十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.1 王亭詔

My grandparents live in Japan. It always snows there, so it is hard to grow plants. Even though it is too cold to grow anything, my grandparents came up with the way to do this-to build the greenhouse. They spend NT$1,000,000 on the greenhouse and began to grow flowers and fruits like roses and pineapples. Last winter, I visited them. When they took me to appreciate their plants, I was very pleased. It is cold outside. In contrast, inside this room it is very warm. Since that time, I go there more often because it is so pretty that my parents like there, too. To sum up, if I have an indoor garden, I will love plants more than now.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.2 石邦佑

In the winter, Wade usually comes back to his grandparent’s home. His grandfather, Jack, just retired from the biggest company in America. His grandmother, Lilly, was a teacher before she retired. They love to grow plants in their garden. But it is becoming colder and colder, so they built a greenhouse for their plants. The greenhouse was built of glass. It can let in the light and keep the greenhouse warm. When Wade saw the greenhouse, he felt curious about the greenhouse. Jack told him that the greenhouse can protect the plants. Wade was very happy because he also loved plants and wanted to protect plants. So, he loves the greenhouse more and more. I love the life in Wade’s grandparents’ house because I think it must be the best experience in one’s life.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.3 江柏慶

Since two years ago, my grandparents moved to Japan. In a cold winter, my parents and I paid a visit to my grandparents. When we got there, there was no one in the house, but there’s a glass room beside the house. We went in and saw a lot of beautiful flowers, and my grandparents were taking care of them. Although outside the window it was very cold, the flowers was so beautiful that I told my grandparents I would come to visit them again. The reason why my grandparent could take good care of those flowers, is that they love nature. All that they want to do in the rest of their life is work in the garden and take care of the plants there.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.4 何道得

My grandparents live in Korea .There will be snow in winter. Last year, my mother took me to visit them in winter, and I found that they grew plants indoor. I was surprised to see that because it is seldom seem in Taiwan. My mother told me grandparents liked gardening since she was young. Gardening is strange to me, so I decided to do that with my grandparents. Grandparents told me that I have to clear up weeds carefully and not to hurt the flowers. It is difficult to me because I am rude all the time. When we finished the work in the garden, I was surprised. The entire house was full of the scent of the plants. And that let me feel I am in spring, not in winter. It is magical, isn’t it?

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.5 林 劭

My friend’s grandparents, Jane and Peter, have lived in Alaska for thirty years. Thirty years ago, they owned one of the biggest companies in the world. They want to make their dream come true when they were young. They retired and began to build a house with a garden of their own. However, not everything goes easily as they taught, due to the lack of the knowledge of to grow plants, in the first year, the plants were all dead. But they didn’t give up. They read a variety of books about how to grow plants well and even take a class about gardening. Finally, they dealt with the difficulties. In the second year, they had a harvest. Now, it is the best-known garden there and lots pf people from other countries visit there every day. And lots of people asked Jane and Peter how to grow the plants well, and they are willing to help others to build a garden. Maybe one day I can learn from them and one day I might have a beautiful garden as beautiful as they did.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.6 林明乾

My grandparents like snowy weather, so they live in Japan. They have a garden full of beautiful plants during the winter. My grandparents love flowers and green plants, so they plant many them in their garden. When winter comes, the flowers and green plants my grandparent’s plant look beautiful and cute. So, as the flowers are bloom in full, I will visit them. Because I love beautiful flowers, and so do my grandparents. I hope that flowers and green plants can keep beautiful when I visit them. I am lovely that beautiful place. P.S: The plants my grandparents grow are really the most beautiful. I hope that everyone can appreciate beautiful plants and feel happy to see the beautiful garden.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.7 張祐齊

Jack's grandparents live in the U.S.A, when it's winter, it will get colder than any other state. Because they live in the north of the U.S.A. His grandparents have a lot of plants in their house because they think that can help the earth to have more oxygen, and they also spend much money building a room for plants. Last summer, Jack went to his grandparents' house to have a big dinner with his family. When they finished their dinner, Jack's grandparents took him to the greenhouse, in order to make Jack happier. They told Jack, “There is a prize you like, but you need to find it first in five minutes.” Soon Jack found it , and he gave his grandparents a big hug; finally they went inside the house

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.8 陳威任

Steven and Alice were retired and they decided to move to the countryside. They build a wood house near the mountain. They could see beautiful scenes from their house everyday. Both of them like planting, so they planted some vegetables and fruits in their own garden which is in their wood house. It was warmer and cleaner than outside. They took care of the plants with care and patience. Steven and Alice invited their grandson, Jacky, to come to their wood house, and wanted to give their grandson a big surprise. While Jacky saw the plants, he was so excited. He couldn’t even imagine how beautiful the plants were! Alice cooked the vegetables which they grew for dinner. Jacky and Steven had a great dinner. They decided to plant more vegetables and flowers next year.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.9 陳相碩

It was a cold winter. There was a house which Peter’s grandparents lived in. His grandfather, John, is keen on planting, and his grandmother, Mary, is too. On a snowy day, they planted many of flowers in the warm room. When their grandson, Peter, went into the house, he was surprised at the new flowers and grass which were planted by his grandparents. What a beautiful house it is! Not only Peter but also John and Mary were very pleasant. I hope that I have

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.10 單志恆

Allen and Vivian live in Japan. The weather in the country is very cold. They bought a house, and they wanted to grow things in it. Though it is difficult to plant in winter, both of them try to plant many beautiful flowers for their grandson, Vince. They worked hard to the flowers every day and told Vince that they would like to have a surprise for him. Vince was so happy to wait for the surprise to come. When Vince visited his grandparents, his grandparents said him they had a gift for him. Vince followed them to a small house and felt some surprise. When his grandparents open the door and see a lot of beautiful flowers inside the house. Vince feels like it is spring or summer in the house. He thinks the house is the most beautiful in the world.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.11 謝宗憲

