Equity and Diversity Transformation AwardsApplication Form


To begin typing, clink on the gray area in each box. Boxes will expand as you type.

Date of Application:

Department/Unit Name: / College/Campus Name:
Project Title:
Award Amount Requested ($5,000 maximum):
Estimated Project Start Date: / Estimated Project End Date:

Project DirectorContact Information (for correspondence):

Department: / Title:
Email Address: / Phone:
Campus Address:

Additional Project Directors (if applicable):

Department: / Title:
Email Address:
Department: / Title:
Email Address:

Project Description:

Please provide a brief description of the proposed project (50 - 100 words):

Budget Details:

Please list or attach a detailed budget for this project, describing total project budget and specifically how requested funds will be used:

Complete Application Includes:

  1. Application Form
  2. A two- to three-page project proposal addressing the following:

a.A description of the project and how it addresses the stated focus;

b.The tactics that will be employed to meet the stated focus and outcomes;

c.The members of the University and external communities who are intended to benefit from the work;

d.How progress will be measured, identifying specific benchmarks and/or metrics and the timetable for achieving these benchmarks;

e.Who, specifically, will be carrying out the project and measuring progress to the stated outcomes;

f.A description of matching funds and/or in-kind contributions that have been secured or are being sought.

  1. Two letters of support for this project, one of which must come from the Associate Dean level (or equivalent) or higher.

2016 application deadline: Monday,May 9, 2016

Award notification date: No later than Monday, June 6, 2016

Application Instructions:

  • Send electronic copies of the application,project proposaland letters of support to:

Barbara Chapin

  • For questions, contact:

Barbara Chapin

Office for Equity and Diversity

432 Morrill Hall, 100 Church Street SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455
