Winter Crop Set-up and Monitoring Details
GRDC National Paddock Survey Project
1. Contents
2. Contact Details 1
3. Paddock Details 1
4. Paddock History – Year 2012 2
5. Details for Crop 2015 5
6. GS30 Instructions 6
7. GS30 Monitoring 8
8. GS65 Instructions 10
9. GS65 Monitoring 11
10. Harvest Details 13
2. Contact Details
Consultant Details
Email address:
Farm Details
Phone no:
Mobile phone:
Email address:
3. Paddock Details
GRDC region: Northern/Southern/Western (select one)
Paddock name: ______
Paddock size: ______ha
Paddock Zones:
Zone A / Zone BSoil type description: / Soil type description:
APSoil: / APSoil:
4. Paddock History – Year 2012
Sowing date:Crop type: / Cultivar:
Row spacing: / cm
Soil sample details
Sampling date: / Visual rootingStubble type: / Stubble amt: / kg/ha / depth: / cm
Depth (cm) / Grav Water (%) / NO3 (ppm or mg/kg) / NH4 (ppm or mg/kg) / EC (d S/m) / pH (CaCl2) / Cl (ppm or mg/kg) / Al (ppm or mg/kg)
0 – 10
Topsoil-specific values (0-10cm)
Colwell P: / mg/kg / BSES P: / mg/kg / DGT P: / µg/LOrganic C: / %
Type / Name / Rate / Rate units / Dateeg. Fertiliser
eg. Herbicide / Urea
MCPA LVE / 100
500 / kg/ha
ml/ha / 4/07/2012
Harvest Details
Harvest date: / * / Harvested for hay?Delivered t: / t / or Tonnage: / t/ha
Protein / Oil: / %
Year 2013
Sowing date:Crop type: / Cultivar:
Row spacing: / cm
Soil sample details
Sampling date: / Visual rootingStubble type: / Stubble amt: / kg/ha / depth: / cm
Depth (cm) / Grav Water (%) / NO3 (ppm or mg/kg) / NH4 (ppm or mg/kg) / EC (d S/m) / pH (CaCl2) / Cl (ppm or mg/kg) / Al (ppm or mg/kg)
0 – 10
Topsoil-specific values (0-10cm)
Colwell P: / mg/kg / BSES P: / mg/kg / DGT P: / µg/LOrganic C: / %
Type / Name / Rate / Rate units / Dateeg. Fertiliser
eg. Herbicide / Urea
MCPA LVE / 100
500 / kg/ha
ml/ha / 4/07/2013
Harvest Details
Harvest date: / * / Harvested for hay?Delivered t: / t / or Tonnage: / t/ha
Protein / Oil: / %
Year 2014
Sowing date:Crop type: / Cultivar:
Row spacing: / cm
Soil sample details
Sampling date: / Visual rootingStubble type: / Stubble amt: / kg/ha / depth: / cm
Depth (cm) / Grav Water (%) / NO3 (ppm or mg/kg) / NH4 (ppm or mg/kg) / EC (d S/m) / pH (CaCl2) / Cl (ppm or mg/kg) / Al (ppm or mg/kg)
0 – 10
Topsoil-specific values (0-10cm)
Colwell P: / mg/kg / BSES P: / mg/kg / DGT P: / µg/LOrganic C: / %
Type / Name / Rate / Rate units / Dateeg. Fertiliser
eg. Herbicide / Urea
MCPA LVE / 100
500 / kg/ha
ml/ha / 4/07/2014
Harvest Details
Harvest date: / * / Harvested for hay?Delivered t: / t / or Tonnage: / t/ha
Protein / Oil: / %
5. Details for Crop 2015
Sowing Details
Sowing date:Crop type: / Cultivar:
Row spacing: / cm / Sowing rate: / kg/ha / Implement: / disc / tyne
Cultivation / times / No till: / yes / no
Soil sample details
Sampling date: / Visual rootingStubble type: / Stubble amt: / kg/ha / depth: / cm
Depth (cm) / Grav Water (%) / NO3 (ppm or mg/kg) / NH4(ppm or mg/kg) / EC (d S/m) / pH (CaCl2) / Cl (ppm or mg/kg) / Al (ppm or mg/kg)
0 – 10
Topsoil-specific values
Colwell P: / mg/kg / BSES P: / mg/kg / DGT P: / µg/LOrganic C: / %
Depth (cm) / Grav Water (%) / NO3 (ppm or mg/kg) / NH4 (ppm or mg/kg) / EC (d S/m) / pH (CaCl2) / Cl (ppm or mg/kg) / Al (ppm or mg/kg)0 – 10
Topsoil-specific values
Colwell P: / mg/kg / BSES P: / mg/kg / DGT P: / µg/LOrganic C: / %
6. GS30 Instructions
In each zone, along the transect used for pre-sowing soil sampling, the crop needs to be monitored at each of the five monitoring points (in the same location as you undertook the soil sampling). At each point record:
> GPS Coordinate at each point
> photo at point 1
> crop plant count
> weeds
> disease
> insects
At monitoring point 1, take a photo of the crop looking straight down with a ruler in place (see below) for later uploading. It is not required to do this for each point.
