
B.Eng., 2002 (ChangZhou University, China);

M.Eng ,2006and PhD(SEU, China), 2010.


2002-2003 Engineer Zhejiang Jiyang XielianThermoPower Co., Ltd

2003-2004 Engineer Shaoxing Xinmin ThermoPower Co., Ltd

2010-2014 LecturerSEU., China

2014- Associate ProfessorSEU., China


MOE ScienceandTechnologyProgress AwardSecond Prize:The R&D of key technologies and engineeringapplications in resources utilization of large-scale direct combustion of Biomass

2012ExcellentDoctoralDissertation of Southeast University in 2012, Southeast University

2012ExcellentDoctoralDissertation of Jiangsu Province in 2012, JiangsuEducation Department

Research Interests:

•Energy and Thermochemistry Conversion of Biomass

•Pollutioncontrol and related Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow

Listofthetenmostsignificantrelevantpublicationssince 2009

  1. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ. (2009).“Experiment on particle mixing in flat-bottom spout-fluid bed.”Chemical Engineering and Processing. 48 (1): 126-134. (SCI Accession Number:405HP).
  2. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ (2009); “Experimental investigation on mixing and segregation behavior of biomass particle in fluidized bed.”Chemical Engineering and Processing. 48 (3): 745-754.(SCI Accession Number:392CD).
  3. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ; “Experimental Investigations on the Effect of the Trancer Location on Mixing in a Spout-Fluid Bed.”International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. Vol, 6; A 46. (SCI Accession Number:307ET).
  4. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ (2008); “Fluidization, mixing and segregation of biomass-sand mixture in fluidized bed.”International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. Vol, 6; A 88.(SCI Accession Number:367MF).
  5. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ; Ren, B; Xiao, R (2009); “Characterization of fluidization and segregation of biomass particles by combining image processing and pressure fluctuations analysis.”International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. Vol, 7; A 81. (SCI Accession Number:526EQ).
  6. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ; Ren, B; Xiao, R“DEM simulation of particle mixing in flat-bottom spout-fluid bed.”Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 88 (5): 757-771. (SCI Accession Number:618NG).
  7. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ (2011); “New method for the investigation of particle mixing dynamic in a spout-fluid bed.”Powder Technology. 208 (3): 702-712. (SCI Accession Number:751FE).
  8. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ (2011); “Experimental and theoretical study on fluidization of stalk-shaped biomass particle in a fluidized bed.”International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. Vol, 9; A 54. (SCI Accession Number:801LL).
  9. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ; Xiao, R (2012); “Investigating the particle dispersion in a spout-fluid bed using particle trajectory.”International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. Vol, 10; A 80.
  10. Zhang, Y; Jin, BS; Zhong, WQ; Xiao, R (2012); “Mixing and Segregation Behavior in a Spout-Fluid Bed: Effect of Particle Size.”Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 51 (43): 14247-14257.


•2012-2014Zhang, Y,“The research on irregular particle in Gas-Solid Fluidized bedmixing based on Digital Subtraction Angiographytechnology”,NationalNaturalScienceFundfor Distinguished Young Scholars(51106028).

•2011-2015Zhang, Y, “Thermochemical conversion process ofcollaborative optimization of combustiblesolid-waste”,Thirdary Subject of National973Program(2011CB2015059).

•2011-2015Zhang, Y,“The mass-energybalance and Hydrogenationprocesssimulation of oxygenated fuel system based onchemical catalytic preparation of biomass”, Secondary Subject of National973Program(22011CB201505).

•2010-2012Zhang, Y,“Investigation onnon-spherical particle motion of complex dense gas-solid system via DEM”, NationalNaturalSciencesFund (50976025).

•2009-2011Zhang, Y,“Collaborativeresearch on CO2separation by chemical-loopingcombustion in coal-firedhigh density”, International Cooperation Projects of MinistryofScience and Technology (2010DFA61960).

•2011-2012Zhang, Y,“Investigation on a SCR-DeNOx system for a 3×170t/h coal-fired boiler”, HorizontalSubject.


Address:DepartmentofThermal-EnergyEngineering,Southeast University,Nanjing, 2Sipailou,China

Phone: +86 138 519 234 54
