Bensalem Township School District

Grade Level / Course Guide

Grade: Subject / Course: Intermediate Electronics

Unit Full course -Mixed grade level - 11-12

Content / Standard
Statement / Expectations for Student / Instructional Resources / Assessment / Portfolio Assessments / Extensions
A. Introduction
a. Electronics career and course overview
b. Course procedures
c. Grading parameters
d. Course description
e. Course requirements
B. Electronics Safety
a. Electrical hazards in the home and in
b. Safe working procedures
c.Physiological effects of electrical shock
d.First aid for shock victims
C. Electricity: description and definition
a. Electron theory
b. Charges
c. Conductors
d. Insulators
e. Potential – Voltage
f. Current – Amperes
g. Resistance – Ohms
h. Electrical circuits
D. Ohm’s Law
a. What is Ohm’s Law
b. How is Ohm’s Law used
c. Practice Ohm’s Law worksheets and test
d. Ohm’s Law Experiment
E. Basic soldering skills
a. Structure of solder
b. Soldering and de-soldering equipment
c. Tinning a wire
d. Soldering solid wire
e. Securing wires to terminals
f. The Western Union splice
g Pigtail connections
h. Tap or vampire splice
i. Soldering on printed circuit boards
j. Soldering practice project
F. Series Circuits
a. Series circuit theory
b. Series - parallel circuits
c. Identifying series circuits
d. Voltage drops
e. Total resistance
f. Series circuit applications
g. Voltage dividers
h. Determining unknown values
G. Resistor Fundamentals
a. Types of resistors
b. Resistor color code
c. Resistor color code practice
H. Electronic Device Construction
a. Safety considerations
b. Semiconductor identification
c. Heat sinking components
d. Identifying capacitors
e. Lead preparation
f. Installation of components on printed
circuit boards
g. Project testing
h. Enclosure construction
i. Project completion
I. Multimeters
a. Analog and digital multimeters
b. Uses of multimeters
c. Safety when using multimeters
d. Advantages and disadvantages of
analog and digital meters
e. Reading the dial face on the Simpson
f. Making voltage measurements
g. Making current measurements
h. Making resistance measurements
i. Special meter functions
j. Care of multimeters
J. Series Circuit construction and Experiment
a. Building a series resistive circuit
b. Calculating total resistance
c. Calculating current flow
d. Calculating voltage drops across each
e. Using the Simpson 360 multimeter to
measure values
f. Conclusions
Electronics 2 Course Content
K. Parallel DC Circuits
a .Definition of a parallel circuit
b. Identifying parallel circuits
c. Comparing Parallel and series circuits
d. Parallel circuit analysis
L. Parallel circuit experiment
a. Parallel circuit construction
b. Parallel circuit experiment
c. Conclusions
a. Definition of electrical and mechanical power
b. Watt’s Law
c. Reading an electric meter
d. Circuit analysis involving power
N.Sources of Electricity
a. Magnetism
b. Chemical
c .Heat
d. Light
e. Pressure
f. Friction
a. Electromagnets
b. Left had rule
c. Strength of electromagnets
d. Uses of electromagnetism
P.Alternating current
a. The sine wave
b. Frequency
c. Amplitude
d. Peak voltage
e. Peak to Peak voltage
f. Average voltage
g. Root means square voltage
h. Phase
i. Waveform shape
j. Power factor
Q. Transformers
a. How transformers work
b. Step-Up / Step-Down
c. Turns ratio
d. Transformer problems
e. Transformer losses
R. Capacitance
a. Construction of capacitors
b. Capacitance
c. Factors affecting capacitance
d. Types of capacitors
e. Capacitor in series
f. Capacitors in parallel
S. Inductance
a. Inductors
b. Counter EMF
c. Coils
d. Measuring inductance
T.RL and RC time constants
a. Use of time constants
b. Current lags in RL circuits
c. Voltage lags in RC circuits
d. Inductive reactance
e. Capacitive reactance
U. Diodes
a. Valence electrons
b. Covalent bonds
c. Doping
d. PN junction
e. Hole flow
f. Reverse bias
g. Special diodes
V.Vacuum Tubes
a. Vacuum tube diodes
b. Thermionic emissions
c. Vacuum tube power supplies
d. Diode vacuum tubes
e. Tetrode vacuum tubes
f. Pentode vacuum tubes
g. Multipurpose tubes
h. Cathode ray tubes
i. Fleming’s valve
W. Transistors
a. How transistors work
b. Types of transistors PNP - NPN
c. Doping
d. Hole current
e. Amplification
f. Advantages of transistors
X. Power supplies
a. Half wave rectification
b. Full wave rectification
c. Full wave bridge rectification
d. Filtration
e. Regulation3
/ 3.7.10-A
3-7-10-A / The student will be able to describe safety hazards both at home and in the industrial environment.
The student will be able to explain how to avoid hazardous situations when working with electricity.
He or she will be able to display safe practices when using tools and equipment common to the industry.
The student will be able to describe and illustrate the structure of a simple atom.
The student will be able to explain how a simple circuit operates describing the three characteristics, potential, current and resistance.
The student will be able to explain the relationship between voltage, current and resistance.
The student can resolve problems involving Ohm's Law.
The student will be able to explain which type of solder is used in the electronics industry.
The student will construct a practice solder project demonstrating proper soldering and mechanical techniques.
The student will be able to differentiate between series and parallel circuits.
The student will be able to calculate series circuit values including total resistance, voltage drops and series current flow.
The student will be able to identify various type of resistors and wil be able to list their value using the resistor color code.
The student will be able to identify the steps required to assemble an electronics project. They will be able to identify various parts and components indicating which items require consideration of polarity when installing
The student will be able to setup and use an analog/digital multimeter to measure electrical circuits
The student will build a series circuit and will complete an experiment on the circuit measuring circuit parameters. /
Lecture and demonstration
Safety Handout
Safety Film
Lecture and demonstration
Textbook and worksheet
Lecture and demonstration
Ohm's Law worksheets
Lecture and demonstration
Solder Practice project
Lecture and demonstration
Lecture, demonstration and worksheet
Demonstation of construction techniques
Meter illustration, Simpson 360 Analog multimeter.
Fluke Model 77 Digital Multimeter
Shop tools, equipment and supplies.
Simpson 360 Analog Multimeter / Post test based on Safety film.
Observation of safe working practices in the lab.
Multiple choice examination, including illustrations of the structure of atoms and simple circuits.
Ohm's Law problem test.
Evaluation of the individual solder project.
Evaluation of series circuit experiment report sheet.
Observation of resistor identification during project construction
Evaluate meter reading worksheet
Evaluate series circuit worksheet
Completed circuit evaluation to include soldering, construction, following directions and appearance.
Completed circuit evaluation to include soldering, construction, following directions and appearance.