Welcome to Hanes Magnet School, home of the Dragons. We are looking forward to a great school year. This handbook is a very important tool. You will find important information that will be helpful to you this school year.
School Colors: Purple, Gold and White
School Mascot: Dragon
Vision: Hanes Magnet School focuses on student centered learning by providing experiences that motivate all students through a rigorous and technologically enhanced curriculum that inspires creative, critical and analytical thinking.
Mission: Hanes Magnet School will prepare student to excel in STEM fields of study that lead to successful 21st century careers as leaders and innovators.
Administrative and Support Staffs
Lisa Duggins, Principal
Myra Brown, Assistant Principal
Reggie Hunt, Assistant Principal
Main Office Staff
Velma Shore, Financial Secretary
Gail Harmon, Secretary
Guidance Staff
Richard Austin, Lead Counselor
Deidra Brown, Guidance Counselor
Kirsti Williams, Data Manager
Policies and Procedures
Students at Hanes Magnet School are expected to work hard and abide by school rules. All students should help us maintain a positive and productive learning environment and a culture that is respectful and tolerant.
Please read and review these policies and procedures with your parents and families.
Updates and revisions to this handbook will be communicated to students and posted on our school webpage.
SOAR Behavior Expectations Matrix
Hallways/Stairwell / Cafeteria / Bathroom / Arrival/
Dismissal Area / Assemblies/
Safety / -Hands and feet to yourself-Right side of hallway
-Move in the correct direction / -Hands and feet to yourself
-Sit in appropriate location/seat
-3 rule / -Hands and feet to yourself
-Use facilities properly / -Hands and feet to yourself
-Be in the appropriate location
-Move in the correct direction / -Hands and feet to yourself
-Remain in appropriate
Ownership / -Have hall pass-Keep hallways clean / -Clean tables and floors
-Appropriate use of food / -Always flush and wash hands / -Proper use of facilities
-Keep areas clean / -Proper use of facilities
-Keep areas clean
Achieve / -Go directly to class / -Complete all business in a timely manner / -Complete all businessin a timely manner / -Walk directly to and stay in assigned area / -Stay in assigned space
-Participate appropriately
Respect / -Voice level 1-Use school appropriate language
-Respond to all staff and students appropriately / -Voice level 2
-Use school appropriate
-Respond to all staff and
students appropriately / -Voice level 2
-Use school appropriate
-Respect all peers within the bathroom space / -Voice level 2
-Use school appropriate
-Comply with designated
staff in all areas / -Voice Level 0
-Be mindful of speaker
-Adhere to designated noise level
-Be respectful to speaker, staff, and
Grading Policy
Hanes will follow the standard scale below to assign letter grades for quarter work. Individual teachers will establish grading policies and procedures for their classes, and their grades will correspond with this scale. Students receiving an Incomplete, must complete missing work within 4 weeks of the end-of-quarter, or the "INC" will convert to an "F.”
A / 90-100 / Superior PerformanceB / 80-89 / Good Performance
C / 70-79 / Satisfactory Performance
D / 60-69 / Minimal Performance
F / 59 & below / Failing
Exams (EOGs, EOCs, Final Exams)
Students will take exams at the end of the year. EOG tests and NC Final Exams count 20% of a student’s final grade in a course. For high school courses, the EOC or Final Exam will count 20% of a student’s final grade and the EOG test will count as a fourth quarter test grade. For more information about this, please see Board policy 5124.
Students taking Math 1, Math 2 and Earth and Environmental Science are required to take not only the NCFE and EOC, but they must also take the end of grade exams for their grade level. If a student has taken three years of a world language in middle school, they are eligible to take the world language assessment at the end of the 8th grade year to be eligible for high school credit. Career and Technical education classes must also take a VoCATS assessment at the end of the year as well. The assessments are all required by the state and by the district.
Report Cards/Progress Reports
Report cards are distributed every nine weeks. All students will receive progress reports on a periodic basis. Parents are encouraged to utilize the PowerSchool Parent Assist program to view their child’s progress at any time. To obtain access, parents will need to provide a valid ID and completed request form to our school’s data manager, Kirsti Williams.
Progress Report dates: Sept 21 (core), Oct 5 (core/encore), Oct 26 (core), Nov 30 (core), Dec 14 (core/encore),
Jan 11 (core), Feb 15 (core), March 1 (core/encore), March 15 (core), April 26 (core), May 10 (core/encore), May 24 (core)
Make-up Work
Students are responsible for making up all work missed due to absences from school. Each teacher will discuss make-up procedures during the first week of class. Parents are encouraged to review these procedures with their children at the beginning of the year and again each quarter during the school year. Make-up work should be completed promptly. Students have one school day for every day of absence to complete their make-up work.
