August 21, 2013
Village of Sundridge Municipal Office
Present:Sundridge – Elgin Schneider, Bill deVries
Strong – Merlyn Snow (arrived at 9am), John Newstead
South River – Jim Coleman, Jeff Dickerson
Machar – Doug Maeck, Ron Bennison
Absent:Les Mahon
Guests:Carole Mantha – MNDM
Ron Begin – FedNor
Dave Wright – re: Bike Lanes
Nghe Tran – Ha’s Restaurant
Gary McLaren – Industrial Solutions
Staff Present:Caitlin Haggart – Recording Secretary
Laura McNeice – Economic Development Intern
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 am by Chair Ron Bennison and the guests were welcomed.
General Discussion:
Laura McNeice shared an update from Sofa Communications – the video shoot has been scheduled for August 29thand 30th with some additional footage to be shot at the Sundridge Farmers Market on September 4th. The focus will be on tourism and businesses, and interviews have been arranged with a number of business owners, residents and tourist attractions. The committee would like to see a balance of community content. An initial website design and billboard options have been sent to the sub-committee members for review, which was circulated around to the committee. The committee reviewed the cost to have banner ads placed on the website but felt that they would not pursue this option at this time. The billboard designs were discussed: the committee and business representatives would like to see “Welcome to” and the website added to the billboard, as well as keeping the colours consistent with the circulated print materials. Laura shared that solar lighting was expensive but could be done. Ron Begin would like to see acknowledgement of FedNor in the video and billboard but he will check into the agreement.
The Chair invited Dave Wright to speak regarding Bike Lanes. Mr. Wright is an area cycling enthusiast and feels that Hwy 124 is a great cycling road and should be promoted as such. He has been in contact with the Parry Sound Active Transportation Committee to link the areas and promote biking from South River right to Parry Sound. It could be noted that it is the longest Highway in Ontario without a stop sign (from the lights in Sundridge straight to Parry Sound), as long as the shoulders are accommodating to cyclists. He would like to form an Active Transportation Committee in the area to promote this, and look at highway signage and maps. The committee would like to invite Mr. Wright and Bonnie Murphy, MTO Head of Traffic, to the next meeting to discuss Hwy 124. Carole Mantha suggested that Mr. Wright contact the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport for information.
Dave Wright & Nghe Tran left the meeting at 9:30am
Laura discussed her meeting with Dave McGirr, former member of the Economic Development Board in Timmins. He suggested that Laura have goals and objectives over the next 12 months. Some areas of focus could include the NCIR project, updating the Strategic Plan, business retention and expansion (BR&E) visits, organizing a trade show and funders forums, more research into grants for the municipalities and area, meeting Ministry representatives and meeting with the municipal clerks. The committee would like to see Laura complete BR&E visits more frequently to build a relationship and determine if the businesses would like to meet with any committee members or members of council. Laura inquired into planning a tradeshow, the committee would like to see one organized in late spring.
Gary McLaren left the meeting at 10:05am
Resolution 44-13
Moved by:Doug Maeck Seconded by:Jim Coleman
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby approve the registration of Laura McNeice for the Northern Ontario Business Awards Networking Business Reception and Gala on October 2-3, 2013 for a cost of $169.50 (including HST). Carried
A letter from NOHFC was received in regards to the Intern Project for Year 2, resolutions were passed.
Hon. Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long Term Care, responded to the letter regarding the Huntsville Hospital - Changes to the budget place focus on home and community care.
The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines sent a letter regarding the NCIR project. Additional information and the agreement will be sent for this project.
MTO Regional Director, Eric Doidge, responded to CAEDA’s letter regarding bike lanes on Highway 124 – shoulders will be paved from South River to Parry Sound and the paved shoulders cannot be designated as bike lanes as Ontario does not permit bike lanes on provincial highways.
Resolution 45-13
Moved by:Bill deVries Seconded by: Jeffery A K Dickerson
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby authorize the Township of Strong Clerk/Treasurer to sign the agreement with NOHFC for Year 2 of the Intern Funding project #933038. Carried
Resolution 46-13
Moved by:Merlyn Snow Seconded by: Jim Coleman
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby approve the registration of Laura McNeice for the EDAC Year 2 Program – Advancing Economic Development Opportunities in Sudbury on October 28-November 1, 2013. Carried
Adoption of Minutes:
Resolution 47-13
Moved by:Elgin Schneider Seconded by:John Newstead
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby adopt the minutes of July 17, 2013 as amended*.
*General Discussion – should read: Laura McNeice as a member of Economic Development Council of Ontario (EDCO)
*Pg 2 – correct spelling of Timmons to Timmins Carried
Approve CAEDA Expenses:
Laura advised that there was mileage incurred from the promotion of Explorer’s Edge Stone Skipping contest.
Resolution 48-13
Moved by:Doug Maeck Seconded by:Jim Coleman
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby approve expenses between July 18 and August 21, 2013in the amount of $16,133.98, and authorize the administrator to issue cheques for the same.
New Business:
Ron Begin would like to meet with the Mayors to form a sub-committee for Sustainability in September to discuss the EDO position, in advance of the 2014 election. The secretary was asked to arrange for a meeting.Carole Mantha volunteered to attend this meeting as well.
Jim Coleman asked that joint services be added on the agenda for discussion in September.
John Newstead reminded the group that Strong’s Landfill site on Forest Lake Road will be holding their Hazmat event on August 24th from 10am – 2pm.
Resolution 49-13
Moved by: Elgin SchneiderSeconded by: Jeffery A K Dickerson
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby adjourn at 10:35 a.m. until the next regular meeting on September 18, 2013 at 8:30am at the Township of Strong Municipal Office, or at the call of the chair.
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Chair, Ron Bennison Recording Secretary, Caitlin Haggart