CPD Minutes
(Apologies for not putting your initials next to key points you may have raised. I will ensure that this happens next time ) / Date:St Peter’s Ruddington
9th February 2015
CPD leader/ minutes recorder: F Moore
Name of group:
SMSC / Facilitators:
F Moore- chaired discussion/minute taker-This was the second session.
All present contributed to discussion.
Focus of cluster meeting:
Audit compiled/SMSC Ofsted Guidance/Policies/
Vison of SMSC
  • All present introduced themselves-Most are new members to the SMSC Group-FM re-visited first SMSC Session and distributed minutes
  • All discussed the SMSC audit and what a good idea it is. AG will ensure proforma is put on RLA website
  • Discussed the value in cross referencing SMSC with PHSE Curriculum-Colour coded
  • Discussed the importance of a clear British Values Statement and if possible cross reference this on assembly themes
  • All schools agreed that we are all ‘on track’ with SMSC but it’s the recording element that we find challenging and that we need to continue to raise staff awareness/understanding of how to ensure elements of SMSC are explicit in lessons
  • All discussed timetabling constraints ref. effective delivery of RE/SMSC Elements
  • All discussed the importance of visiting, ‘Places of Worship’, in order for children to assign meaning to their learning and making learning real
  • Very valid point made about ensuring that every child’s religion, in class, is explored/celebrated/recognised
  • Discussed the value of celebration weeks/Different countries celebrated-JS
  • Discussed Tamba Roy as a storyteller-LE to provide details
  • Discussed worth in having a ‘Thought of the Week’ as they do at Heymann
  • Discussed the use of Open Book Assembly/Church of England-SLB to provide details
  • FM handed out previous minutes/ Ofsted SMSC guidance/ SMSC Colour codes-Summary doc.
  • Closed meeting and all stated that it was very useful. A huge thank you to Angela for hosting us at St Peter’s

Actions required:
Complete own school audit and compile your school’s own SMSC Document based on St Peter’s model-On RLA website
AG St Peter’s model SMSC Audit-On RLA website AG
Spiritual Book- Bring to next meeting FM
Please could someoneminute take at the next meeting? Thank you
Tamba Roy contact details for next meeting or put on SMSC section on RLA website-LE
SMSC Policy-Please bring any examples to next meeting
How was the CPD received?Very useful and a great opportunity to share our approach to SMSC and to welcome new SMSC Leaders to the group….Many minds make light work! 
Focus of next meeting:
  • British Values Statement/Promotion
  • SMSC policy/Statement
  • How do you measure progress in SMSC andRE?
  • Any Assembly/Collective Worship ideas/Unicef?
/ Date of next meeting:
Monday 18th May 2015 @
1.30pm-4pm @ St Peter’s Ruddington