NH DESWatershed Assistance Grant Program

Quality Assurance Checklist for BMP Implementation Pollutant Load Analysis

Under the New Hampshire Section 319 NonpointSource Grant Program QAPP (RFA# 08262)

Date Initiated;

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Title: Pollutant Load Model QA ChecklistDate: 12/19/12

Author: J. McCarthyRev#: 0

Project Title:Grant Number:

Organization:Submitted by:

Relevant Project Objectives:

Relevant Documents

Type / Title / Location/Link or Attached
Watershed Based Plan (WBP)
Project Proposal (PP)
Grant Agreement (GA)
Other (OTR)

Project Information

This is a watershed implementation project for the purpose of installing best management practices to address nonpoint source pollution.The following information is included in the watershed management plan, project proposal, or the grant scope of work, as identified below:


Project organization, including identification of project staff roles, principal data users, decision makers, subcontractors, and communication pathways.

Project site information, including location, municipal and waterbody names, acreage, river miles, watershed background, and land uses.

Project rationale, including the purpose of the project, pollutants of concern, and relevant scientific or regulatory background information.

Project description, including the questions to be answered through this modeling work and the purpose of the modeling data being generated.

Project schedule including submission of final work products and project completion date.

Comments: ______


Model Information

This project will use the following EPA and/orDES approved pollutant load reduction model(s) to estimate the water quality benefit of BMP implementation:

STEPL – Spreadsheet Tool for Estimating Pollutant Load

Region 5 Model

NH Residential Loading Model

NH Simple Method


Designated project staff tasked with running the model(s) have completed all threeof the following training activities:

Read the model user guide, instructions and the relevant project documents listed above.

Read the New Hampshire Section 319 NonpointSource Grant Program Quality Assurance Project Plan.

Consulted with NH DES Watershed Assistance Section staff regarding model selection and use.

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Title: Pollutant Load Model QA ChecklistDate: 12/19/12

Author: J. McCarthyRev#: 0

Approval Signatures

Signing this document verifies that this project meets the quality assurance requirements for pollutant load estimate modeling for watershed implementation projects under the New Hampshire Section 319 Nonpoint Source Grant Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, RFA# 08262, October 17, 2008, and that project staff have completed the training necessary to run the loading analysis. Insert additional lines into the table below as needed to fully represent project staff.

Project Role / Name / Phone/Email / Project Responsibilities / Signature / Date
Project Manager
Technical Manager/QA Officer
DES Project Manager / Reviews and oversees projects funded by DES 319 program
Other (TBD or N/A)
Other (TBD or N/A)
Program QA Coordinator / Jillian McCarthy / 603-271-8475
/ Reviews QAPP preparation and other QA/QC activities
NHDES QA Manager / Vincent Perelli / 603-271-8989
/ Reviews and approves QA/QC documents
US EPA Project Manager (for receipt) / Erik Beck / 617-918-1606
/ Review QA/QC documents

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Title: Pollutant Load Model QA ChecklistDate: 12/19/12

Author: J. McCarthyRev#: 0