NAZIM (Northern Arizona Intel Mathematics) Project II
October/November MLC Module Overview
This module consists of a few components to help you consolidate the content and standards from our recent face-to-face meeting. You are strongly encouraged to complete these tasks in the order presented so that we can maximize the scaffolding provided by each activity.Most tasks should be completed prior to your MLC meeting(s) so that you can discuss problems you may run into, share findings, and consolidate your learning as a group (though you may want to consider holding several MLC meetings so that you can work collaboratively on many of these tasks).
This module will consist of 5 general tasks:
- Reading & discussion in MLC
- Content consolidation assignment
- Content Probe delivery & analysis
- Establish project goal & evaluation plan
- Mathematics Learning Community (meeting, discussion & reflection)
A. Reading from the Intel Math Program "Reference Manual" (purple-tabbed book)(reinforce the content)
Read article #1, page 137 – 142, “Never Say Anything a Kid Can Say!”
When you meet in your MLC, begin your discussion of professional goals with a reflection on this article. How does this article impact your thoughts on the role of teachers & the role of students in the learning process? Do you currently do any of the suggested strategies? Which are you going to try to begin implementing in your teaching? Continue reflecting, as well, on how the Intel Math Program and your experiences as a learner in this program are impacting your view of mathematics, mathematics teaching and learning, your students and yourself.
You will discuss your responses to these questions at your MLC meeting(s) during this module.
B. Content Assignment(reinforce the content)
Complete the following problems from Units 1 & 2: (1) 1.1 Prob Set 2 and 3 OR Prob Set 3 and 4 OR Prob Set 5 and 6 (p. 8 – 13), (2) 1.6 #1, 6, 7 (p. 72 – 75)
You are encouraged,though not required,to complete this with members from your Mathematics Learning Community (MLC). This assignment is due at the beginning of our face to face meeting in November.
C. Mathematics Content Probe (consolidate the learning & implement the content)
You have experienced content probes in several forms during your time with Intel (e.g. examination of student work in the units from the Intel Math Curriculum; content probe book distributed and discussed at the October meeting; etc). A content probe typically includes a conceptual-based problem for students to solve along with an area for them to discuss their reasoning. While giving content probes on a daily or weekly basis may not be feasible, their regular use can provide tremendous insight into the thinking and understanding of your students.
Using either a preexisting content probe from the book or one of your own creation, administer a probe to your students. (Middle grade teachers need only administer a probe to one class section.)
Collect and analyze your students’ work, looking for common insights, misconceptions, etc. Prepare a one-to-two page summary that highlights (1) the probe you chose and why you chose it (e.g. what content, misconception, understanding did it measure that you found potentially insightful), (2) the AZ 2010 content standard(s) addressed by your probe, and (3) what you learned about your students and their mathematical thinking. End with a reflection on the process and application of probes along with any instructional insights you may have gleaned from analysis of student work in this way (e.g. what comes next mathematically and/or pedagogically based on your findings?). What are the instructional implications of the findings from your probe (e.g. how do you need to be sure to cover this content when you teach it?)?
Discuss and share findings at your MLC meeting(s). Bring a few samples of your student work (e.g. a low, med, high sample of student work) and your summary to our next face-to-face meeting in November.
D. Project Goal Setting(consolidate the learning & implement the content)
Think about the goals of the Intel Mathematics Program and the goals and requirements of the NAZIM project. What is a goal you would like to set for yourself as part of your participation in this project? Is it more content-based or pedagogical, or both? Is it shorter-term or longer-term? Can it be measured? If so, how?
When you meet in your MLC’s discuss the goal that you have developed for yourself. Get and give feedback from and to one another regarding your personal project goal. Then, sometime between now and our next meeting in November, meet with your principal and update them on your participation, work and expectations as part of NAZIM. Inform them of your goal as part of this project and determine a way in which they can help you measure, evaluate, or provide feedback on your goal. While an observation or formal feedback does not have to be completed by the November meeting, we would like for you to come in with your goal and with a plan for evaluating progress toward achieving your goal (preferably with your principal’s help and feedback).
E. Mathematics Learning Community Meeting(consolidate the learning)
You are required to meet with your MLC at least once(though we recommend twice) prior toour next face-to-face meeting in November (total MLC meeting time should be approximately 2 hours). At your meeting(s), (1) read & review the MLC guidelines and determine the role the MLC will play in you and your colleagues development & coursework over this academic year, (2) discuss how the Northern ArizonaIntel Math Program applies to your teaching situation, with attention paid to Intel content & pedagogy, AZ math standards, and content probes (3) share and compare answers & work on your content assignment, (4) discuss your Intel program goals and decide on a plan for presenting them to your principal for feedback, and (5) reestablish important collegial connections as you embark on your continued change process.
At your MLC meeting(s):
- Share, compare and collaborate on your content review assignment.
- Share findings and implications of content probe
- Share, compare and collaborate on your Intel program goal(s) and plan for principal feedback/evaluation
- Read and discuss MLCGuidelines and MLC Indicated Tasks documents.
After your MLC meeting(s):
- Have one person fill out an electronic MLC meeting record.(One of these will be submitted by one person in your MLC after each meeting. Rotate duties on who is responsible for filling out & submitting the record sheet after each meeting.)
- Hold on to the content assignment, the probe and results, and your goal until our next face-to-face meeting. These assignments will be shared & collected in November.
Due at next face-to-face meeting:
- Completed content assignment
- Content probe summary and analysis (typed)
- Project goal and evaluation plan