Meeting Agenda
December 14th, 2015 6:30 P.M.
Board Members –Robin E (Chair), Pat C (Vice Chair), Peter G (Treasurer), Joyce K (Secretary)
Committee Chairs –Danny B (PI/PO), Lane (Literature), Dianne B (WSO/Murfreesboro),Melissa (Reg. 8)
Meeting Reps –Lee T (Thurs. 6:30),Jim H (At Large), Stephanie W (At Large)
Welcome by Chair– Robin E
Serenity prayer– All
Preamble read by Chair:
We are Intergroup---dedicated to serving the needs of Overeaters Anonymous, Electing to attend, we strive to put aside our illness. Our purpose is to conduct business. We understand the necessity of doing so in an orderly fashion. We leave our feelings at the door when we gather to serve OA as a whole. To maintain OA unity, we place principles before personalities. The quality of our service depends upon our willingness to commit to OA goals.
Concept of the month – Jim H
Tradition of the month –Dianne B
Approval of last meeting’s minutes – passed
Treasurer’s Report
- Last month’s income – $1,119.46
- Last Month expenses - $1,509.90
- Prudent Reserve – $3,475.57
- Out of ordinary – Melissa subtracted $278.00 from her last Region 8 Assembly when she submitted her expenses as she was over reimbursed that amount the previous Assembly.
- Spirit of scholarship balance - $24.50
- Net loss for the month - $490.44
Approval of Treasurers report - passed
Old Business:
The Literature Committee reviewed, approved, and submitted a Step 1 Study Guide for approval by Intergroup to submit to WSO as potential OA literature for publication. The Step 1 Study Guide had been submitted to the Literature Committee by Jim H. The deadline for submission to WSO is January 1st.Intergroup voted on and approved the submission to WSO. Robin E will submit the Study Guide by January 1, 2016.
New Business:
Budget Committee Report – Looking at the Profit and Loss for Intergroup, by end of November, Intergroup is in a budget shortfall of $3868. Looking ahead at next year’s initial proposed budget, without modification, Intergroup would be in a budget shortfall of $7471.70. Therefore, Intergroup looked at ways to modify the budget for the following year to bring it more in alignment with the projected income. Finding ways to cut was difficult as most of the cost is in Rent ($12,500/year), Literature ($4,200/year), and sending delegates to WSO and Region 8. It should be noted that even after modifications projected expenses were $3868 more than projected income.
To reduce expenditures, the proposed budget was modified in the following ways:
- Intergroup voted to send only one delegate to WSO totaling $1250.00 instead of $2500.00.
- Intergroup voted to send only one delegate to Region 8 Assemblies instead of 2: $700 for 2 meetings totaling $1400 instead of $3000.
To increase income the following modifications were made to the cost of Literature:
- Every month the expenditure for literature is more than the income. To better cover the cost of literature, it will be priced in the following manner: The cost of shipping will be added to the cost of the Literature and the total will be increased 25%. It was noted that part of the literature cost that is not being covered are the newcomer packets. These will still be provided free of charge to newcomers that attend meetings at the Intergroup Office.
Committee Reports:
- Representative Forum (group reps) –
- Public Information/Professional Outreach – 2016 Goals:
$75 Recoveryfest
$15 Lifeline subscription to TN Women's Prison library
$100 for printing meeting lists/labels
$310 for literature to go to university colleges of social work, nursing, nutrition, counseling, religion and libraries
Keep and then mail out information packets to medical doctors and therapists
5 PSAs by February 20, 2016 (our next meeting)
- Tech/Web – No new business to report.
- Sub-committee- Virtual – need help with Tech/Web (in particular, getting virtual IG meetings up and running)
- Unity with Diversity – Meeting in January to discuss how to get a Spanish language meeting started and get information to Spanish speakers in Middle TN.
- Literature –An order for additional Newcomer packets and Plan of Eating pamphlets, along with other literature was placed Dec 9,2015.
- Lifeline – no report
- 12 Step Within – no report
- Region 8 – Melissa is sending out updates/information from OA Region 8. Look for her emails on the Google Group.
- Workshop Committee – 12/12/15 there is a workshop at MTI celebrating “A day to focus on carrying the message to OA members who are in relapse or still suffering from compulsive eating.” Next workshop committee meeting is on 12/12/15 at 10:15 am. Agenda includes discussion for a January workshop to celebrate OA's birthday on01/16/16and also SuperSaturdayon02/27/16with intentions of that being a Traditions Workshop with a Trustee from another Region attending. They are looking for new members to join the committee.
- Intergroup Office – no report
- Appointed Committees
- Spring Retreat 2016 (April 22-24) – The Retreat Committee met and is finalizing the flyer and Registration Forms. The program will be "Smokey Mountain Serenity": A program that addresses the three phases of recovery physical emotional and spiritual.Everyone is invited to come and be a part of this event planning. They need several service positions filled such as decorations, help with registration, etc.
SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES: Group reps, Unity with Diversity committee, Spring Retreat committee, help with Tech/Web (in particular, getting virtual IG meetings up and running), Workshop committee members needed, Group Outreach chair
Serenity Prayer
The meeting was closed
Next meeting: ALL INTERGROUP MEETING REPS AND CHAIRS PLEASE ATTEND - Monday, January, 18th 2015 6:30pm