1. Plant Count
At each monitoring point place a 50cm ruler randomly in-between two crop rows. Carefully pull out, or dig out if the soil is dry, all the crop plants from each crop row on both sides of the ruler. Count the number of individual plants.
Place 50cm ruler between two crop rows / Pull out individual plants along both sides of 50cm ruler and count individual plants. Note: use these individual plants to also assess disease and insect damage (see below)2. Weeds – Quantitative assessment
At each monitoring point record the name of the weeds present and count the number of each weed type in a 50 x 50cm square (0.25m2).
Place two 50cm rulers at right angles (0.25m2) and record weeds (type and number)3. Diseases - quantitative assessment
(i) Plant sampling for foliar diseases. At each monitoring point, using the same plants that were removed for the Plant Count (previous section) assess each plant for foliar disease (disease type, where on the plant, number of plants affected, % of plant affected).
(ii) Plant sampling for root disease. At each monitoring point dig up 10 plants to a depth of 15cm (5 plants from each side of the 50cm ruler). For light textured soils shake the roots very gently to remove bulk soil, avoid rough handling which breaks the roots. For clay soils you may need to soak the roots in a bucket of water to remove the soil. Cut the tops about 10 cm from the base. Place the plant material from each monitoring point in a separate plastic bag, label the bag clearly with your name, paddock name, zone and monitoring point. Be careful during transport, keep cool and send ASAP to:
Dr Gupta Vadakattu, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
PMB 2, Glen Osmond, SA 5064
4. Insects - quantitative assessment
At each monitoring point, using the same plants that were removed for the Plant Count (1 above) assess each plant for insect damage (insect type, where on the plant, number of plants affected, % of plant affected)
5. Weed, disease and insect levels – broad scale observations
To ensure we pick up the main weeds, diseases and/or insects which may impact yield we will also need to make a semi-quantitative assessment of weeds, diseases and insects as you walk between two monitoring points (this is in addition to the small quadrat counts at each monitoring point). This will also pick up weeds, diseases or insects which occur in patches (such as stripe rust).
As you walk from one monitoring point to the next, observe 2m of crop on either side of your path (ie. a 4m width as you walk) and record the type and approximate number of weeds, plants with disease and insect damage.
7. GS30 Monitoring Zone A Farm: Paddock:
Monitoring date / Actual growth stage / Emergence date (if not within 7 days of sowing)Do not forget to take a photo of the crop at Monitoring Point 1
Monitoring Point / Latitude / Longitude / Plant count1
Weeds, Insects & Diseases
Point # / Type / Name / Count or# affected / Plant part affected (if applicable) * / % of plant part affected
1 / Weed / Annual Ryegrass / 1
1 / Disease / Yellow Leaf Spot / 10 / Lower leaves / 2%
* Plant parts: base of the plant, stem, lower leaves, middle leaves, upper leaves, flowering parts
Broad scale observation notes:
Example: Between point 1 and 2, 20 Brome observed, some mice damage
Between point 1 and 2: ______
Between point 2 and 3: ______
Between point 3 and 4: ______
Between point 4 and 5: ______
GS30 Monitoring Zone B Farm: Paddock:
Do not forget to take a photo of the crop at Monitoring Point 1
Monitoring Point / Latitude / Longitude / Plant count1
Weeds, Insects & Diseases
Point # / Type / Name / Count or# affected / Plant part affected (if applicable) * / % of plant part affected
1 / Weed / Annual Ryegrass / 1
1 / Disease / Yellow Leaf Spot / 10 / Lower leaves / 2%
* Plant parts: base of the plant, stem, lower leaves, middle leaves, upper leaves, flowering parts
Broad scale observation notes:
Example: Between point 1 and 2, 20 Brome observed, some mice damage
Between point 1 and 2: ______
Between point 2 and 3: ______
Between point 3 and 4: ______
Between point 4 and 5: ______
8. GS65 Instructions
In each zone along the same transect and monitoring points used for GS30 crop monitoring, record:
> photo of point 1
> weeds
> disease
> insects
1. Weeds - quantitative assessment
At each monitoring point record the name of the weeds present and count the number of each weed type in a 50 x 50cm square (0.25m2).