John and Linda live in the mountain near the Tokyo . It is very cold in winter

In the winter vacation their grandchild Leo will come back . They know he likes summer very much , so they grow some plants in their garden ,so that it like summer

Even when it is cold outside . when their grandchild Leo comes back ,he feels so surprised to see much summer plants , It is like a summer garden around him But I think it is hear to take care of there plants because it is still winter outside.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.12 顏維億

In winter, I usually go to my uncle's house. He lives in the north of America. His neighbor Mr. Wang always stays at home with his family at leisure. Today, I decided to visit them to solve my problem. When I came in front of the door, their door suddenly opened, I was so scared at that time. Then Mr. Wang walked out and asked me why I was there. I told him what I thought and then he laughed loudly. He invited me to his house. I was so surprised that in their house was a big garden. His wife and his little brother was cleaning the plants and picking up the worms. Soon I volunteer to help them in the garden because I loved flowers, trees, animals, and so on. I had a good time there. I hoped I could go there frequently. Next time, when I go there, I will bring a lot of new plants to them to express my gratefulness to them.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.13 王若涵

Vivian and Pat live in Mt. Ali. They were retired, so they moved to Mt. Ali. The winters are very cold there, so people have a hard time growing things during that time. They like gardening very much, so they planted the flowers indoors. Inside this room are beautiful flowers, and they smell like a summer garden. When Brian visits his grandparents on the weekend. He is always very happy because he can with his grandparents in the room. He is proud of his grandparent. This is a family of warmth. Though it is cold outside the house, inside the house I can feel in this family what a sweet family!

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.14 王笳樺

Mary and John had lived in Japan since they were young. It is very cold there in winter. People can’t grow anything there because the weather is so cold. Mary and John plants for their grandson, Jimmy, he loves many kinds of flowers. They built a room with four glass walls in order to allow the sun come in. In the green house, the garden can plant many trees and flowers all year. The trees and flowers are in bloom when it snows outside.

Mary and John wanted to take the garden as a gift for Jimmy. When Jimmy received the gift, he was so happy that he can’t say any words.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.15 江佳玲

My grandparents live in Hokkaido in Japan. The weather is very cold there, but they like their life there very much. My grandmother, Tina loves plants, so she always grows many beautiful flowers and small fruit trees in the glasshouse. Though it is a hard time, my grandfather always helps her. When I visit them during the New Year my grandmother cooks delicious dinner for me, and give me lucky money in the red envelope. I love the glasshouse, because many surprising things usually happen there. Maybe I can build one in my home. I am eager for a wonderful winter again.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.16 余冠慧

Peter and Jane are husband and wife. After they retired, they decided to move to Finland to enjoy their life. Finland is a place where there is a lot of snow in December, and it is cold and sunless. In order to save money, they decided to grow the plants. They built a large glass window to let in the sunshine to make their plants grow quickly. During the winter vacation, their daughter’s child, Tom, who lives in, Taiwan, came to visit them. When she saw the beautiful plants, she was delighted. She asked their grandparents to teach her how to grow them. After Mary went home, she decided to try to grow the plants as well. After reading the article, I am determined to have a beautiful garden in my house.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.17 吳靜怡

My dear grandparents had lived in America since they retired from their business. It is always cold in winter, and it snows there. But they like snow very much. It looks very beautiful to them. They are interested in the same thing, gardening. In order to grow plants, they built a green house. They can spend all day taking care of their flowers. I always visit

them when winter vacation comes. I love plants and snow as well. The flowers are too beautiful to leave them. We always eat Christmas meals in the green house. When all family get together, my grandparents and I are happy. I like the time to be together with them. Because they were always busy before. I felt alone at that time. But now I do not

feel so. I think I will have a garden like my grandparents’.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.18 呂筱芸

Rose and John got married for 50 years. They led a happy life in England. It` s snowed in winter; it` s so cold there. Both of them like gardening. They plant many flowers in their indoor garden; it also keeps the room filled with the sweet smell of flowers.

Rose and John enjoy taking care of flowers. They view them as their children. Giving them the best care and talk with them with similes. That is, every flowers grows beautifully. During winter vacation, their grandson named Tom visited to them. He was amazed when he saw the in front of him. He was so happy that he could stay at grandparents` house one week. By the way, he could also learn how to grow flowers.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.19 李佳玲

My grandpa, Peter, and my grandma, Cindy, the have got married for forty years, When they retired, they decided to move to Japan. In December, they want to give me a surprise gift, so they grow many beautiful flowers and build a big room. They think I can play inside even on the snowy days. As soon as I saw that big gift, I cried out, I thank my grandparents for such a warm gift. Since then, whenever I have free time, I will visit my grandparents with my good friend, we often play in the warm room, we even decide to grow many flowers like my grandparents in Taiwan. In that case, when my grandparents come back, they will see many flowers. They must be very happy to stay with us.

十月看圖寫作 綜二1 No.20 李慈玲

John and Cindy live in a city in New Zealand. The city snows in winter. It is hard to grow plants. Although they can't grow plants, John and Cindy just love gardening. They love not only gardening but also kids. So, even when it is snowing outside, they will grow plants in warm room and welcome kids to visit their warm room. Someday, a kid visited John and Cindy's warm room, they are so happy. There is nothing more wonderful than to know people smile because of you. That is why I always feel sweet and happy when people around me smile at me. I love to smile and love to see everyone smiles. On the other hand, I love not only people's smile but also animals' and so on.