Homework is essential to success at Hanes Magnet School. Doing homework will help students develop many valuable skills such as good study habits, time management, responsibility, and perseverance. Teachers will assign homework that is purposeful and appropriate for the subject area. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and turn in homework on time. If students or parents have questions about homework, they should contact the teacher who assigned it.
Academic Awards
Honor Roll
Students who maintain a “B” average, with no D’s or F’s, will be recognized as Honor Roll members.
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)
The criteria for student membership in NJHS are below:
Scholarship - Has attended the school for one semester, - Is in the 7th or 8th grade, -Has a minimum "B" average (no D’s or F’s)
Character - Exemplifies the seven school character traits, - Receives no D-1's
Leadership - Successfully holds position(s) of responsibility in school and community
Service - Volunteers at school and the community, - Supports group service projects at school and in the community
Citizenship - Is involved in extracurricularand/or community activities
Students under the age of 16 are required by North Carolina law to attend school on a regular basis. When it is necessary for students to miss school, parents should send a note to the homeroom teacher with the following information:
--Date of excuse
--Reason for absence
--Date of absence
--Signature of the parent/guardian
The following reasons constitute a valid excuse for an absence:
--Illness or injury
--Death in the immediate family
--Medical or dental appointments
--Court or administrative proceedings
--Religious observances
An absence will be coded unexcused if a note is not received within three (3) days of the absence. Excessive unexcused absences will be reported to the social worker and the district attorney. If a student misses ten (10) or more days, the student is not eligible to participate in after-school activities, except tutoring or after-school detention. Students with 10 unexcused absences may be required to bring a doctor's note when absent from school.
Students must be at school by 10:55 to be counted present for the day. If they are signing out and not returning they must sign out after 10:55 to be counted present for a full day. Parents needing to sign a student out of school early should do so prior to 1:55. After 1:55 we will no longer call classrooms to sign students out. Signing out during this time is disruptive to dismissal.
Parents who wish to take their children out of school for an educational trip must seek the approval of the principal. There is a form on the Hanes website that will need to be completed and submitted two weeks prior to the trip.
Students are expected to be in homeroom by 7:40 a.m. Students on late arriving buses will not be marked tardy. Bus students will sign-in at the bus lot for late arrivals. Students arriving after 7:40 a.m. should report to the main office to receive a tardy slip. A written excuse from the parent/guardian must accompany the student upon arrival, or the parent/guardian should sign the student into the main office. Valid reasons for excused tardies/absences are: medical appointments, illness, death in the family, legal obligations and other appointments with professionals. Ten unexcused tardies to school equals one daily absence.
Students who are late to class will face the following consequences. Loss of privileges includes but is not limited to: silent lunch, revoked locker privileges, and removal from field trip/special event opportunities.
1st tardy – warning
2nd tardy – parent contact
3rd tardy – loss of privileges & parent notification
4th tardy – office referral
School Dress Code
Hanes Magnet School will continue to have a Standard Mode of Dress for all students and staff. Students are expected to be in Standard Mode of Dress from the time they enter the building in the morning through the time they exit the building in the afternoon (students in PE should change back into SMOD before going home).
A dress code check will be performed daily after the morning announcements. Students who change out of dress code for class presentations will remain in their classroom or on their hallway. They should change back into SMOD following the presentation activity.
On game days, athletic team members may be allowed to wear their uniform/team top with SMOD bottoms. Coaches will provide team members with further details for each sport. Spirit days, on which students may wear spirit t-shirts, or non-SMOD days may be designated by the Principal.
The school's Standard Mode of Dress is as follows:
●Bottoms must be khaki (tan/beige) or black. The garment must have belt loops and functioning pockets.
●Garments should be worn above the hipbone. Sagging pants are not allowed. If sagging pants are worn, zip ties will be given.
●Dresses should be black or khaki and should be no more than a dollar length above the bottom of the knee cap.
●Tights and leggings are not allowed unless there is a skirt over them that meets dress code.
●Exercise/athletic pants or exercise/athletic shorts are not allowed.
●All shorts and skirts should be no more than a dollar length above the bottom of the knee cap.
Inappropriate Appropriate
●Collared long or short sleeve shirts are allowed: Knit/Cotton (Polo) shirts and oxford shirts (must be buttoned)
●All shirts must be in a solid color of: white, black, khaki (tan/beige), purple and yellow/gold.
●Only small logos only are allowed the size of a business card or smaller. Large logos are not allowed.
●Hanes Magnet T-shirts or round neck thick cotton shirts in SMOD colors may be worn.
● Any oversized top, reaching more than a dollar bill length above the knee cap, must be tucked in.
●All shirts must have a full sleeve, round neck and must be appropriately buttoned so cleavage is not exposed.
Inappropriate Appropriate
Other Garments
●Outer garments worn at school should meet SMOD requirements. Non-SMOD items may not be draped, tied around the waist, carried, or worn inside-out during the school day. Vests, sweaters, light jackets, or sweatshirts must be a solid color of white, black, purple, yellow/gold, or khaki (tan/beige).