2. Diseases - quantitative assessment
Plant sampling for foliar diseases. At each monitoring point, place the 50cm rulers between two rows of crop and assess each plant (on both sides of the ruler) foliar disease (disease type, where on the plant, number of plants affected, % of plant affected).
Scoring Fusarium (crown rot): use the following scoring system.
3. Insects
At each monitoring point, using the same plants that were removed for the Plant Count (1 above) assess each plant for insect damage (insect type, where on the plant, number of plants affected, % of plant affected)
4. Weed, disease and insect levels – broad scale observations
To ensure we pick up the main weeds, diseases and/or insects which may impact yield we will also need to make a semi-quantitative assessment of weeds, diseases and insects as you walk between two monitoring points (this is in addition to the small quadrat counts at each monitoring point). This will also pick up weeds, diseases or insects which occur in patches (such as stripe rust).
As you walk from one monitoring point to the next, observe 2m of crop on either side of your path (ie. a 4m width as you walk) and record the type and approximate number of weeds, plants with disease and insect damage.
9. GS65 Monitoring Farm: Paddock:
Zone A
Monitoring date / Actual growth stageWeeds, Insects & Diseases Don’t forget to take a photo at point 1!
Point # / Type / Name / Count or# affected / Plant part affected (if applicable) * / % of plant part affected
1 / Weed / Annual Ryegrass / 1
1 / Disease / Yellow Leaf Spot / 10 / Lower leaves / 2%
1 / Disease / Fusarium / 8 / Score: 2
* Plant parts: base of the plant, stem, lower leaves, middle leaves, upper leaves, flowering parts
Broad scale observation notes:
Example: Between point 1 and 2, 21 Brome observed, some mice damage
Between point 1 and 2: ______
Between point 2 and 3: ______
Between point 3 and 4: ______
Between point 4 and 5: ______
GS65 Monitoring Farm: Paddock:
Zone B
Monitoring date / Actual growth stageWeeds, Insects & Diseases (Don’t forget to take a photo at point 1!)
Point # / Type / Name / Count or# affected / Plant part affected (if applicable) * / % of plant part affected
1 / Weed / Annual Ryegrass / 1
1 / Disease / Yellow Leaf Spot / 10 / Lower leaves / 2%
1 / Disease / Fusarium / 6 / Score: 2
* Plant parts: base of the plant, stem, lower leaves, middle leaves, upper leaves, flowering parts
Broad scale observation notes:
Example: Between point 1 and 2, 21 Brome observed, some mice damage
Between point 1 and 2: ______
Between point 2 and 3: ______
Between point 3 and 4: ______
Between point 4 and 5: ______
10. Harvest Details
Harvest date: / * / Harvested for hay?Delivered t: / t
Protein / Oil: / % / Screenings: / %
* / Yield Map obtained
Post Harvest soil sample details
Sampling date:ZONE A ZONE B
Depth (cm) / Grav Water (%) / NO3 (ppm or mg/kg) / NH4(ppm or mg/kg) / Depth (cm) / Grav Water (%) / NO3 (ppm or mg/kg) / NH4
(ppm or mg/kg)
0 – 10 / 0 – 10
10-40 / 10-40
40-70 / 40-70
70-100 / 70-100
INPUTS: List all applications - fertilisers, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides since harvest 2014
Type / Name / Rate / Rate units / Dateeg. Fertiliser / Urea / 100 / kg/ha / 4/7/2015
GRDC National Paddock Survey project