yeasts have similar genes for the assembly of certain proteins. Similar genes are evidence of common ancestry.

  1. Which of the following are sister taxa?
  • D & E
  • B & C
  • A & D
  • C & D
  1. Cladograms

  • In the cladogram above which species are sister taxa?

a)Lizard and Chicken

b)Chipmunk and Cougar

  • Which species have an amnion (a membrane around an embryo)?

Lizard, Chicken, Chipmunk and Cougar

  • According to the above cladogram, did the chicken evolve from the lizard? No

  1. The kingdom Animalia contains many different organisms. Which organism(s) does (do) not have tissues? Sponge

  1. According to the cladogram above, which is (are) correct?

i.salamanders and lizards are sister taxa

ii.lizard evolved from salamanders

iii.lizards, hamsters, and chimpanzees have claws

A. i B. ii C. iiiD. i and ii E. i and iii F. ii and iii G. i, ii, and iii

  1. If two organisms are similar and can produce fertile offspring, they are probably members of the same species.
  1. What phylum are the classes Reptila and Mammalia in? Chordata
  1. Organisms, such as humans, that get their body heat from metabolism are called endothermic. Reptiles, amphibians, etc that have to use the outside environment to maintain their temp are ectothermic.
  1. Earth’s early atmosphere contained little or no oxygen gas . Cyanobacteria, single-celled prokaryotic produced oxygen, as an end product of photosynthesis.
  1. Using the cladogram below, Determine which two organisms are most closely related.

Reptiles & Birds

  1. According to this cladogram, what is a characteristic that birds and living reptiles have that mammals, amphibians and fish do not?

2 holes in skull behind eye

  1. What is the one characteristic that all of these organisms share?


KINGDOM / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia
PHYLUM / Chordate / Chordate / Chordate / Chordate / Arthropoda
CLASS / Mammal / Mammal / Mammal / Mammal / Insect
ORDER / Primates / Primates / Carnivora / Carnivora / Diptera
FAMILY / Hominidae / Pongidae / Felidae / Felidae / Muscidae
GENUS / Homo / Pan / Felis / Felis / Musca
SPECIES / sapiens / troglodytes / domestica / leo / domestica
  1. Look at the table above, Which organism is most closely related to the chimp? human

The lion is most closely related to the House cat

  1. The graph shown here looks at how mutations occur at a fairly constant rate. This is called a

Molecular clock

  1. Viruses are not considered to be alive according to the current definition of life? What characteristics of life do they not show? Cannot reproduce outside host
  1. Matching

E,F, H, I, J,L Archaebacteria

D,F, H, I , J, L Eubacteria

B, G,I,K,L,N, Protist

C, G, H, J, K, L, Fungi

G, I, K, L, O, Q Plantae

A, G, H, K, M, P Animalia

  1. What procedure did Koch use to identify the cause of a disease?
  • Infectious agent must be present in every case of the disease
  • Infectious agent must be extracted from an diseased individual, isolated from all other micro-organisms, and grown independently in laboratory culture
  • The cultured infectious agent, must create the same disease when introduced into a healthy test individual of the same species
  • The supposed infectious agent must be extracted from the test individual and shown to be the same microorganism
  1. Using the dichotomous key below, identify the organism Virginia bluebell

(Hint: All the plants have blue or purple flowers with five petals that are fused together).

More practice:

What are the 6 kingdoms of life?

  1. Eubacteria
  1. Archaebacteria
  1. Protista
  1. Fungi
  1. Plantae
  1. Animalia

Find out kingdom in which the following organisms belong? (Use flipchart available on the website)

  1. Mushrooms and yeast - Fungi
  1. Most photosynthetic autotrophs - Plantae
  1. Homo sapien - Animalia
  1. Organism that have wall of chitin - Fungi
  1. Invertebrates and vertebrates - Animalia
  1. Organisms that live in extreme conditions, at deep ocean vents and hot springs - Archaebacteria
  1. Protozoans and brown, yellow, green and red algae - Protista
  1. Ferns, shrubs, grasses, trees - Plantae
  1. A sea sponge - Animalia
  1. Bacteria and blue-green algae - Eubacteria
  1. Mammalia & Reptilia - Animalia
  1. Mosses - Plantae
  1. Mold and mildew - Fungi
  1. Paramecium, Amoeba - Protist
  1. Single-celled and multi-celled organisms- Fungi Protista