●Students going to or coming from classes in the mobile units should remain in SMOD during class changes.
●Students’ winter coats must be in SMOD colors.
●Small logos on jackets, sweaters, or hoodies are allowed (business card size or smaller), large logos not allowed.
●Hanes hoodies may be worn, but a SMOD top must be underneath.
●Visible layered garments must be SMOD colors.
Appropriate Inappropriate
Other Considerations
●Oversized, undersized and skin tight garments are not allowed.
●Students may not wear, carry, or display bandanas of any type or color.
●Sheer garments, if worn, should be worn over a SMOD approved garment.
●Hats and head coverings are not to be worn in the building (except for religious purposes).
Note: Non-SMOD garments will be traded for a SMOD garment. All borrowed SMOD garments must be returned in order to receive the clothing you exchanged.
Consequences for Dress Code Violations
Homeroom teachers will conduct a dress code check each morning. SMOD violations will be tracked and students will receive the following consequences.
▪For each instance, students will have the option of changing into SMOD or calling home for a change of clothes. Students who borrow SMOD items will relinquish their clothing items in exchange for the SMOD items. Students’ clothes will be returned when they return the borrowed items. Students may return to class once they are in dress code.
▪1st and 2nd offenses: Students will receive warnings.
▪3rd offense: Parent contact
▪Subsequent offenses may result in ISS, OSS or another disciplinary consequence.
▪Confiscated items should be picked up by parents within 2 weeks. Items that are not picked up within that time will be donated.
▪Staff members and the school are not liable for confiscated items that are lost, stolen or not picked up.
On occasion we will have days where students are allowed to come to school out of SMOD. Below are guidelines students must follow on those days. Failure to follow these may result in the student calling the parent to bring a change of clothes or ISS. It may also jeopardize future non SMOD events.
●Pants may not sag.
●Pants with holes must have something under them.
●Tops with straps need to have straps that are at least three fingers wide or have a shirt with sleeves worn under it
●Cleavage/midriffs cannot be exposed
●No pajamas
●Shorts and skirts must follow school dress code length
●Clothing may not advertise alcohol or drugs
●Hats and heavy coats will still not be allowed in the building.
Student Activities and After School Clubs
Hanes Magnet school offers a range of activities that will enrich student development during or after school.
Club / Sponsor / Club / SponsorBattle of the Books / April Washburn / No’bacco / Desirae Clodfelter
First Lego League / TBD / Odyssey of the Mind / Jennifer Solis
Future City / John Boyd/Lauren Miller / Rocket/TARC / David Draper
Girls of Distinction / Lashonda Pressley / Science Olympiad / Dave Bombick
Jazz Band / Mary Kate Choat / Show Choir / Catie Hitzigrath
Math Counts / Ashley McBride/Adam Cross / Student Council / Jennifer Flanagan
Model UN / Patrick Velde / Technology Student Assoc. / Natalie Norman/John Boyd
National Academic League / Courtney Haas / Yearbook / Anna Short
National Junior Honor Society / TBD
Field Trips
Field trips are an integral part of the instructional program. Students should demonstrate excellent behavior on trips and represent our school well. Students who have repeated documented instances of inappropriate behavior and disregard for school rules, may be denied the opportunity to participate on field trips. Students will wear standard mode of dress for all field trips unless otherwise approved by the principal. Field trip deposits and payments are non-refundable, unless otherwise indicated on field trip information forms. If a student decides not to participate or becomes ineligible, they will forfeit their payment.
After School Activity Procedures
Students may remain after school for clubs, athletic activities, tutorials, or detention. Students may lose their privilege to stay after school if the following procedures are not followed:
▪Students should report directly to the auditorium when called at dismissal and remain there until the sponsor of the activity picks up students.
▪Students should be picked up within 10 minutes of the end of their activity. Coaches and sponsors will communicate end times to parents.
▪Students should follow all school rules for appropriate behavior. Students who do not behave for after-school activities will be asked to leave the activity and not return.
We cannot provide supervision or be responsible for students who remain on campus after 2:25 p.m. and are not involved in school activities. Any student staying for an after school event must make prior arrangements for transportation home.Students will be taken to the front lobby (by the main office) once their event is over.Students should be picked up within 10 minutes of the established ending time of their activity. Students may lose their right to participate in after school activities if they are picked up late on a consistent basis.
Students who come to PTSA meetings or band concerts must remain seated with their parents if they are not participating in the program.
Interscholastic Athletics
Seventh and eighth grade students may participate in interscholastic athletics. Sports offered are:
▪Cross Country
Students must meet the criteria shown below for participation in a sport:
▪Be properly assigned to a school and have missed less than 10 days the previous semester at any school,