Workshop-cum-Training Programme


Video Production for M.Ed Students

Feb. 28 - March 4, 2011


RIE, Ajmer

Information Brochure

Central Institute of Educational Technology

National Council of Educational Research & Training

Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016

Workshop-cum-Training Organising Team

Dr. Lal Singh, Associate Prof. and Head, Script Division, CIET


Ms Maya Pandit, Script Writer, CIET

Mr. S.K. Sanyal, Cameraman, CIET

Mr. Sudhir K. Saxena, Producer, CIET

Office Assistant

Ms Rajeshwari

Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Video Production


§  To create interest in M.Ed. students about video programmes.

§  To help them to understand the process of video programme on educational issues through hands-on experience.

§  To produce 5 to 10 minutes video programme (up to shooting level)


§  Use of video players

§  Use of video camera

§  Use of video programmes

§  Use of video script

Course Objectives:

The participants will be able to

-  Find out the topics for video programmes in the subjects

-  Awareness about the steps for the video scripts

-  Appreciate the educational video programmes

-  Know the simple steps for the development of video programmes

Course content:

-  Steps of video production

-  Appreciation of educational video programmes

-  Understanding of video scripts

-  Use of video in education

-  Script writing

-  Shooting process of video programme

-  Final shots for editing


31 M.Ed. students of RIE, Ajmer

Resource persons:

The Workshop-cum-Training sessions and other activities related to script development and shooting of video programmes guided by professional in the field. Dr. Lal Singh, Associate Professor, CIET; Ms. Maya Pandit, Script Writer, CIET; Shri S.K. Sanyal, Cameraman, CIET and Shri Sudhir Saxena, Producer CIET will participate as Resource Persons.

Prof. K.B. Rath, Principal, RIE Ajmer will inaugurate the programme on 28th Feb.

Venue: RIE Ajmer, Phone: 0145 - 2643720 Fax : 0145- 2643862

Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Video Production for M.Ed Students

at RIE Ajmer (Feb. 28 -March 4, 2011)

Date / I 10.00 AM-11.15 AM / II 11.30AM- 1.00 PM / III 2.00PM-3.15PM / IV 3.30PM- 5.00 PM
28.02.11 / §  Registration
§  Welcome & Objectives-cum-Training Programme
§  Major steps of TV Prog. Production
Dr. Lal Singh
Ms Maya Pandit / § Preview of video programmes and discussion:
- Man Ke Bhole Bhale Badal
- Kalpana Chawla
Dr. Lal Singh
Ms Maya Pandit / §  Use of video in education
§  Production & Telecast of school television programme by CIET
Dr. Lal Singh
Ms Maya Pandit / §  Distribution of scripts in groups and overview of scripts by participants
§  Reaction on scripts
§  Discussion with resource persons on scripts
Ms Maya Pandit
Dr. Lal Singh
01.03.11 / §  Discuss the steps of scripts.
§  Preview of programme on mathematic Kit
Ms Maya Pandit
Dr. Lal Singh / Group exercise:
Topic selection, Development of objective and programme brief.
Ms Maya Pandit
Dr. Lal Singh / Discuss the different formats of scripts & preview of video programmes
Ms Maya Pandit
Dr. Lal Singh / Group exercise:
Development of scripts
Ms Maya Pandit
Dr. Lal Singh
02.03.11 / Group exercise:
Development of scripts
Ms Maya Pandit
Dr. Lal Singh / Group exercise:
Discussion on scripts
Ms Maya Pandit,
Dr. Lal Singh,
Sh.S.K.Sanyal & S.K. Saxena / §  Shots planning based on script
Ms Maya Pandit
Dr. Lal Singh
Sh.S.K.Sanyal & Sh.S.K. Saxena / §  Selection of location, resources etc.
Ms Maya Pandit
Dr. Lal Singh
Sh.S.K.Sanyal & Sh.S.K. Saxena
03.03.11 / Shooting of Ist script
Dr. Lal Singh, Shri S.K. Sanyal, Sh. S.K.Saxena, Ms Maya Pandit
& Participants / Shooting of script
Dr. Lal Singh, Shri S.K. Sanyal & Sh. S.K.Saxena, Ms Maya Pandit / Group discussion on shooting
Dr. Lal Singh ,Shri S.K. Sanyal, Sh. S.K.Saxena, Ms Maya Pandit / Group discussion on shooting
Dr. Lal Singh,
Shri S.K. Sanyal,
Sh. S.K.Saxena,
Ms Maya Pandit
04.03.11 / Shooting of IInd script
Ms Maya Pandit , Dr. Lal Singh, Shri S.K. Sanyal, Sh. S.K.Saxena / Shooting of script
Ms Maya Pandit , Dr. Lal Singh, Shri S.K. Sanyal
Sh. S.K.Saxena / Discussion on shooting of IInd script, Dr. Lal Singh Shri S.K. Sanyal, Sh. S.K.Saxena, Ms Maya Pandit / Valedictory

Enclosure I

Central Institute of Educational Technology, NCERT

Workshop-cum-Training Programme


Video Production for M.Ed Students

Feb. 28 - March 4, 2011


RIE, Ajmer

Proforma for the Participants

Name of the Institution
Address of the Institution
Institutional Phone Number (with STD Code)
Fax Number
Residential Address
Residential Phone Number (with STD Code)
Mobile Number (if any)
Email address (required)
Preferably gmail and/or Yahoo mail
Educational Qualifications
Teaching experience (If any)
Areas of Interest related to Script writing
Purpose of participating in the workshop

Place: Date:

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