Agenda for

Bohl’s Neighborhood Association Meeting

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Meeting Conducted by Sally Gannaway and Shirl Enoch

  1. Welcome / IntroductionsSally
  2. By-LawsShirl
  3. Copying and delivering By-Laws to the 537 houses in Bohls Place and Crossing
  4. Copying – How do we pay for copies? We will have a 4 page document.
  5. Anyone work at a printing or copying company that could help out?
  6. Cost if we make copies at a copying center - .03¢ - .09¢ per sheet
    ($64.44 - $193.32)
    Cost if copying center makes copies - .07¢ - .14¢ per sheet
    ($150.36 - $300.72)

Per resident Marie Reed she has copying done for her Real Estate business done at Copy Max for 4¢ per sheet with them doing the work. We can contact Amber and tell her that we are working with Marie to get our copies done. Shirl will handle this.

Rudy Regalado is going to put together a sponsor page to help defray the costs of the copying.

  1. Delivery -
  2. Could try to get volunteers within the neighborhoods to deliver
    to a couple of streets, we have 26 streets total.
  3. If we pay a company to deliver it would cost +/- $64.44
  4. Send via US Mail +/ - $212.28. This cost includes labels,
    envelopes and postage. This option would be very time consuming.
  5. What date do we want to get these out to residents?

It was decided by most attending the meeting that we could do the delivery by using resident volunteers since we do not have the money to pay for the delivery.

Volunteered at Meeting: Vicki DiBenedetto, Gracie Prasanson, Danny Bowen, James Ferguson, Becky Berryknoll, Cheryl Callicott, Willie Watts.

  1. Electing Board of DirectorsSally
  2. Will be taking nominations for the Board of Directors at the September 30 meeting and hold the election at the October 28th meeting. Per our By-Laws “Nominations may also be made from the floor on the day of voting.” We are going to attach a flyer advertising this election with the By-Laws that will be delivered to each house. We will need some volunteers to count ballots.
  3. Collecting Dues Shirl
  4. We will need to collect the $30.00/year dues before the October Board of Directors meeting since our By-Laws state that you must be a paid member of BNA in order to vote. These will need to be paid in cash since we do not have a bank account yet.
  5. Neighborhood Crime Sally
  6. Statistics
  1. Neighborhood Watch UpdateSally
  2. If you are interested in having your block trained for the
    Neighborhood Crime Watch program please contact Sally
    or Michael Gannaway at 251-8516 or
  3. Architectural Committee UpdateShirl
  4. We have had a volunteer to assist the Bohls Place Architectural Committee
  5. PFCONA UpdateSally
  6. Volunteer Opportunities Sally
  7. Report on City Meetings
  8. City Council (2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.)
  9. Parks & Recreation Commission (3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.)
  10. Planning & Zoning Commission (1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.)
  11. Community Development Corp (4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m.)
  12. Bohls Heritage House (1st Monday, 7:00 5:00 p.m.)
  13. Neighborhood Issues/Concerns/InformationShirl
  14. Overgrown flowerbeds on Plumbago. A volunteer resident in Bohls Crossing has talked to the residents of this home. The fire hydrant is now visible..
  15. National Night Out Report Out (See below)
  16. Voting Statistics (See below)
  17. Pflag subscription (See below)
  18. Pflugerville Police Department Open House Sunday, October 26, 2003 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
  19. Marie Reed has arranged the 1st Annual Bohls BBQ. It will be held on September 20, 5:00 – 10:00 P.M. at the Heritage Park. Watch for flyers to be delivered to your house for more details.
  20. Four Bohls families attended the City Council Meeting to voice their concerns about the Water Park that will be built at Heritage Park by next summer. It looks like they were successful in getting the volleyball court rotated to lie North – South instead of East – West. They also found out that the only part of the park that will be lit is the pool area.
  21. Sunday, September 7 is Hispanic Recognition Day – Heritage House Museum – Proclamation by Mayor Scott Winton – 1:00 p.m.
  22. Scheduled Neighborhood Association Meetings
  23. Tuesday, September 30 (Board of Directors nominations)
  24. Tuesday, October 28 (Board of Directors voting)


The number of residents per neighborhood that participated in the last council election are below, per city secretary. Let's challenge one another to get out the vote the next time around. Let's see which neighborhoods can get out the most votes. To spur this to happen, PfCONA is beginning a new initiative called Project Vote! It will be quite an effort to get 10,000 registered voters to vote. With less than 500 voting currently it is an uphill climb but you have to start somewhere. If each neighborhood doubles or triples the amount of people that voted we might get up to 1,500 people the next time around.
Subdivision/Votes (485 total)

Settlers Ridge = 71
Katymead = 33
Saxony = 33
Willow Creek = 29
Gatlinburg = 27
Creekside = 24
Fairways of Blackhawk = 23
Meadow Park South = 23
Bohls = 19
Springbrook = 18
Mountain Creek = 17
Old Town = 16
Brookhollow = 15
Wrenbar = 14
Wuthrich = 13
EW Pfluger = 11
Parkcrest = 10
Club at Wells Point = 9
Walters Meadow = 8 / Ernest Pfluger = 7
Cambridge Estates = 6
Pflugerville West = 6
Springbrook Glen = 6
Wells Point = 6
Heatherwilde = 5
Lisso = 5
Parkview Estates = 5
Skyview Manor = 5
Unidentified = 5
Albert Pfluger = 3
Meadows of Blackhawk = 3
Sahd = 3
Julie's Walk at Katymead = 2
Samuelson Garden = 2
Chisholm Point = 1
Springbrook Enclave = 1
Windermere = 1


Different neighborhoods of all sizes, some new and some old, had one or more NNO block parties, some big and some small. Creekside, for instance, had 175 at its party. Wellspoint had one street, Tanner Trail, that had a large party for the first time in 11 years and it plans to do it again, including try to get Neighborhood Watch trained, especially since it had been hit for the first time recently with seven burlgaries of vehicles.
51 parties total in Pflugerville (at last count)

Blackhawk = 4
Bohls Place = 1
Bohls Crossing = 2
Brookhollow = 1
Cambridge Estates = 1
Chisholm Point = 1
Creekside = 1
Falcon Pointe = 1
Gatlinburg = 2
Heatherwilde = 2
Katymead = 2
Meadow Park South = 1
Mountain Creek Estates = 1
Mountain Creek = 1
Old Town = 3 / Park View Estates = 1
Parkcrest = 1
Rowe Estates = 1
Rolling Meadows = 1
Saxony = 10
Settlers Ridge = 2
Skyview Manor = 1
Springbrook = 1
Springbrook Glen = 4
Steeds Crossing = 1
The Ridge at Steeds Crossing = 1
The Club at Wells Point = 1
Wells Point = 2
Windermere = 1

The Pflugerville Pflag's Special New Subscriber Offer
The Pflugerville Pflag has a new subscription offer via PfCONA, GPCC, and PISD. It is a trial run. For every new subscription submitted via PfCONA, for example, they will donate $6**. See attached subscription form or call The Pflugerville Pflag at 251-2220 about a new subscription and tell them it's on behalf of PfCONA. The Pflag takes credit cards.
**PfCONA is ready to split the subscription proceeds with any Neighborhood Association who would like to join in on this effort as a fundraiser
